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Moon Walker

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Everything posted by Moon Walker

  1. Just something I put together in the shortest amount of time I could spare: http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/6097/acvcover1.png http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/9191/acvcover2.png I even thought about making the back cover since front covers barely tell the rest of the story...
  2. I noticed the dev dual firing during his simulation/demo run in the 1st live demo. I just figured you'd either fire it like hovv it is in AC4/4A or take a loooooooong shot and go into sniping mode
  3. Guessing AC:V is still going to be a gloomy time line like in AC4 and AC4A? dusk-time background, silhuettes of ACs. It's either that cover or the desert picture vvith the macho tank vvhich is sorta like AC4A's theme. hmm.... maybe I could mess vvith photoshop to see if I can't make any better cover.
  4. Heh, I'm pretty sure some of us here vvill try to be an expert kneeler to some extent until someone better comes along. on the bright side, the sniper's kneeling position is optional as far as the demo shovved. And I'm guessing everyone vvill have a good amount of time to search for a good hiding/sniping spot before they have to engage face to face. Heh, I just vvish kneeling cancellation vvas like back in AC1 era, sit on the edge of a building and let the cannon recoil bounce you off so you don't have to stay helpless for more than you need to.
  5. I'm kinda laughing at the fact that there are no "back" cannons and everything is fired like a rifle. It's must like a macho AC pulling the cannon rifle trigger and holding another gun on the other hand at the same time. or Rambo?
  6. 128 layers..... I don't even think I'll have an idea to use that much, dang!
  7. I said this earlier, if I get my copy I'mma probably skip the story mode and get right into the online mode even in the scrappy AC.
  8. The multiple booster stages from a single booster unit caught my attention the most. Unless they really show significant differences from different boosters, in most cases we'll all end up using one booster unit. As far as I can tell ( without understanding moonspeak language ) there's the normal booster which was shown early during the garage view/simulation, then the High boosters which had the red flares. I suppose the Hi-boosters refer to QBs but act like a step up of normal boosters rather than a burst of energy. Lastly the Overed Boosters which is obviously familiar to most of you, big blue flare as the TP booster back in AC3 era. The motion of the ACs while boosting became more... drifty, something like front mission or the japanese Armored Troopers or what other mech games you find where the boosters just pushes you to a certain direction and you'd have to actually drag your AC along before shifting to the other direction or going forward. Unless of course you use those red Hi-boosters to just bounce off. As for the Operator, to me that position is awesome, you get to see other player's Point Of View and briefly the enemy's. So suppose while you scan around the enemy territory and find few ACs, you could quickly go through their armaments, or see their POV to find the snipers if any or powerhouse tanks that shred ACs in seconds and redirect the team. Sure you might miss the rush of combat and dodging bullets but you could still watch the action rather than staring eagle eye view on a green screen. Another point is.... you're gonna need damn good reflex to match that demo-player's effectiveness or surpass it since you'll be watching 4 ACs rather than 3.
  9. So... let's say you fire a GL onto a bridge and it collapses on an AC, it goes poof!? That would be fun actually, could've sworn I played some tiny robot wars where falling objects kills the bots. but with the way the city and buildings look, at most I'd see part of it being chipped off by explosions... and I'd hate if bridges started collapsing within the first few minutes and remain unusable the rest of the invasion like that autobahn/highway in AC4A. Or say it actually blocks the whole passage indefinately until the next invasion. Scariest part I find is that those defense emplacements are HUGE, I would never want to find myself staring down a cannon barrel like we used to for those sol dios.
  10. -Tries to imagine an operator trying to command/alert a person named "WT4ax0rsMab1sh"-
  11. From the looks of those screen shots some MTs tower over ACs. If they start giving ACs more trouble than Arms Forts then I expect AC5 to play for years till they finish working on another title. Other than that, AC being smaller than buildings again mean that matches last a lot longer due to the massive size of the maps? might be a pain if we start doing hide and seek if say... invasion has time limit and if they fail to take out last unit/base within time frame they lose.
  12. Well, supposedly if we're in different timezones we'd have someone around at almost anytime any team decides to intrude. But... looking back at the trailer videos/interviews with developer, the "world" is HUGE!!!! I'm think about how players actually pin point where others are at the start. .... Then again, I'm assuming someone will actually go online with the basic scrap AC just to claim territories?
  13. well yeah but like a whole different booster, kinda like an initial burst before the booster thrust levels go back to original. Ok maybe a better way to think about it is for example, you know how few adventure games and such where there's a feature that the longer you hold the jump button the higher you jump? Well try applying it with normal boosters, you'd have the flares burning but the feet nailed to the floor then Zooooom like a quick boost thrust for a small duration before it goes at regular booster speed. Still not following? think back in LR's intro when that python equipped AC dodged that railgun shot in last second.
