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Everything posted by Py687

  1. Py687

    Nomrah's Art Thread

    Down with censorship! #Dropthecrop
  2. Py687

    Street Fighter V

    You should invite exo-gen back.
  3. It's also by Mamoru Hosoda so you know it's quality. You could argue it's a "bakemonogatari." Jackson should watch.
  4. I like that color contrast. RED SHALL PREVAIL.
  5. This looks really, really cool. Don't know how fitting turn-based combat is though.
  6. No, just hook up two arcade sticks to the machine and that'll accomplish the same thing. Functionality only in ports 1 and 4. It looks interesting to use, so I guess it'd be cool?
  7. An acoustic cover would be grand if it existed.
  8. Well, you do fall over from time to time since you're such a fat 'n' heavy object. It's not acoustic but here ya go.
  9. Seriously though, who are you. Are you the guy who used a KSP avatar prior to being possessed by magnus?
  10. FreQuency is basically a FROM band for AC(-like) music. I wouldn't call them a fan band since they're linked to officially by FROM, and I assume they're actually employed by them. I mean, look at the website name: http://www.fromsoundrecords.com/. I've got both albums and listen from time to time.
  11. Py687

    Sega Dreamcast 2

    Dream Machine Steamcast
  12. Py687

    Taurus's Art Deck

    They look nice! Blonde chick looks like she's from Lollipop Chainsaw or that one movie that's evocative of the game.
  13. Py687


    Don't worry about it. We all live in chat anyway. If it makes you feel any better, my personal feelings on necros are in line with yours so long as the original topic isn't just donkey poop and the necro brings about discussion.
  14. Py687


    Dude, I thought TNP came back with a new thread!
  15. Self-censorship wwwwwwww Wayback Machine didn't archive shit, at least not using the current url. Unless ipb changed the way forum addresses are written sometime recently....
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