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Jose (Ethos) used to read that manga; idk if he still does. I don't read it though, no.


Obito being Tobi and because of Rin is the dumbest and most obvious route he could have gone. I wasn't at all surprised but I was also thoroughly disappointed. What a terrible writer.


Yeah Bleach is trash but the art is consistently good and frankly any chapter with Yamamoto as the main character is a chapter worth reading. It's sorta how Naruto is almost always worth reading if Naruto is the main character...too bad he isn't, half the time.


Honestly I still think Law or Smoker is going to jump into Sanji's fight. I have the feeling this means too much to Smoker to leave alone, and they've all proven this chapter that they can get anywhere else in Punk Hazard in a hurry if they have to. My only other thoughts/concerns are:


1. Wasn't Sanji pretty hurt already from the beating Nami took while using his body? This could play a factor in the battle.

2. I think they were closing the area off, which may or may not prevent Smoker (or anyone else without Law around) from interfering...well maybe not since Zoro and the samurai can cut thru walls without a problem, but yeah.

3. This is a vice-admiral, so Sanji is definitely going to have a difficult fight on his hands (possibly unwinnable currently). This is almost certainly the single biggest test we've seen post time-skip for any Strawhat.


The only bigger test we could hope to see would be a Strawhat taking a Warlord on, or a commander of an Emperor's crew.


Sanji's got this though! I believe in you Sanji!!

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Know what pisses me off the most about Tobi being Obito? It's not that it was the laziest and most obvious choice. It's that even though it was the easy route, he still fucked it up. Like, he took all the impact out of the reveal that he's been trying to build up the tension for over I don't know how many chapters. The only part that really mattered about the character to this point...and he couldn't pull it off. What a waste.


I'd say if it plays out with Sanji trying to take on Virgo alone, he'd get stomped. I just don't see it happening that way. Maybe Tashigi and he hold the dude off for a bit until Smoker arrives or something, but I just wouldn't buy any solo heroics on this one.


I'm still curious about what Monet is going to do in this whole situation. She's sort of been sitting in the background, other than that one panel with her looking to the side or whatever when Chopper runs off.


All this covert, double agent, double crossing stuff, too...it feels like it's getting awfully Alabasta lately.

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Fuck Obito. I think that's all it really boils down to. I just want him to die already. Even Madara has managed to fuck up his own swag by always moaning like a whore for the first hokage. Well whatever bitch now you got Naruto on your hands. You wanted a real opponent, knock yourself out. And I'm sure Sasuke is on the way to team up with Naruto so they can beat down these fags together.


What an embarrassing story.


All this covert, double agent, double crossing stuff, too...it feels like it's getting awfully Alabasta lately.


I'm glad you brought this up, because this definitely has been following the same trajectory. Just like how the last story was Arlong Park on steroids (literally, I guess). I'm really digging it.


Yeah Sanji ain't taking a vice admiral alone but if he can even stay alive for the next chapter going one on one with the guy I'll be impressed. That'd basically mean he could take Rob Lucci.


Remember what Whitebeard was doing to Vice Admirals? hahahahaha

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I think we might be overselling vice admirals here, but given that the vice admiral in question is secretly one of the warlords all the current scenarios you're bringing up apply.


In other words, I think virgo still might be out of sanji's league, but I'm pretty sure Sanji could survive Lucci at this point.

Edited by Vincent210
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Remember what two of them did to Luffy during the war? Remember how all vice admirals are confirmed Haki users? The only guys who have managed to beat VAs on-screen are two warlords (Hancock and Law) and an emperor (Whitebeard).


There might be a little big of overselling, sure, since Smoker is apparently a VA now and he's been getting styled on, but it's not that bad. They're all super-strong. I think you could make a case that the range in power between the worst VAs and best VAs is enormous, though. Even still with Garp gone I'm sure it's still a gigantic gap from best to worst.


Smoker being the worst. :P

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wait a second, all of the whitebeard captains were insanely strong. Dood it sounds more like you're underrating how strong VAs are. We've had absolutely no indicator that any of them is weak. Not a single one. We've had no indicator that any of Whitebeard's captains was weak. In fact it's been the complete opposite.


Out of all the VAs we've seen:

Tsuru obliterating new world pirates

Garp is a god

Smoker lost to Law, a warlord

Mamonga lost (sorta) to Hancock, a warlord...who was obliterating Pacifistas

Mamonga embarrassed Luffy, along with the other guy

John Giant got son'd by Whitebeard

Lonz got son'd by Whitebeard


Every single Vice Admiral we've seen was extremely dangerous. There hasn't been a single case where that wasn't true. Smoker is the weakest VA we've seen and he only lost to Law in a fight he had a shot at winning. This is the same with the Whitebeard captains.


You're crazy if you're proof of us overrating VAs is that they are only even with Whitebeard captains. That was the strongest crew in the world!


You should change your name to VincentCrazy! Or Crazy210!

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Spoilers don't do One Piece any justice, Jackson.


I think Garp, at least before the skip, might have been able to take any single admiral 1v1...but I'm not sure about now. And even before, I'd imagine if you ran the fight several times he'd probably only barely manage to win more than half the time. It's easy to forget just how strong the admirals really are.

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So apparently the new shonen jump is out today? Online I mean. I'm reading now. Super excited!


MAN One Piece was insane!


Naruto was pretty w/e


Reading Bleach so far so Yamamoto


Fuck...Virgo's tekkai is buff as hell. Our boy needs Smoker to join in ASAP. He's already breaking one of Sanji's leg bones.


Bleach was cool but it wasn't very good, as usual dood's pacing is bad and the dialogue is sufficiently trashy. Yamamoto saves the day though by being Yamamoto.


Naruto's pacing is terrible as usual, as well, but at least we got to see the idiot kages off-paneled. Fuck them. What a waste of time. This whole manga is a fkn waste of time tho so w/e.

Edited by Penguin Deus
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Wonder if he legitimately just fucked over Toshiro. Be a hilariously cruel way for him to die this arc. Bleach has become too Yamamoto to dislike. And that is something I do enjoy. Why hasn't dat bankai been stolen yet I wonder; I'd like to think Yamamoto is just to intimidating for anyone in their ranks to make the attempt. But I rather think it is going to be used later down the road as a poorly staged plot device to erase Yamamoto and up the stakes.


That One Piece was indeed wild. Ant wait for the next one.

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Actually, I think it helps him out more than screws him over, because his bankai had been stolen anyways. Now his opponent can't use the bankai.


Bleach's writing is so hilariously bad that I'm guessing there's either a weak ass plot reason why he hasn't, or he literally just decided "nah I won't do it because the manga is better when he has his power" reason be damned.


That's why hyorinmaru was shutting down around the sternritter guy.

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So with With Toshiro's case it's blade against blade, almost. There is still the abilities of the sternritter to consider.


Fuck it, Yamamoto is in charge, so I will just wait for the next issue.


One of my friends was making a big fuss over steins gate, but I still have not taken the time to properly follow up on that series.

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yeah, almost. Basically it's his shikai (which might be deactivated as well, I forget how his works) against whatever base powers the sternritter has. For the most part none of them have shown the ability to take a captain on without stealing bankai...but by that same effect all of the captains have shown a lack of ability to fight without bankai.


So it's Hitsugaya and whatever non-bankai talents he has vs the sternritter guy and whatever goofy skills he has. Quincy stuff probably.


oh and big titty hoe is backing him, of course. uhhh fk I forget her name Matsumoto or something?

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