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Harakiri Tiger

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i just started playing and im currently maining zerg


iccup id is [ACDC]



oh shit that was you yesterday? okay then i'll add you [/f a [ACDC]] on iccup soon.


I found hotkeying your unit-producing buildings to give you way more freedom to micro your current units in battle. Doing so foregoes the hassle of having to constantly switch between battle and base to pump out your units. However it could be troublesome if you're terran and you're hotkeying factories, as you have to remember which ones have addons and which ones don't. If you're hotkeying barracks however, knock yourself out. Same can be said for protoss I guess.


I found myself to gain on average of 20apm by hotkeying unit-producing buildings, and I barely had to play with much more concentration or vigor than I usually do (which isn't much, I'm lazy) My average apm went from 50 to 70, and I found myself moving my units around slightly more in battle.


i'm trying to hotkey my buildings while being produced and then removing them after use. (i.e. building a cybernetics core and using the S-hotkey to res singularity then use the hotkey i normally would use ("#2" then "s") for anothe gateway). basically doing what TM is doing, to improve upon efficient APM.


I've gotten upto a decent average of 20-35APM which is a 15% from my usual 10-24APM per game because right now i'm trying to work on a decent build order to stop any one rush in the normal game (vultr harass, crackling rush against fe etc.).


Also I've noticed that LS is probably the best "SC Noob" in the ACU bunch besides Drake, but Drake abuses proxy basing and that can hurt him in the long run since it's very predictable.


EDIT: I think that a zealot rush with ht back up could go really good against any zerg player who's in D/D- right now, but i've got to work on my hotkeys before doing so. I've got to get up to where LCC is. I shouldn't be in D- as long as i've been playing.

Edited by BlooDaNyukka
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Drake is nowhere near the best. LS has some great potential, though his lag will limit him from capatilizing on it. Alex would beat nearly all of you with any race. Exorcet is horrible. Noob and Person have very good potential. ^Slaanesh is getting better with every match it plays. Gary needs more practice, yet is still pretty even with the rest. Hated Aries and Video Vixen haven't played in a while, as far as I know, but they still had good potential. Especially VV. She caught on quick. Matt did great with a touchpad a long time ago, but probably doesn't play much anymore. Dark is using a bunch of races, so he's not progressing very fast, but he's still fully capable of beating people. Tsuranga and Pendragon have a long standing family feud. KDanji hasn't been on in forever, but he's still about even with the rest of you I bet. Bloo drops out of games a lot, which limits his experience. TMRaven likes wheelbarrow.


LCC and Niji suck at this game and should just quit.




EDIT: Fuck Kakumei.

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I've gotten upto a decent average of 20-35APM which is a 15% from my usual 10-24APM per game...


You need to go back to math class. 24 to 20 (the highest set from the first data to the lowest from the second set) is an increase of 20% and 10 to 35 (the lowest from the first data to the highest from the second set) is an increase of 250%. In other words, your APM showed an increase from 20% to 250%.


The thing is though, your average APM only increased by about 10. That's not impressive at all. Plus, 27-28 average APM is still awful. I should know since that's around my APM. CB and /b/ average 60-70 and they'd still be really low on the ladder.

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60 APM is ideal for the strategic levels you guys are at. More won't really help and neither will less. Once you hit 60 APM you'll be freed up to properly focus on build orders, macro, and think about the game as you play it.


350 APM is the average for pro's. So 50 is 1/7th of the assumed max. That's not too bad. You guys are putting a bit too much weight behind APM, though. Really, what it's supposed to represent is multi-tasking ability. So it's better to just list your Macro APM and then link to FPVoD's of yourself playing so we can tell you if you're moving your screen enough. Moving your screen is more important than your APM.

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No, higher is always betetr at low levels. Just as long as you're DOING something with it and not spamming higher apm will always help out even if you don't know what you should be doing.
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CB and /b/ average 60-70 and they'd still be really low on the ladder.



correction: i POTENTIALLY could average 60-70 APM if i used hotkeys (which im trying to practice).

i average like 40-45 pure clickage


unless i really am averaging 60-70. i dont look at the APM, niji and b do it for me

Edited by noob
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That's just it. I don't think they can think faster than 60APM's worth right now. So they're very unlikely to be doing more with more APM. Most of the time what I see is that people aren't moving their screen enough, so they're oblivious to other things to do. I know because I do it, too. I think their main focus should be macro APM and keyboard shortcuts/hotkeys right now as far as increasing APM goes. Most of it seems to be a rush to just get a high APM number, though. Which is likely just a lot of micro spam.


I can understand APM being useful at low end, but even at 100 I feel like most of my own APM just isn't worth as much as simply stabilizing my macro play and adding basic goals to the games I play.


I just really don't think they can utilize more than 60, but I could be wrong. I honestly don't remember my own APM growth or how I got it higher or whether it made much of a difference. I just remember starting at 50 and then being 70 and then being 90 and then being 120. It all felt very similar to me, though. It was when I started to get my macro down and focus my builds into a late game goal that I finally felt like I had any real progress, but that could easily be because you were just about the only person I ever really played, too. Haha.

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No pretty much everything i did was bad. Macro, hotkey screwup on the early tanks, not setting up turrets or making dships, slacking on scv production, etc. It also didn't help that i had basically no plan going into that game.
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That's a big fuckin shark!


So my macro is becoming pretty boss for a scrub. I haven't gotten units trapped in over a week! And I pretty much have units being pumped all the time. My old problem was having too many resources. Now I don't seem to ever have enough lol. I've been expanding, but my next task is going to be learning how to keep production up in my main while getting my natural booted up as quickly as possible. It usually takes a long time to get my natural kicking in because by that time I'm distracted with other shit. I would hate to have to assign a hotkey to my natural CC, but for some reason my F3 and F4 hotkeys will not work. Fuck this laptop!


Just been doing Terran vs Zerg shit. I figure if I do the same matchup over and over again it gives me a chance to focus more on how I'm playing the game rather than having to think up strategies. The whole strategy/build order shit can come later when I'm actually learning to play against people. For now I'm trying to build up a decent foundation. My average APM has bumped up to roughly 60, but I feel like I'm getting more use out of the 60 than I was the 50. Like I'm not just playing faster, but I'm getting more out of those actions as well. You guys picking up what I'm throwing down?

Edited by Wrenchis
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F keys are assigned by using shift + F2-4 instead of ctrl, just to be sure you're aware. Making stuff out of 8 rax, 2fac, and 1-2 port against z is the hardest thing to macro/control in starcraft. It's really really good though. Mech is a lot easier but requires more game sense and scouting, or your opponent can just be really bad and doesn't know how to fight mech.





Hint: everyone on acu sucks so go mech.

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