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Everything posted by Nescient

  1. what about that badass mutherfucker fisticuff? and you're missing a handful of EU players… A few from Exiled… A bunch of Sabbathians…. The UU squad… (dolt and street… etc… A lot of the JP benediction arnaldos…. ) great idea though, much very good.
  2. i challenge you to a fucking bar fight scrub. DESU ON MUTHERFUCKER.
  3. as i said on ACL, (ew) no online modo? sadface... Maby LR though? if that ever happens? don't they already have a server or some fucking spider-web filled closet for the PSP port? or am i an idealistic luddite with no real love for amor core….
  4. Nescient


    don't be like that. You know i'm right.
  5. Nescient


    hmmm good point. Im sure end-game shet will be more satisfying. Still, i want wild wild west dual pistolas... As far as criticals go, as far as i could tell its WAY easier to set those up with successive melee hits? Ranged weapons (other than molotovs… holy crap molotovs are nuke-tier…) seem like a last ditch line of defense when u need to make an opening in a large crowd or otherwise put space between fattys and ur weak ass character… The hunter pistol was hitting for ~20 damage with enough ROF to basically stun-lock scrubs, which i guess is ok but still… guns are like… y'know… better than swords... I ran outta gas after rekin bosswine on my first real try (for those not in chat, piggy BSed me while i was talking shit). just remember kids, pimp cain is a pimp chain. ftw. edit: this game needs a rambow… cant wait for the flamethrower i seent in oroboros demo tho...
  6. naw. its close and ur canadian so i respect ur disability. SL>AC3 by a fender. COZ ALIENS. Also, don't click the click bait, nob just wants u to look at his fruit drink.
  7. Nescient


    is this confirmed? The shield bearing enemies had me hoping for some sort of defensive option... My only gripe with the game so far is the fixed LA quick-draw *guns* and RA melee… but i'm over it. oh yeah *guns are a frigging JOKE. It seems dumb to me that i can pimp-stick the average werwolf to death in a few hits… Worse, the blunderbuss does less damage than the pistol???? WTF? IK japan is all about ninjas and ninjas are all about not using guns but W.T.F. the bare-bones shotgun does about as much damage as fists...
  8. Nescient


    pimp cain is also a pimp chain
  9. Nescient

    Dark Souls

    I thought LKG was one of the better giant-knight fights in DS2. But every boss in ds2 is the same… it gets behind. It bites the ankles. It wins... really the only one that lived up to the hype, for me, was Sinh. And Sinh may be the best boss-fight I've fought. (coz by the end I'm like WHY CANT WE JUS BE FRIENDS, OH PRETTY DRAGON? and then feel bad for killing it) edit: truth be trolled, favorite DS2 boss was dragonbitch, because gravity.
  10. Nescient


    the detail is amazing…. I'm lost like a puppy in the first level. A note on offense: the diversity of attacks and movement is DEEP. As much as it boils down to R1 spam, there are like 10x the ways to creatively kill things. GG fromsoft.
  11. Nescient

    Cities: Skylines

    game needs kaiju. Also, you clearly have no idea how harrowing rotaries (wtf were u calling them… "roundabouts") are irl. Gitrekt.
  12. Nescient


