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Everything posted by Rachis

  1. http://www.twitch.tv...his01/c/4520713 Roughly 25 minutes of TM and I going at it.
  2. Apparently, you need to invest heavily into Adaptability for it to do anything. So the 3 to 20 comparison video may be useless. I've found multiple sources that the scaling for Adaptability does not match other stats; that you get more as you invest more. I don't see a reason to not believe it considering the game tells you what you're getting. The magic number seems to be 38. Either way, raising the PvP SL is going to allow guys to completely bypass Adaptability if they so choose and they'll be incredibly strong because their characters can use whatever they want. I think it's best if the community just ignores this stat. Having an extra 30+ levels to play with that potentially don't have to go into Adaptability is going to be dangerous. 130 seems perfectly reasonable to me with the addition of Vitality and the relationship Dark and Pyro has with the Faith/Intelligence stats.
  3. I feel dumber for having watched that.
  4. Rachis


    Dems fightin werds
  5. 1st - Design 14 2nd - Design 12 3rd - Design 1
  6. 1st - Design 1 2nd - Design 6 3rd - Design 9
  7. 1st - Design 7 2nd - Design 5 3rd - Design 1
  8. 1st - Design 8 2nd - Design 3 3rd - Design 7
  9. Rachis


    It gives 100% chance to flee wild pokemon encounters. It's an item that your pokemon hold.
  10. Rachis


    2551-4552-1280 I added you dudes.
  11. THAT GUY has a fantastical sense of humor.
  12. Rachis


    Kangaskhan seems to be one of the best normal-types in X/Y, but the problem is that dudes don't have to be picky with how they take her out since she takes neutral damage from everything. Moveset is hella versatile though. But while I'm talking about versatility, I would probably take Nidoking over Kangaskhan =/
  13. Rachis


    That swimmer was so dirty. The wife and I agreed that she wants the D.
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