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  4. Version 1.0.0


    AC2 and ACAA games complete, 100% All parts purchased Files for Normal 100%, Human PLUS 100%, and Human PLUS fresh start (AC2 save, but can be imported into AA using the in game option) US Saves This is a memory card file for PCSX2 and so it can be pasted directly into your memory card folder without conversion The file is zipped due to upload size limits, unzip before using
  5. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    AC3 and ACSL games complete, 100% All parts purchased US Save This is a memory card file for PCSX2 and so it can be pasted directly into your memory card folder without conversion The file is zipped due to upload size limits, unzip before using
  6. Version 1.0.0


    AC1, ACPP, ACMoA games complete, 100% All parts purchased Human PLUS not enabled US Save This is a memory card file for duckstation and so it can be pasted directly into your memory card folder without conversion
  7. I wish we could upload anime pictures of our pilot
  8. Procedural generation has been pretty popular in games and I could see continuous AI generation becoming a thing in the near future. Always online required, and constantly scraping the internet to compile new levels based on Mass Effect style dialogue options/input. Not any of the other games that have used that system, though. Just Mass Effect, because it's GOAT. Having something else to customize would be alright, but most peoples' results are going to look AI generated anyway.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    AC2AA game complete, 100% All parts purchased Human PLUS not enabled Normal difficulty (Hard can be enabled by loading into VS Mode, changing difficulty, and resaving) US Save Exported from memory card using mymc-gui in .max format
  10. Yeah I think most people just wanna make the mech, but I can certainly imagine there are people who want to make the pilot too. What you can do is use AI art creation software to make the pilot using text prompts. Software like Stable Diffusion, etc.
  11. Honestly, I think having all the creation be mech focused is enough, and prefer to think of the Pilot/Raven as like a brain just strapped into the core a brain in a vat if you will.
  12. MAKE THEM POST I felt really burned by SF5, so I haven't paid much attention to this at all, but what I have seen looks really neat. I don't think it's something I'll dive into right away, but maybe down the line? Hearing that single player has a lot to do is interesting and kind of encouraging.
  13. I hope they provide a character creator to really give full immersion. Although we wouldn’t see the pilot it would add a great element to the game that plays with imagination and knowing you have a pilot that is sitting in your wonderful machine of steel metal and guns would fulfill that fantasy of mech/ pilot unification
  14. Most of ACU lives on the discord chatroom now, but I'll drop a link to this topic in there just in case. I am a huge SF fan but I haven't played SF5 or 6 at all really. I've mostly been content living with ST and 3S for years now, though I honestly haven't played either one in the last 2-3 years. I've been too busy with IRL stuff really, haha.
  15. Griffon

    Street Fighter 6

    If I recall correctly, the denizens of ACU tended to be quite avid Street Fighter fans. I remember getting in a few rounds with some of you here and there back in SF4. That said, how is everyone enjoying Street Fighter 6? I wasn't a big fan of 5, so I thin this is certainly a step in the right direction, there's so much stuff to do even for single player, I think it's amazing. I admit I'm struggling to find a character though, since none of my older mains have made the cut yet, here's hoping for season 2 at least.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    AC2 save 0% complete but with H+, for those wanting to skip the debt portion No parts purchased (default AC only) Human PLUS enabled Normal difficulty (Hard can be enabled by loading into VS Mode, changing difficulty, and resaving) US Save Exported from memory card using mymc-gui in .max format
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