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Head- 047

Core- Lahire

Legs- Lahire

Arms- 063


Internals: FCS/Gen



Booster Line: M/B/S/OB



Weapons: R/L/S/Back




50 in En output, En Cap, Maneuverability, Aim precision, BackBoost(normal & special) SideBoost Special, load

42 in Radar Refresh







My favorite mech. Its unorthodox and a masterpiece.



Its Basically built in spite of the basic design rules. Its a full sniper(1st rule broken) Its sacrifices all DEF for pure Offensive power. However this mech is meant to be played defensively BUT I will hunt damn near any one down. Also its capable of fighting mid to shallow close range(250 Up). As i said the DEF is minuscule she can be one shooted! However good luck catching her.



Nothing special about the Gen How ever the FCS is another story. The Exhazar allows me to Get in close and hold a lock. and works great with my arms which have great stability and maneuverability. So as i said in some cases i have been know to hunt down DRs. Then again if i wasn't on a LW it would be nothing special, moving on.


Booster Line:

OK heres the deal. The main boosters a must. Vert plus En it saves makes it a must. The sides also stay most people give me the "Ortega works better" crap. However raw power isn't every thing. I'll get to that later. The AA is need for most of my strategies.


Now heres were i dig my feet in and be stubborn. One let me tell you this now, I hate the aliyah back! However i am not unbiased. Heres were i explain the sides. The back and side are slow. I know that, thats the point! Most ACfA players think that because I move at X speed I will catch you moving at Y speed. Well no.... no you wont. Maiden backpedals at 800~860 Second staged. I don't believe in second stage. I know it exist i just don't like it. Heres why most players i play against do it, and as a result timing shoots gets very easy. one i see a yellow cylinder I fire simple as that my arms move into place and you get hit. Now that sounds easy well its not, BUT since i am good at sniping playing a few rounds with you will give me a jest of what you do how you react and how you try to counter me counting you(timing the shot). If your second staging your making it easy. think about it, If you second stage you move three times as far however your QB last twice as long so instead of moving 1/3 of a distance to the right then pulling back left when i shoot your stuck going right when i pull the trigger. then i pull it again and you get hit going forward then left. Is it fustrating.... id imagine i wouldn't know i don't second-stage. Word of the day is control! If your moving to point A to B in 2 QBs and it takes me 6 i can change my course at will which constantly changes point B. Simple concept really.



Overspecialized, Beyond deadly!!


Focused on movement and the Constancy of it. Sluggish maiden is a dead maiden.


Thats about it. Leave your criticism below.

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I'm not going to get into specifics--just the idea of the AC is all I'm talking about.


It too focused to counter one certain archetype and leaves it too vulnerable to others. Basically the only thing that I can see this doing well (from an equal-skill standpoint) is light weight dual rifle bots where you can kite them and out damage race them. Even then, though, I can see how it could still be a close match-up, potentially. However, that's the only match up I can see being close among the remaining archetypes of the more powerful gun bots. You're going to be hard pressed with aggressive bots because you have no speed to out do them with; even if you can manage to dodge prolonged confrontation, you're still a big target for jousting with shotguns/machine guns. On the opposite end, you're not going to be able to apply pressure against the heavier bots with more AP. A heavy AC is almost always never pressured in a sniper-off.


AC's like these can work, sure, but they're not as good as I felt like you're making them out to be.

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I'm not going to get into specifics--just the idea of the AC is all I'm talking about.


It too focused to counter one certain archetype and leaves it too vulnerable to others. Basically the only thing that I can see this doing well (from an equal-skill standpoint) is light weight dual rifle bots where you can kite them and out damage race them. Even then, though, I can see how it could still be a close match-up, potentially. However, that's the only match up I can see being close among the remaining archetypes of the more powerful gun bots. You're going to be hard pressed with aggressive bots because you have no speed to out do them with; even if you can manage to dodge prolonged confrontation, you're still a big target for jousting with shotguns/machine guns. On the opposite end, you're not going to be able to apply pressure against the heavier bots with more AP. A heavy AC is almost always never pressured in a sniper-off.


AC's like these can work, sure, but they're not as good as I felt like you're making them out to be.


This is true but like most ACs the ones that seem lower on the food chain do the best. IE Meddlers big DR thing IronMaiden and daminon. I'v had doubters in the past none of them can still do so

with good standing.


Also she was not made to counter anything. She is what she is. Theres nothing else to it.

Edited by Fatedshadow
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I disagree with that wholly. The ones that seem lower on the food chain are more fun to use, no doubt, but they're still on the lower end of the food chain regardless. Sure you can beat people with it--that still doesn't make it a good AC. The good AC's are the stale, boring, tiered ones and occasionally the niche ones which rely on player design/playstyle tendencies.


Okay sure, I just assumed that's what you did because thinking in counters is both logical and subconscious, for me. Even if you didn't design with counters in mind, that doesn't nullify what I said earlier--it will do well against one type of AC, but not well enough against most other ones.

