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Everything posted by Liarbird

  1. pre-ordered. shud be in friday or saturday. (hurr) obboyherewego
  2. I play it on 360 with some friends, its p fun.
  3. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Birgirpall is my patron saint of battlefield.
  4. Liarbird

    Dark Souls

    huuuh.. did they change around the invasion thign so that invaders can be staggeringly higher level than you? because I got one shot, twice.
  5. the world needs more good F-zero games. ALso Nebuylous in Jet Moto 2, fun times.
  6. Liarbird

    Dark Souls

    http://n4g.com/news/918752/dark-souls-dlc-exists-coming-soon not sure if troll.
  7. Oh Boy here we Go~ Yeah, this show will punch you dead in the gut.
  8. wasn't looking for a 9mm. If I wanted a 9mm I'd go Glock. and I really don't care for the Glock 21. /discussion
  9. Thought about a glock, but I nabbed this px4 at a price I couldn't beat. $419 for a $650 dollar handgun? sold.
  10. I need to take pics bit. just got a PX4 Storm.
  11. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Starting to get annoyed with people not working together in this game., Assault not healing or reviving, snipers not dropping spawnpoints.. its retarded.
  12. been nabbing more kills, and grabbin more skills. Edit: also the tier 3 bcs are pr0, flying Nagas and Oracles in fleets. Edit2: Started the year off with a stealth boimber decloak and kill. along with a 60 million isk implanted pod nooice
  13. http://www.destructo...gs-217728.phtml Well. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
  14. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Well, I've killed someone at extreme range to save a team mate. so thats worthwhile. CQB is fun too, but i have trouble in that area.
  15. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    M98B is two-shot kills no matter what the distance. it hits like a ton of bricks. on hardcore it tends to oneshot people at ranges shorter than 200 meters iirc
  16. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Yep, Ive got him on pc. Noted, I managed to nab two more 1000+ meter headshots, I love it when they stand still for me.
  17. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Snagged another 1300+ meter headshot. Only the goddamned shot didnt register . Some faggot killed me before my bullet landed, so I didn't get the marksman bonus, dude was at a much shorter range too. now that's damned depressing.
  18. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    heh, I havent even played THAT much. I only just unlock the ump-45
  19. Liarbird

    Battlefield 3

    Goofing off sniping has payed off. I nailed a 1421 meter headshot with the m39 EMR. That was god damn incredible. Was a standing shot, holding breath, and was the last bullet in the magazine. match right before that I nailed an 820, and went 15-1, I was a headshot machine that round.
  20. Hey neej, Wardec Reloaded. We need the kills!
  21. Liarbird


    I saw the live action movie as a kid. it was pretty out there.
  22. Liarbird

    Tsutomu Nihei

    Blame! is awesome. I really should get back into reading it. Probably should read NOiSE as well.
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