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D3@ Sinai.

Sept 13th 2010.Ever wonder what it's like to see a person constantly under body breaking pain?I have, meet sickle-cell disease (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle-cell_disease).21/F/African American.She came in because she needed some work done on her stomach region,patches kept popping off cause she was moving too much.I've yet to hear a person scream that loud and horrific in my life.They doused her up with enough painkillers and drugs to put a elephant in a coma at the start though,at least




D2 Aug/30th/010       As much as awesome the last visit was,this one was more or less of a joke.I finally know what it's like on a day where the hospital is a ghost town.It mostly consisted of me,pap and a few of his friends on youtube drinking lukewarm coffee and stale muffins.   It would seem it's only this ward though,the other ones were seeing work but I geuss sometimes you just strike out.Pap doesn't seem to mind it most though,say's it gives him time to relaxe and not have to go through so



Day One.

D:1   As a part of my education,I am to be a intern at a top hospital in Baltimore.(See Sinai @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LifeBridge_Health)   I had a family member in the upper branch say a kind word or two for the internships that many hospitals in Baltimore occasionally have.Mainly though one as he's a top veteran of 37 years in Sinai itself,yeah you read that right-I lucked out only because my pap's been there for so long.       I first went there last monday (23rd).For the most part,disr



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