  14. I'd be fine with "no" QB at all, maybe the over boost or something. OH OH OH!!! Maybe it'll be like a Chargeable kick-Boost like how most cutscene ACs do it, hold down the booster while in place then point a direction to be launched. It's sorta like QB but.... delayed? Would look awesome in stare downs.
  15. Now that you mention it, they did say they'll be doing a sort of hiring/consorts system that are both AI and Players... I'm thinking Ranking will determine your pay but ranking means... ranking matches? which means we'll find lots of lag-jockies who win ranking matches that cost alot? and the US be the cheap yet effective mercenaries, hahah.
  16. I must be a freak then, I happen to like NB's BGMs. Even have the whole collection on my laptop >.> If I were to pick favorites, would probably be Silent Line's and Nexus' BGMs for a more rush-to-victory kind of theme. Defensive missions would be better from AC3 and some of the old classic AC1 era BGMs. AC4 and AC4A are a world of their own. And I never played AC2/AA ( didn't get my PS2 till they stopped selling copies of those )
  17. I've only ever imported AC4A for PS3... Guess I can do the same for ACV, so put me on the list. Whether or not I understand half the menu won't matter much, most likely just have to compare stats the look obvious. Ok so while other think about team names, how about what "kind" of territory are we gonna take? mines? city? desert field? Most importantly, It'll be hard for most of us to sit out of all the action to be an operator with all the excitement of testing the battle grounds. As a side note: I'd call my team Pepsi Co. and have the team members name their ACs over softdrinks.
  18. AC1~MoA then again in AC3. Actually I missed the tunnel bug infestation thing... or better yet, fighting biological weapons cause FROM has the whackiest ideas that are still epic. Music wise, I really doubt we'll get disappointed with their BGM, they never fail ( not even Last Raven, I got hooked with a number of beats there )
  19. I must've missed it at some point. But dang, inside missiles is just... crazy and epic at the same time. Although it ruins the overall look to me, like a real metallic sore thumb sticking out, gotta admit it's impressive how it still looks semi-practical.
  20. Since Exorcet brought up the idea of missile swarms... Why the heck do almost every screenshot seem to have missiles flying everywhere when I could barely identify a missile launcher on any of the ACs? I mean I've seen mostly cannons and chainguns on the back, and the arm weapons are no where near looking like missilepods/launchers. Unless those are bullet shells that leave smoke trails from being fired out those large gun emplacements... Speaking of which, think those gun emplacements will actually cost credits to deploy or something? I figured they have some kind of limit to how many you place as this picture here but nothing said about how to get/unlock them... or even who gets to set them up. And why isn't there a missile battery included!? Come on, I want to see those ACs zapping around like fireflies until their generators break down ( and take them out when they're down ) That and there are paratroopers/MTs coming from the skies and I doubt those long range cannons can look up high enough to shoot them down. As for decoys and flares... from those trailer/live action videos I'm beginning to think that weapons have as much bad accuracy as online AC4/AC4A.
  21. Wouldn't it be called a Lock-On "Ring" rather than box? Either that or a scanner cursor, I noticed the "092.06" number just beside the Lock On box which in other screenshots tend to be the 100% scan or something like this? http://www.4gamer.net/games/103/G010386/20110408019/SS/014.jpg Then again, I saw this shot to disprove my thought: http://www.4gamer.net/games/103/G010386/20110408019/SS/029.jpg Seperate Scanning system?
  22. Yes, Laser Blades still exist... although now they look like hand held knuckles. http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/359/359080/c20110411_ac_v_12_cs1w1_720x405.jpg http://www.4gamer.net/games/103/G010386/20110408019/SS/006.jpg More Pictures: ( taken from ACV's Facebook posts ) http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/357/357892/ http://www.4gamer.net/games/103/G010386/20110408019/ http://japan.gamespot.com/xbox360/news/35001503/
  23. Anyone else noticed that the weapons are named using real names? San Jose, Dian, Arthur... etc. I'm not happy with the new naming system :/
  24. So you actually need to scan the target to bring up his weapons layout and current AP. Guess being an operator is no easy job,
  25. If she doesn't speak english, even better right? Noone will know where to go, what to do. In most cases I'm guessing the operator will be some slacker from the team, or guys fighting over whatever little females we have in this forums. Speaking for myself, I'm gonna need to get me a new headset for ACV.
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