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Life, news, gaming, and other stuff. All served with a sprinkling of Niji.

Entries in this blog

An ACU To-Do List (Updated: May 26th, 2011)

Lately I've been procrastinating more than I should be, so I felt I should make a to-do list for ACU. This way everyone can see what I'm planning on doing and what I'm getting done, as well as see if their suggestions are being considered. Not everything on this list will get done anytime soon, since some of it is unrealistic for a short-term goal. I figure this will help me stay more focused on what I need to do, though.   My problem is that I just don't have the time and energy to do all of th

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

Rush Hour!

So, I haven't been able to work on ACU at all in the past two days since I was reformatting my PC and adjusting everything to the custom settings I like. I've barely gotten anything done at all and probably shouldn't be typing up a blog post, but I need to take a bit of a break. Procrastination is a part of my DNA, I think. I look for reasons to do it all the time.   I still need to upload all my PS2 AC savegame data for the Downloads section, a bunch of images to the Gallery, fix some skins for

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

One Small Step for Niji, One Giant Leap for ACU

I finally have Internet at work! Yay!   Now when I'm sitting there staring at a wall for 10 hours I can instead be staring at the Internet! I just ordered the stuff yesterday and I should be getting it installed and setup by this Thursday, which is tomorrow. This means that the amount of time I have left to work on ACU before opening day just increased exponentially. Instead of just 4-6 hours left, I have nearly 36 hours of potential time. I'll most likely spend 99% of that time procrastinating

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

Working on ACU!

I just finished cleaning up the Forum!   Thinking up names for the User Rank Titles was easy enough. I just used the ones from another forum of mine with a slight bit of tweaking! They fit in just the way I was hoping they would. Which is good for me, because I was worried at first that they would seem awkward. Streamlined seems to always flow better than specific. I'm sure someone will gripe.   All the current User Groups are finished as well. Their permissions are set and I don't think they'll

Harakiri Tiger

Harakiri Tiger

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