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SPC BOOST-50/0/50/0



OK. In my recent joining of the Xbox community, I have come to realize that things are very different here.


It was a big change indeed. PS3 had pretty much nothing but slow ass backpedalers. Hardly any skillful players, and nearly all of them are slow. After temptations from IronSoul, and my birthday coming close, I decided to get an Xbox.


Now. I come on here and am instantly amazed. Shit's cool as a mofo on Xbox. PS3 ain't got jack shit on Xbox, and that's a fact. Xbox has the ability to play music while playing, talk to people on mics CONSTANTLY, has a better XMB, focuses more on GAMING than DOING EVERYTHING, etc.


Also, the competition for FA is much, much better. Everyone moves faster than a damn snail and some can fight. I've fought quite a few super laggers, which were pretty much invincible to the craziest of arms fire. The connections are much better than PS3's.


So, I come here, and am instantly owned. It's pretty fucking awesome. I love a damn challenge. Before this, I was on a forced hiatus from ACFA. My PS3 broke 4 times and I couldn't get ANY practice in. Even BEFORE my PS3 broke, I hardly played. Looking back at PSN's competition, I can see why.


Now I have a reason to play FA, and I am getting rid of rusty status, slowly but surely.


Anyway, now onto the AC at hand.




I usually run a MW of some sort, but the incredible and sudden change in speed has really made me change my playstyle. I also do not like to run from anyone or whore cover and what not. I'm like a spartan from the movie 300; Overly persistent and fierce, but at times, very stupid. So, I decided to run a LW with *GASP* Aaliyah mains.


As some of you may know, I am quite the Latona user. That shit don't fly too well on here. On a LW, maybe, but definitely not on a MW.




Soluh head was chosen for low EN cost and incredible stability, which I do remember it having the best stability of ALL heads.


WG core was chosen to balance out the defense of this AC. It is also relatively light. WG core and arms, as you may know, has incredible stats.


Latona arms were chosen for their low EN cost. When I first started playing again, my boosting abilities were shot. They still are, but they're a little better. Anyway, my boosting was fucked up, I always lost energy so fast. I simply couldn't boost right after all this time NOT playing. I tried to make this AC as low EN cost as possible for surplus energy.


Judith legs were chosen to keep this thing light and quick. Judith legs are low EN cost with decent turning ability. Better defense and stability than Latona and Lahire, I think.


Motorcobra was chosen for its performance and my refusal to use dual rifles, which I am reconsidering. Motorcobra doesn't do as well on the Xbox and I'm thinking about changing it to another rifle.


AR-0700 was chosen mainly for its low EN cost. It also performs like a dream. This thing can hit with great precision, but is low on ammo. Apparently rifles are jacked on 360. DRs could hardly do shit on the PS3, then I come on here and half the people on here are using them. I'm kinda forced to use DRs now because their damage rate is ridiculous, MGs aren't very good here unless DAMN close, and because I don't really like any other ballistic arm weapon BUT rifles and MGs.


MP-O601JC was chosen for its rapid-fire capability. I haven't used this missile since regulation 1.20, so I decided to give it a whirl. It performs nicely, is low EN cost, and can fire hella fast. Excellent pressure and damage weapon.


Kamal is chosen for CQC purposes. Thing is beast. On PS3 I couldn't hit with this thing to save my life. On the Xbox, it is a valuable tool.


Aaliyah mains are straight beast. They have great speed in all areas. The vert lift is great also.


Latona and Judith for the rest. They're low EN cost parts and they do their job.


Judith is my favorite FCS. Balanced stats. Good FCS all round.





That's my best AC so far. I'll be sure to make ACs with dual rifles due to their ridiculously impressive performance.


I am getting my edge back, and with this competition, even more. I've liked my performance so far considering my time away from the game AND the different fish in this ocean.


Fuck PS3.

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Why are you using JC without any support missiles? While JC is really good, it's also one of the missile sets that benefits more from supports. You may want to consider the BFF spreads. WG-Core isn't worth the loss of extra attack power you get with JC+Supports, if you ask me.
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Cool, though I can't really say anything because I have no experience with LW bipeds in fA. About the dual rifles though, try not to get too attached to them since you're in SWAT.


Edit: Oh, you don't even use them at all do you. Reading large post + me being tired = me making mistakes.


Oh, and do you second stage now?


Haha, you'd be surprised. I'm seeing members of SWAT using DRs. Pretty ridiculous, if you ask me.


I do have an AC with DRs, but I don't really use it. While people talk of XBL being a more CQC environment, it really isn't. There are only a few people who'll get close to you. I've been impressed so far by Xbox's features and connectivity, but definitely not the players. It is quite sad.


And yes, yes I do second stage now. Dude, on an Xbox, it is like riding a bike. It is SO EASY compared to PS3's SSing.




Why are you using JC without any support missiles? While JC is really good, it's also one of the missile sets that benefits more from supports. You may want to consider the BFF spreads. WG-Core isn't worth the loss of extra attack power you get with JC+Supports, if you ask me.


Well. With this AC, as I've said before, I really wanted to keep the drain down. I wanted my maneuvering to be as useful as possible, which means I won't bottom out while boosting all over the place. Therefore I didn't think it was a good idea to use relations. I am also using WG core, obviously, which you've pointed out. But yeah, it all comes down to me wanting surplus energy.


It kinda is redundant, though. About 9/10 players use flares, and about 9/10 of players use missiles while having flares. And about 8/10 players, so far, are backpedalers. All my energy doesn't do any good when I fight backpedalers all the damn time, and with the range they're at, missiles are useless too. When I get close, their flares can only do so much because I time when to fire, but their playstyle really messes that up.

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PS3 had pretty much nothing but slow ass backpedalers. Hardly any skillful players, and nearly all of them are slow.



While people talk of XBL being a more CQC environment, it really isn't. There are only a few people who'll get close to you. I've been impressed so far by Xbox's features and connectivity, but definitely not the players. It is quite sad.

And about 8/10 players, so far, are backpedalers.

Edited by TMRaven
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Yeah I should've added that too. Xbox is far greater in skill compared to PS3. Styles may still be the same, but Xbox does it much, much better. I'm only "disappointed" because there weren't as many CQC people as I thought there was. To me, CQC is the only real form of combat. Backpedaling isn't, and I sure as hell ain't gonna get the rust off of me by fighting backpedalers.
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