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needs more AP, better boosters, 51ANSRsneeds more AP, better boosters, 51ANSRs also, your ac isnt unorthodox.

This shows your ignorance.

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


While this shows your irrelevance.





@/b/ Never the less ill stay on topic. Yea /b/ i guess i see your points however it's not always the mech but rather the pilot right. Put brush in the hands of Cesar and its useless put sword in Correggio's and he's helpless. I hope you see my point.

Edited by Fatedshadow
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Need more 051 hand sniper rifle, its probably the best one, lahire makes your defense piss too, the reason you probably win at sniping is because almost no one is close to decent at sniping, when you could be at least close to decent, but sniping exclusive fights are all about having the most defense and AP.


Also, compared to older AC games, the mech is what's makes players win sometimes, the mechs are far more important on ACFA than what they are on any other AC game


In fated's defense, I guess Judith can make anything with a sniper work, however you should try to stabilize to the front like (0,+10) I like aaliyah and lahire back boosters tho, Schedar is ok IMO.



That quoting was really fail btw.

Edited by Godfather Ucamulbas
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No. I see your point, and I disagree with it. It should always be the mech that you critique alone where you also assume the skill of the pilots to be optimal. If you let skill be a variable, then why critique an AC in the first place? In that case, skill be comes the end all and the be all. Why would you even bother to discuss anything if you could just say, "lolkay but im good so its ok."
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you noob, put sobrero gen back on so that you can use AA properly.


To be somewhat serious:

Lahire gen since your defense and stability are paper thin, with a defensive build. You'll have a better recharge rate and PA might help.


Using the same sniper twice is boring, I thought the build was cooler when it had the 40 shot SR paired with the phact.


This post was likely pointless as I doubt you'll change the AC

Edited by Rogan
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I don't like the AC, but I do actually like fated's strategic insert here. Second stage QB gives more thrust, but it does indeed make it harder to change directions, thus making it easier for the opponent to time a shot successfully. I want to point out that this does not make second staging as a whole bad though, it is the exception that second staging left/right against a sniper that is bad. I think second staging left/right is generally inefficient unless you have some master game plan that revolves heavily on complex spacing. I have yet to find a downside to second staging forward though. Any other thoughts on this?


As for the AC though, specializing in a certain range is fine if you can ensure that you are always faster than your opponent. Phact is so heavy that you can and will be caught by any LW using a decent main booster. Aaliyah back boosters would help as well.

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quickest and best way to using sniper(s), I'd test with similar thing once (dual 049ANSRs + LAHIRE arms with 50 maneuver + EKHAZAR fcs) that I'd fel about it was......good, but not practical. (just for me)


btw, try this one,






JUDITH/LAHIRE/SCHEDAR/KB-JUDITH (since you have long range weapon it means you don't need to use AA, that's why I'd put KB-JUDITH)




50 tune for : EN output, EN cap, aim precision, lock speed, back thrust, QB back, QB side, turning

21 tune for : load, legs stability


set stabilizer to 0/+5 (or more)


after that, I'll try you bot at my tonight.

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you noob, put sobrero gen back on so that you can use AA properly.


To be somewhat serious:

Lahire gen since your defense and stability are paper thin, with a defensive build. You'll have a better recharge rate and PA might help.


Using the same sniper twice is boring, I thought the build was cooler when it had the 40 shot SR paired with the phact.


This post was likely pointless as I doubt you'll change the AC


Acually i do like the Gen idea. PAs annoying to recharge. Also i still have lady gray which is the 40 shot one your talking about. This one is for serius team or BR play needs more ammo.


Acually i do like the Gen idea. PAs annoying to recharge. Also i still have lady gray which is the 40 shot one your talking about. This one is for serius team or BR play, had to have more ammo.


@dark If your talking about the 60 shot one It is nice also makes it easyer to stabilize but.... that extra 15 shot usually makes or breaks me.


@/b/ Yea i can seee that im just sayin. I have more designs then one. i have like 12 which is alot for me. This ones the only one tha dosent change much. I do wanna get a tank and a HW to work only two i havent made.


@All also i have been thinking this for a while. Most matchs the phcat drops WAY before i shoot it five times. I Its Drain and weight are high... to high. Wanted to change it. I was thinking a traverse explosions tend to add another fear factor to sniping. keeps those virtues of the ground! Thoughts?


obviously someone hasnt watched fight club


also, lrn2quote



Thats not a quote i made it, it came from me my.

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I was thinking a traverse explosions tend to add another fear factor to sniping. keeps those virtues of the ground! Thoughts?

In order to be effective with this type of AC, you need to be high in the air; shoulder grenades cannot aim downward enough. If you only go high enough so that you can track with the shoulder grenades, you're vulnerable to the weapons that aggressive AC's will use. Dislike.

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In order to be effective with this type of AC, you need to be high in the air; shoulder grenades cannot aim downward enough. If you only go high enough so that you can track with the shoulder grenades, you're vulnerable to the weapons that aggressive AC's will use. Dislike.



Thats a good point. Ok then have any back wepon advise?

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