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Everything posted by Xander95

  1. Yes I have. It has just been a long time since I had seen it. There are things I remember from the original.
  2. I am totally psyched for the new robocop. of what i saw, they stayed relatively close to the original except for a few changes. i just think they shouldnt have painted him black. his original blue was awesome in the past. i do however like the new body design. very much more up to date. has more of a streamlined appearance. i am totally diggin the red glow of his visor.
  3. ill set it up once my folks stop being complete dipwads and let me hook up my PS3. it will only be for AC5 btw. just temporarily though. once i get ACVD, i will transfer it over.
  4. could u possibly post at least a camera shot of it? i dont think everyone has ACVD.
  5. Xander95

    NIN is back

    watch this classic NIN vid. 1997.
  6. huh. i just might consider it. KNOW THIS! HANDS OFF LEGION OF THE DRAGON! IT'S MINE!
  7. I have been a fan of Alice Cooper for quite some time and I have been wondering as to what songs from him other people like. The ones I like the most is Poison and Feed my Frankenstein. In fact, I'm listening to them now. I don't wanna break these chains.
  8. Why not get holiday themed skins? I was just thinking the other day on Veterans Day and I was thinking there should be a patriotic skin. Same goes for all other holidays. Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, etc. The whole shebang. I think it would be a great thing to have. That is as long as they're compatible with the current version of IPBoard.
  9. When do u plan on releasing it? I would love to get my hands on it. Also, what will the tech requirements be? i run an old gateway solo 9550 from 2002.
  10. I will always prefer google chrome over IE, Safari, AOL, etc. Chrome will always be better and faster than the rest combined.
  11. Nineball because I believe, and dont quote me when i say this, he is an AI because in one of the games he had a mix of voices in with his speech. He is a highly skilled AI, too. As I said, i believe. I'm not too sure if he is an AI. I never played the games he was in.
  12. What about Mecha Knights? I have also considered that as an idea.
  13. oh. so i basically wasted my time downloading it?
  14. anybody know when the film Fort Tower Song will be released? i heard from wikipedia that it was slated to go into production this year. Any news on it?
  15. I was just looking at wikipedia and i found this. its a manga from Fujimi Shobo and its armored core based. check it out. http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/armored-core-tower-city-blade-r7823
  16. I have been thinking of a team name and i am not sure if this already exists. does the team name misfit legion already exist in anyway? i just dont want to copy a team name by accident. I would check myself, but my sys is down at the moment. If somebody would check for me, it would be much appreciated.
  17. Would an armored core do good or bad for the world? I would have to say good. Does the world need armored cores? Yes. Todays weapons are too low tech by now. Are armored cores even an engineering possibility with, say, our current technological breakthroughs? Yes. What purpose would ACs serve on the battle field? Think about the roles current weapon systems serve and find gaps. They would be good to use against aircraft or giant weapons of mass destruction (ex. alien ships.)
  18. I would have to say the last two ACs in the final mission of AC3. Even though they failed to take me out, they put up quite a fight. I respect those two.
  19. Heh. too easy. i would have to say mine was the second to last boss in AC3 in the arena. i was fighting in the reservoir and i flew up to a high ledge and my opponent boosted up towards me but, being the dumbass he was, he flew out of the area. The dumbass move resulted in my win.
  20. Xander95


    Anyone play or used to play it? I havent gotten far in it but so far i love it. I have only gotten to keith. What is your opinion?
  21. I found this on ACL. here is the link if u would prefer to post it there. http://forum.armored...c.php?f=7&t=493
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