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Everything posted by EX33396948

  1. EX33396948

    Portal 2

    What do you mean by "emulated version"? From the best of what I know, the game will be as is like anything else released on the consoles. The "steam cloud" or "steam works" will just allow the PS3 version to get all the updates that the PC version gets and anything else has yet to be announced. I'm personally looking forward to see how they manage the "free PC copy". I'm thinking it's going to be linked to they same name as the PSN copy. It's a shame too, because I would be very happy to give the PC copy or maybe the PS3 copy away to a friend if that wasn't/isn't the case. Anyways, my girlfriend and I are happy to see the game is around the corner and can't wait to get our hands on it.
  2. Sorry, Load capacity.
  3. First thing noticed... the capacity tune can be 32. Building now to test.
  4. I get to wait a month and see how the map reviews are first (because Bobby K. caters to the greedy). If they're shitty or too much (I suspect $15) then I'm selling MW2 and sticking with Killzone 2, and resistance 3 when it releases.
  5. EX33396948


    Ok... didn't appear to have any "this is sarcasm text" properties but whatever. If anyone had any doubts, they know now. Also, is it a bad thing that I read it as sodium chloride and potassium chloride the first time? And that I didn't think "table salt" till I read it but I instinctively knew the purpose for KCl?
  6. EX33396948


    Yeah, no... that's not going to happen. If there was a pokemon crystal remake coming out it would have hit japan by now, they didn't make blue for the red, green remakes and they won't be doing it for these remakes. Lastly Generation 5 is already in the works. Link for proof. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Firs...C3%A9mon_Sunday
  7. EX33396948


    Yeah, looking at the results of the poll and the results of posts, I probably should have posted the poll off the bat. Attached is a picture of the same poll I did somewhere else. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs365.snc3/23535_363921601073_743176073_3629857_5242556_n.jpg
  8. So I hear the online community for this game is dead quiet. How long and good was the campaign? Is the online a ghost town? How about at least on the PS3?
  9. EX33396948

    Lost Planet 2

    I loved the demo but this doesn't look good enough for the full $60. I'll wait for it to reach $40 or less.
  10. EX33396948


    Anyone in this thread in the UK? They're releasing Arceus over there and I'd like to trade for one. I have an extra US Jirachi from Gamestop. Here's the link for more info http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=131...av-_-storeevent EDIT: I've found someone on /v/ who I will be trading for. Although it would be nice to have a back up just in case things don't go through and I'd be happier to trade it to one of you guys than some anon
  11. Then it would make more sense that he does have it included. Why not take full advantage of every slot?
  12. I've been playing a lot more all of the sudden. My friend wanted to avoid being seen while sniping in the kill cam so we've been doing a lot of Hard Core. I've fallen inlove with the FAL.
  13. You forgot to add Jadore (PA Molder). Handled very well in a few ordered matches (but those were AI). Realized I forgot to tune it after those matches so I was working over weight. All in all, I liked the style, my PA felt like it never went down (although mainly because I was hard to hit). Would it be better to spam the Slug with the Assault Rifle instead of the machine gun? It seems like you'll drop the machine gun faster then the slug and then you'll be left with two weapons on the same side.
  14. EX33396948


    So, I've been anticipating HG&SS for a long time now and in the hype I've consulted with my friend who plays a lot of shoddy battle. On the 14th they'll announce official tournaments and I'm actually EVing and breeding for that as we speak. In other words, pokemon general. Anyone have any neat stories, teams, ect on the topic? Gyrados is so under rated.
  15. Posted but I feel like this is usless...
  16. I can't reach it captain!!! http://www.breadshoppe.com/star_trek_Scotty_2.jpg
  17. @_@ quit after -19 lives. Got to the end of level 1 twice and I kept dying to a falling bomb that I couldn't dodge.
  18. Did you try using the double shot alternate blast? Even the starting rifle, about 1/3 to 1/2 of the clip unevenly sprayed usually kills either other race. Also, you can block melee. But I loved going "JUGGANAUT BITCH" to other players. The Predator's swing is awesome.
  19. I hear and see mixed reviews on it. People who are good at FPS's are great at marine because each race has such low health and every species is on the radar (although only when it runs I think). The marine can just stand back, and light up any foe. The alien is all about adjusting to walking on walls. Master that and you've mastered the Alien. Predator is really about 1-on-1 and stealth. I kinda think you're less noticeable without the cloak in this dark level unless you're on the move. The way I see it, if the best of each race when toe to toe it would be P>A>M>P
  20. So what does everyone think of the demo? http://cache.kotaku.com/assets/resources/2007/08/avp.jpg
  21. EX33396948


    He's a murderer who works for the miami police force as a blood splatter analysis. His Foster father (the departed police cheif when the series starts) noticed at a young age that he wanted to kill (some traumatic stuff explained in season 1) and taught him how to get away with it and gave him some "morals" per say to only kill people who are "bad". It rapidly evolves from that premise. On a side note... I'm a nurse. lol
  22. Oh, cool! A AC5 preview! lol Is there a copy of that video out there without all the text flying by on the top of the screen?
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