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Everything posted by Nomrah

  1. Alright, thanks for the informative answer. Something new for me to experience, I could go for some large bursts of speed. I skipped all of AC4/FA and its QB antics so the concept is still new to me. Also do you foresee manual aiming with the sniper cannons as being an actual viable strategy in competitive play? I believe I saw something about having to scan for targets, does this create possible opportunities to hide and set up effective ambushes? Hope you don't mind all my questions, just trying to get a feel for the new approach on gameplay and all the possible strategies it might open up.
  2. I've been watching some gameplay videos and there's something I've been noticing and I'm hoping Niji or noob may be able to clarify or confirm. The thing is that the boosting looks extremely clunky, like you can either go really slow, or extremely fast. I haven't seen any smooth bunny hopping, or agile flight motions at all, just a bunch of quick bursts upwards and then some slow hovering while mid-air. I'm hoping it's just the way the guy in the video is playing, I'd really like to still be able to control my flight as delicately as I could in the ps2 titles. Also, is there any way to leave the ground other than completely blasting off? Here's one of the vids I've been watching, that got me to ask this.
  3. Nomrah

    Video Game Music

    Finally getting around to posting a couple new favorite videogame songs. Brings me oldschool Diablo vibes in a post-apocalyptic package. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bar Theme- And this, my new favorite spin on metal... S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SOC Soundtrack Firelake - Fighting unknown-
  4. Are these Team Battles really going to be slow enough to actually utilize an operator? Or is everyone going to be too busy battling it up to even care about directions from an operator? I guess I'll have to wait for some game play footage to see how they pull off this new "tactical" edge. AC fights have always been very instinctual and "in the moment", some drastic changes would have to be made to allow for meaningful contributions from an operator.
  5. New Justin Beiber Tees at Hot Topic! Or if you prefer a little nostalgia there's an extensive line of Napoleon Dynamite merchandise.
  6. I wonder if there will be online escort missions, defending transports and such from other online players. Never mind, I don't like that idea.
  7. Yes! I knew you'd make it through to GGPO. Can't wait for the challenge. Also, hopefully b will drop in here and let me know what to put down, as well as LCC and Niji.
  8. Nomrah

    The Firearm Thread

    That is pretty cool, I'd want one right now but with a new name... I'd call it The Blunt
  9. This game looks beautiful, I'm really liking the look of the towns, and that wilderness looked superb. More survival elements please!
  10. Not sure how long that will take to come out, but I'm anticipating its release. But for the moment GGPO functions better than I expected, I'm very satisfied with its performance. I encourage anyone who has the capability and interest to play SF3:TS with the rest of us to get it going.
  11. I'm posting this thread as a meeting place for those active on Street Fighter III: Third Strike, this is mainly for those playing the game online with GGPO although exceptions may quite possibly take place in the future using other means. I'm compiling a list of everyone's GGPO ID and which characters they utilize the most. Also this can be a place to discuss anything related to the game, as well as setting up times and dates to compete. For those who want on the players list simply post your user GGPO user ID and what character(s) you mainly use and also possible secondary character(s). Here's a link to GGPO's site to get it started. http://ggpo.net/ Getting the proper ROM is another story... Here's a link provided by Niji to watch some of our battles. http://www.livestream.com/nijitenshiken Players: All I've got so far. Nomrah GGPO ID: Nomrah333 Main: Yang Secondary: Ken. 11MWK11 GGPO ID: 11MWK11 Main: Ryu Secondary: Ken. Noob GGPO ID: Nob Main: Elena Secondary: Yun, Ryu, Twelve. LCC GGPO ID: TheLCC Main: Yang, Q. Fatedshadow GGPO ID: Fatedshadow Main: Yun Neko Arc Chaos GGPO name: BlooDaBeast Main: Makoto Niji GGPO ID: Main: Ibuki Person4645 GGPO ID: Person4645 Main: Akuma http://i.imgur.com/jqzAP.png
  12. I went ahead and voted AC3 as well, although they should really put better pictures for the games. Where is Silent Hill 2? Ranger X got my vote, I was pleased to see that.
  13. Nomrah

    The Firearm Thread

    But also in 9x39. http://world.guns.ru/assault/rus/ots-14-groza-e.html And yes, Russian it is, I stand corrected.
  14. Nomrah

    The Firearm Thread

    You are an inspiration and I will be considering this, I have got a couple questions though. First off what was that one site you mentioned to me earlier that deals in AK's and checks for canted sights (not krebs but another site)? Also what price range should I be looking at for a good Saiga in .308? Also another interesting soviet weapon chambered in 9x39. OTs-14 Groza http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Nomrah/Guns/groza.jpg
  15. My man fuckin Yang finally made it! I've been waiting years for this great moment!
  16. Nomrah

    Monster Drawing

    I like this post.
  17. Nomrah

    The Firearm Thread

    In an ideal world I'd have my hands on one of these. VSS Vintorez Soviet silenced rifle used among Spetsnaz. Uses a heavy 9x39 caliber bullet with exceptional penetrative capabilities. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Nomrah/Guns/vssvintorez.jpg
  18. Nomrah


    That's news to me, too bad it sucks. Also I became excited when hearing about STALKER novels, but then I read the descriptions and it didn't sound like it had anything in common with the games, it was talking about metallic beings from the future or some shit :/. But then again, you probably already know this, but the games were primarily inspired by a Russian science fiction novel titled Roadside Picnic (Summed up here http://stalker.wikia.com/wiki/Roadside_Picnic ) So I might as well read that someday. Overall STALKER has made itself into one of my favorite franchises, it pretty much combines all my favorite things into one package.
  19. Nomrah


    I've been busy with the STALKER games for months now, I finally got a new PC that was powerful enough to play it. Finished with the first one, and I am almost done with Clear Sky. Lab X-18 is legendary
  20. I just put SC back on my computer last night and played for the first time in more than a year =P. I got ICCUP going and played two matches against LCC and Vickers, with ACM helping me out a bit. I'm anticapating more entertaining matches with all of you now that things are all set for me. ICCUP - Nomrah Race - Zerg
  21. The Ultralisk's beastly factor just went up a notch. I like what I'm seeing.
  22. Nomrah

    Monster Drawing

    Thanks for the comments. I know where you're coming from with the mouth and I'd have to say I agree. I'm glad I got two variations in though. Also thats not the first time i've heard that about the genitals, my "monster" drawings get that one alot haha. What can I say, I feel pretty avenged! Never pass up the opportunity for great vengeance.
  23. Nomrah

    Monster Drawing

    Here's a drawing I did a little more than a year ago. It was done in my sketchbook with a mechanical pencil, some darker shading pencils and a blending stick. It is a bit of a surrealistic drawing of some sort of creature or being, there's no story behind it. I had the idea and wanted to bring it out. I originally just drew the main figure to the left by itself, but decided to bring the drawing to the right more in order to balance the page. This resulted in me drawing the figure duplicate to the right as well which turned out interesting and satisfying. Let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Nomrah/armbeing.jpg
  24. I'll gladly do concept art. Just give me some direction on what you might want and I'll make an effort to get busy. I'll also note I dont think I'll be of much help for environmental design, I mainly like to draw straight up equipment, weapons and design concepts, that sort of thing.
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