    Nesc0owned count: 1, SEVEN… 10 (boss swine) Werebears: -3 Havel-esque dude with huge axe: +…4…. but i enjoy your suffering nob-san. Game is game. I'm about 10 minutes in so far. Graphics are extreme as hell. For anyone thats watched the demo's I don't have much to offer… its a next-gen dark souls, period. Apparently someone at FROMSOFT has been listening though… Hitboxes seem to be far more concise… pace is notably faster (thank god…) THE DODGE IS REAL FOLKS! lol… the "side-step" mechanic is beautiful, really a testament to all things fromsoft. Armor is gone (first enemy killed me in TWO HITS) but offense is cranked up big time. Stagger/stun-lock is clearly a big deal. IF YOU HAVE YOUNG CHILDREN (seriously) save them the trauma… Opener scene has some dude in a fedora using that iconclastic (…) boner-saw cutting a dog in half up-close… Weapons feel realistic and decidedly angry. I think from soft wants you to feel the pain, so the speak, as you dole it out. Fingers crossed for a late-game havel-esque dealio… doubt its going to happen but MAN would it be nice to have… time will tell... TLDR: Its dark souls. But its worth it, if u liked dark souls. Did I mention Fedorah? Update: So, basically everything that looks human is paper-mache… AI seems notably better than souls… tough-looking things tend to be tough, as in you're going to be encountering DS2 "boss-tier" enemies early on. Individually, nothing seems that tough but Horde-based AI has caught me with my pants down more than once. The dodge function is closer to a "free-run" button than souls-rolls. Its also got a somewhat forgiving "assist"… "Worthless Bag Of Skin" (deprived class) is not recommended for anyone averse to dieing often. Number 1 rule is you're no tougher than anyone else that would ware a fedora in such times.. Number 2: be the blender… Number 3: Stamina is everything… 4: BE PATIENT… enemies tend to appear in overwhelming numbers, and there are MANY well hidden "snipers" that are positioned to shoot you in the back if you don't stay focused on clearing everything in a methodical manner.
  13. Nescient


    Im less worried about stream-lined co-op than PVP. I feel like they tried to redefine PvP with the souls series, and like… hit one outta the park, about 3 feet over the foul line… ye ken?
  14. Nescient


    This is what I've been waiting to hear. Will report back in approximately 18 hours. otherwise: edit: CRAAAWWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN
  15. http://media4.giphy.com/media/XDlvdpMAfjCFy/200.gif http://giphy.com/gifs/FIP9fv1g9m3T2 pl0x?
  16. shotguns r op as fuck. M4's are known for not killing things dead… 5.56 is relatively high velocity, tends to go straight through targets. Penetration is ideal for disabling live people, because ouch. But utterly inferior vs zermbies. If they were kalishnakov's you might have a leg to stand on (becoz tumbling ballistic, post-entry=exit wounds of horror, or enough to at least make them crawl for it…) Shotty's, on the other hand, kill things dead and don't need to be aimed or anything. On top of being vastly more reliable, and 12-gauge ammo being about as accessible as the average mcdonalds. Show was dece… which is saying something coming from me, not much of a zombie enthusiast… FWIW i'd rather watch "Bite Me"
  17. Nescient

