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Aright so I know this also came up in chat at some point and I tested it in some sloppy manner with two different AC's (Fragile and Soluh|Soluh|Aaliyah/A|Aaliyah/L). The hit boxes between the two seemed pretty constant, despite the numerous spaces the Sobrero frame parts offer; the higher space between the legs, the spaces of the core, the increased length of the core did not affect the hitbox.


Eventually I'll get to mapping the hitboxes of certain part types (because I'm sure that bipeds won't have the same hitboxes as tanks) if people want that done.


Also as a side note: PA can be stripped without causing damage to AP. As long as a bullet enters the PA sphere, the KP pool is reduced.


Feel free to test these yourself and post your results!

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You mean you guys still don't know how to strip PA without attacking someone? How do you plan on testing defense and PA-less hitboxes unless you know how to strip PA?




When in split screen stand next to your target AC and make sure your KP Output, as well as PA Durability and Rectification, are greater than the target AC's. Your PA will pop theirs without doing damage. Then, just stand very close to them or have a third AC stand close to them and their PA will constantly be re-popped, irregardless of KP Output/Durability/Rectification. That's the easiest way to strip a PA for testing.


PA Durability is directly translated into PA Reduction when two PA's meet. Your current PA Durability is a percentage (%) of your total PA Durability relative to your current remaining PA Rectification bar as a percentage (%). This means that your PA Durability, Rectification, and KP Output all will determine whether your AC can pop another AC's bubble by rubbing up against it. This is also why a popped PA can never reform fully next to another AC, irregardless of your max stats. You're permanently stuck at around 10% of your total Durability and Rectification, which will never be the same as another AC's maxed PA. Even with the weakest opposing AC.


In the case that your AC lacks the ability to pop a test AC's PA because of a bad match-up, have the target AC blow their PA using AA. Once it's out just scoot up close and they won't be able to regenerate it, which will put them into a relatively permanent state of PA down. If, by some bizarre happenstance, you can not pop their PA with yours and they don't have AA, have them stand next to your AC and begin PA burning both AC's PA field. Next, have the AC that you want to put into a PA down state begin activating and charging up their OB. Then have them shut it off before it fires. Continue to repeat charging up OB without letting it fire off until your PA pops.


I hope that helps your testing!

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Ohh, yah. That's cuz an AC and PA have different hitboxes, if I remember right. I didn't test that one though. One of my JP friends commented on it and I generally take his word for tested. Not always, though, haha.


I'm surprised you didn't know about scrapes, though, too. Seems a bit bizarre to never notice that. I think a lot of people watch the AP more than the PA, though. It might just be because I've done so much Split-Screen, though, too. In Split-Screen its much easier to watch both PA bars than it is in a vs match, haha.


Anyway, good luck testing the hitboxes. Don't forget that projectiles and weapons also have their own hitboxes, which can blur your idea of a target hitbox. Generally you want to start with figuring out the hitbox size of a weapon, ideally a slim one, and then apply it to the target bot to figure out the bots edges.

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Hm I have a question for ya Niji, are those scrapes tied in with the occasional shot from a cannon (namely snipers and probably rails) only doing about a hundred damage to your average midweight? I've seen that a few times but since the shots online are usually dead on on their screen, no one's really put together a solid answer for that sort of thing.


As for hitboxes, I'm pretty damn certain that quad hitboxes are a lot larger. Hitting those things with grenades is a lot easier (and I mean in the air, not the ground. Shots seem to register on them more provided they aren't Dusk blading or something, since, at least in my experience, most shots seem to miss on the other screen horizontally than vertically.

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If I'm understanding your question right, then I would say yes. GL's, Snipers, and shell cannons, including Gatling/Chain I think, can scrape and cause some sort of bizzare AoE damage even if they don't hit your AC. The damage isn't high and I think it's part of the cause behind the belief that lag is super extreme in fA, when it's not so bad actually, haha.


I don't use energy weapons enough in split-screen to say if energy cannons do it, but I'd assume that there's a good chance that they do. They might not, though, too.

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I think that's because EN weapons are inherently more precise than solid weapons, with the exception of pulse weapons. I bet pulse guns would scrape PA, albeit to a lesser extent than shell weapons, just because of the way they shoot. Then again, even if they did, it's a moot point from a practical aspect since pulse weapons are so bad already. If they were better, I'd use them, but they're pretty horrible.


As for SC's doing scrape-AoE damage, yeah they do, it's only like 100 or so AP worth of damage, and your shot has to hit the ground VERY close to where their AC is. Observing the same for rails, I couldn't say, I've not seen it though that doesn't rule out the possibility.

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Yeah that makes sense. Though the lag on FA probably increases the chances of PA grazing to some degree.


I don't think lasers have AOE damage, which might explain the belief of higher lag for hi lasers. Since they don't knock down PA, people probably think the shots are lagging even if its a graze. Becrux and Acrux seem to suffer less than this, and both of those fire two shots and therefore have a bigger area of effect.


What do you guys think of this?

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If anything it wouldn't be because of an AoE. The only EN weapons with an AoE effect are Plasma and Kojima guns. The two lasers simply means there are more projectiles, since they are fired simultaneously and are close together in flight they behave like a single projectile with a wider hit area. If you were a bad shot I think it'd be possible to just have a single laser hit, and thusly deal damage consistent with that of a single impact.
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I was talking about damage scraping, not PA scraping. Given how little PA damage EN weapons do, the PA scrape probably doesn't matter, it's as good as a miss.


And on the PA scraping causing people to think there is more lag, it doesn't explain taking a MOTORCOBRA clip at 50 range without a scratch. The game just is that laggy.

Edited by Exorcet
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