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Everything posted by Vincent210

  1. Vincent210


    That's uncalled for, once upon a time, that game was respectable. Then they made an anime series... *Sigh*... Still funny to watch or do as an OCG. OT: The drawing is great, I have no opinion on the card you chose to draw however.
  2. Granted, but only Niji is allowed to play. I wish the emblem system allows you to upload your own pictures to be used as emblems.
  3. Where do I start? Okay, maybe with the fact that while it's a low amount, SCAR-H actually has kick at range. M16 has about the kick of a water gun with MW2 psyhics. That on top of 1-burst at any range basically does the work for you. And I try not to spray in someone general direction. Aiming is good. And I honestly have nothing to say one way or the other about the Mini-Uzi. I never heard of it being that good, P90 & Vector are better IMO. All guns are easy, the M16 is just too easy. The person behind just has to aim If someone's getting challenges done, they may be competent, but they are still unwittingly being an ass. And the GL is just to easy. At that point you don't even have to aim. That's what gets me. Behind an M16, all you have to do is look and fire. Not fire 1st, just fire. I can start 1st with my Mini-Uzi CQC and still die from the things spray. It's like fusing an EBR, a FAMAS, and a Spas12 in one. That's just unfair BS. Back to GLs, hefty reload isn't so hefty considering to miss with a GL on the 1st shot you have to try to miss or suddenly have your index finger cut off before firing. And it only takes one. The switch is fast on top of that, so again, even if I have better reaction time, they're just handed victory on a silver platter. This is the only thought half the MW2 population can form at this rate, outside of trolling, which, sadly, has even gotten lackluster and laughable. Whatever. I've mostly stopped playing. Actually, though I still can't grasp the reason besides sheer fun, I've started playing GTA4 again. Watching someone climb 30 sets of stairs just to push them and watch them crack their skull on half of them. Priceless. That and trapping people to the floor with fire hoses. CURRENT TOPIC: M240 is cool, I prefer the RPD and AUG myself though.
  4. Granted but all other slots are locked and it has no ammo. I wish that AC5 had an OHK Hi-Laser that uses 2 back Slots, has 10 ammo, and SC range.
  5. Vincent210


    It's not a Valley, its as BIG as a valley. And now I'm certain this is what we're looking at: http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/4/43/CyberValleyPTDN-EN-SR.png I'm guessing stating so is redundant as of this point, but I figured I'd just use this as an excuse to show the original so people may compare.
  6. Loving it, anyone want to team up with me and figure the missile spiraling trick out? also I loved the epic dodging somewhere at the 1:40-1:50 mark. I could never dodge like that.
  7. Your question is invalid, for there is no way to do this. What you want to ask is: "where can I get a capture card? Preferably not a crappy one."
  8. Well, good defense makes up for lack-luster AP anyway, but the reverse is not quite true. I'd rather have 30k and be losing 2k per hit from say a Hi-Laser or zook, instead of having 50k and taking some 4k-6k. The 50k dies in about 10 shots, the 30k about 15. I rest my case. Since this is for earlier gens just shrink numbers. The concept stays the same.
  9. Vincent210


    Not a Blue Eyes. That is the card known as "Cyber Valley" if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Ground-to-face Hi-Laser Firepower offset by a surprisingly fast quad-legged AC. I hit the ground running with Sirius+Becrux and attempt a point-balnk shot to do damage and catch the foe off-guard, and from there can branch into one of three strategies: 1. If I have caught you by surprise or you just can't seem to keep up with me, I start-up a circle-strafe and switch direction every now and then when I think you've gotten the rhythm. 2. If we both hit each other hard and do substantial damage, I'll fall into a hit-and-run strategy. I'll blast and OB, keeping a watchful eye for any signs that I've been anticipated, in which case I break formation and backpedal with some rifle-fire to give myself thinking time, and fall into the appropriate strategy afterward. 3. If you completely overwhelm me on my 1st charge I immediately go on the defensive and focus myself on keeping you in sight and at the distance most troublesome to you. If I'm out of optimum Laser range I'll simply plink until I can discover a weakness in form or if I'm in range of Lasers I'll let off barrages whenever possible (i.e. after their usual QB chain, while the foe is OBing forward) This is just how I run my staple http://i40.tinypic.com/2rxab8x.png EDIT: I went back to the 1st page to see if there were any interesting bits, noob's post toward the end made my day.
  11. Better idea, AC companies, Nexts, and story (of lack thereof) on a Starcraft-like frame. Just replace the race withs companies, and the troops with company-specific Normals & Armored Cores. Interior Union/Melies+Leonemeccania FTW.
  12. Gunslinger201 Modern Warfare 2, join my clan or be eaten by us anyway. DATA. Destruction Annihilation Terrorism Assassination, yay. Probably going to sell my friend AC4 I'll play ACFA, but you'll have to ask via message.
  13. I don't see why closed maps have to be banned. Just run a skinny stick figure AC with all rockets/missiles/koji-missiles and nuke yourself.
  14. Don't tell me you didn't make a copy, or at least put the censor bar on a different layer... Umm... your fucked.
  15. I'll definitely switch. I need a break from Commando, Spawn-Traps (due to fail-teams being fail), & perks in general. MW2 is good, this game is GREAT it would seem. Not going to set a time frame on it, I never have any spare cash in pocket
  16. There's much worse possible, at least the time was taken to censor.
  17. I'd rather not double post and the post that once filled this spot was along the lines of "I agree with you but". So instead I'll add a more substantial post in it's place: The above quote is my reasoning for declaring the following as law: Anyone who relies the on the M16 or AR attached grenade launcher (its called a n00btube for a reason, especially the OMA exploit) to play is lying if they consider themselves competent at the game in any way. Anyone uses the above and doesn't need to to earn kills is just being a total ass. I forgive use of the AT4/RPG because while it's a sure-fire kill when aimed properly, setting up the shot is a difficult gamble. They take long to switch to, to aim, and to fire with. The class I wreck with: SCAR-H Silenced (Blue Tiger) AT4-HS Claymore+Stun Scavenger Pro Danger Close Pro Ninja Pro It has 2 jobs. Clear and (re)claim a Spawn/Building/Objective, and protect a Spawn/Building/Objective. Consider that I only normally play with my clan, and that we end up playing 90% Sabotage. So I switch between this^ class for defense, and this other class for offense: Mini-Uzi Silenced G18 Silenced Semtex+Stun Marathon Pro Stopping Power Pro Ninja Pro I use the road(s) less traveled on every map it's possible to do so, and take a stealthy approach. If I can't, then I rush and break through where defenses are weakest (I look for the PSN tag of the easiest guy to kill and commence rape basically). Disscuss.
  18. I watch it on both BBC and Fox. It's just fun to watch, and you can actually pick up recipes. Stuff's good, he isn't "The" chef for nothing.
  19. I watch X-Play, and rarely Ninja Warrior, only when they announce they're going to air new episodes, since normally they repeat the same few years a good 20 times waiting for new footage. Other than that G4 sucks.
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