    Street Fighter V

    too many pain noises, quit being such a woman. The doors… "another one biteses the dust"
  18. sure… ill be… kenshin… oro... (depends on what u mean by old, probably not. IDK Kuroi, Kurenai does ring a bell tho.) to keep it real, I didn't get into the game till AC4, online play till fA… The first forum I joined was oriented towards ACV.
  19. good read. Reminds me of (dammit… uhhhh cartoon netw-) inuyasha quite a bit.
  20. thats almost as funny as it is not nice nom... oh gawd cant help mesef THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!
  21. DONT DO IT SHINEY JUST RUN. or turn off the fucking camera and play a bauss.. fak u nob. (shiny if u don't bring him down 5th gen style ill be forced to get myass whooped. in a game i don't even want to play anymore) oh…. msac and GA produce the same NEXT (DURRRRR)… MSAC makes like missiles, FCS, generators, stupid schidt. GA make big stronk bot wif no PA (not at all stronk) 20:00 (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. yes…)
  22. Well, as a personal mentor often said, Toosh' nob. but ORTEGA. thanks bruh. and iirc Holofernes has a stat deficit which makes ortega better suited to "running and gunning" with forward momentum.. Holofornes=purely evasive QB, Ortega=mlg dodge (read as: difficult to pull off) but keeps guns on target, so to speka. @ground movement: well… ok… AFAIK ur still slower grounded than mid-air. either way u lose like half ur circle glitch in being there. Nades "becomes an issue" as you say but pretty much any weapon is going to be able to hit you with a greater degree of reliability… my real point was that in being stuck to the ground… your kojima cannons will be inherently less efficient. gg nob. re-reading, not drunk this time… a few nit-picks, just for the sake of the uninitiated... it doesnt matter if you lack defense because either you are going to one-shot your opponent or you are going to die anyways. kojima weapons do not have any longevity, so your AC should last as long as you need it to to sound theory. Still, latona just isn't a good starting point for beginners, IMO. The quad strategy you've outlined is great… but latona will be dangerously close to mid-weight mobility, with sub-par shell defense and PA (for a lightweight)… So… basically… any chuckle fuck that can keep ~500m between you and spam rifles, is going to pose a serious threat to a latona based KJ NEXT… just my 2c. Likewise, missiles, etc… any mid-range weapon is going to be doing that stun thing you taught meh… kojima cannons do NOT rely on KP to fire. they drain your KP but do not necessarily need KP to maintain their maximum charge value or to charge in general. fully charged kojima cannons will maintain 100% of their damage with 0 so just t o be clear, the hit to PA during charging is… the weapon just plain damaging your existing PA pool. I blame pre-conception bias. I assume its possible to stack regen/rec and maintain somewhat viable PA while charging…
  23. oh man, I've been looking forward to watching you try to beat that first mission. Teh second stage on that little white thing… good fight. Have you tried any PvP, beyond nob fights? YO KAMAL/TRAVERS+ground-zero-range=next vid pls. Also, normah suggest you fightsis teh nobses, and recod that, for would be not so damn boring for everyone else. A small sacrifice (sort of like lighting your v-card on fire and using it as TP…) but a worth while one for the greater good, sir.
  24. so… i came here for one reason, and one reason only *OHH DURZO-SAN* :cute anime catari or whatever: DESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDE-DEDEDEDDEDEDEDEDEDEDEEDEE-DE-DE opa gangnam stie. bernerbernerbernerwerewer but no, niji, can haz real buoy, wit real question (edit this and i will be forced to PURIFY YOUR SOUL SIR.) (and you may create more problems for me, leading to and revolving around… therapy which is one of my least favorite dirty words, but, i digress. They don't work after awhile. I needed to practice with "live rounds" on a "live audience". Tried to make a funny. Made much innaprop. @u, the REDACTED paranoid story, that was a good one… you shouldn't have dereted its. No hard feewings doe. (k upon edit, some, i was hoping for a little attention on that one, and did put some "theatric effort" into it, in spite of it being a 100% non-fiction piece… WHO REALIZED THAT THEY STOLES ME XBOX?) Ceasing drivel, everything from here down is legit meta (I REALLY might actually go so far.. as to get back into FA…) ************************************************************************************************************************************** just a note for kojima: its not meant to be used for something like CQC. heres why: - one-shot. you have to make one shot count, and while getting in close may seem logical, it isnt entirely. if you miss that one shot, you now have almost nothing to hit the enemy back with and must immediately retreat, which isnt always the easiest thing. To err on the side of caution, nobs talking about alcoholics anonymous, right? and by that i mean Ass. Armor. Which is great, idk much about PA/AA/the game in general. - stun. any stun taken from any weapons that hit you (or even objects, like walls or water, even your own weapon recoil or landing recoil) will cancel your charge. on that note, NEVER try to kojima on water levels like shanghai or megafloat. ​K so now.. IK that taking any hit is going to stall PA recharge… The rest is news to me… Makes sense though, as IIRC PA generally recharges faster if u hold still. still, RECOIL FROM YOUR OWN WEAPONS?!?!?! no freakin' kidding… Nob goes on to say, "till you see the whites of there eyes"… maka good sense. Koji wepns r 4 scrubs doe.. ...Nob beats around the "circle glitch" bush, and general cowardly tactics that work 100% of the time half the time. "real nob:" what are you bound to hit faster; a car going the same direction as you, or a car traveling full speed directly at you? ​idk. I've only "hit" parked cars. Do not recommend. (unless tehy are in a HW or slower, then its perfectly fine to jump them from behind) ​u make it sound easy…. to play like a boss... also,… …."see" opponents UWOTM8? IS THIS A HALO GUIDE?!?!?! ​but seriously… i played for years and NEVER KNEW THIS. I'm inclined to think you're trolling but, tbh i belibe u. Latona, latona, latona... Intersting… maka sense does. If you don't have experience with the game though, stay far, far away from latona. For it is paper-mache, even with its PA up. i know what you are thinking; you want the maximum KP for maximum KOJIMA use, which LINSTANT offers. ​gtfo of my brain… yes. was thinking rec directly influences AA "DPS" by increasing recharge rate. ​Also, seems to me PA rec directly influenced AA damage… but i could be wrong. Been wrong before… arg… Linstant R u reffering to the generator, the frame, or both? I assume generator, since you mention 28 second AA recovery. …lines later, schism cured… much thanks… back to class... (nob meant the max KP generator) Tard04 to Nob03: youll be able to spam a very powerful and large-radius AA at close ranges to help distract and disorient your target for a good KOJIMA shot lay-up… To me, this is saying AA the christ out of them then use the nukes... Which doesn't sound right, because KJ weapons rely on KP to fire.. KP will take ~28 seconds to return at best… therefore… you made an error of implico here. Unless this is supposed to mean AA the christ out of them till they are too scared to push real aggro, THEN use nooks. (but that would just be mean…) Straight meta from nob: the OTHER generator option is ALIYAH/G (or RIGEL/G if you cant handle the weight). ALIYAH/G will allow for GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY while still maintaining a very high KP (i think the AA recovery rate is somewhere around 35 seconds). its a tad heavy, but you should consider building around it newb to scrubs: its been years, but IIRC Lahire generator is good as a lightweight Aliyah replacement. Better suited to a build that might use AA in a moment of desperation than a general weapon. @booster selection... ​I'm now in over my head. The "mod alliyah" side booster is REALLY good though… similar to holofernes but with noticeably more torque (so its good for fattys, or those looking to cut through lead rain like butter and pwnzorz nubs sideways). I wish i could remember the part name… iirc it was a cool word… (edit: begins with an "O" [?]) *walks out the back-door, awkwardly, says good-bye to no one. @weapons I'd argue all KJs (aside from bismuth and the other missile) are crud. Definitely highly limited CQC weapons that will be dodged by a competent player. That said... Ive taken setup #1 and 2 directly to the face, abdomen and butt-flap. If the stars align…. man it sucks getting 1 shotted in this game... weapons again, CQC weapons wont do you as much good as some other weapons. you have a few choices "out of context" this rings true IME. But is false nevertheless. CQC weapons are not to be taken lightly @#2 SCs are pretty damn good mixed with anything. CQC arm weapons will be much more effective if you can force an opponent to "play your game" by pelting them with SCs till they decide to play the game. SCs are even pretty good as a CQC weapon, just don't expect impact AND damage to (register) save your ass vs a fast blader. @4 sexism, is, as sexism does nob. brought this up earlier: AA downtime to charge your kojima weapons and run away for a second attempt. but how? AA consumes KP, rendering kojima gun inert till recharge begins? yes? ...Flares is shrek, till you learn how to dodge and pwn at the same time… but generally the only good option for survival oriented players fighting swarms of wheeling. ​@ecm.. lol… nob said "good cover" gitrekt nob. @booster HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHa. ha. "ground"... you do not want to be there. to be honest, kojima is not that great of a weapon. its mainly a gimmicky thing, since the velocity is so low that the charge time and weapon stats make it less than desirable (not to mention lag, which will lower your chances of a successful hit even MORE, making kojima weapons almost impossible to land hits with without proper planning). if anything, they are hi-lasers with much more burden and less consistency. also, when building an AC with kojima, bear in mind the disadvantages of using it. dont suddenly decide you feel like slapping kojima on, as your AC will be almost guaranteed to fail. quoted for truth. For the sake of clarity, hi-lasers are not at all consistent. no shit m8… good info. So much Jank….
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