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Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm


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Is anybody getting it? I plan on getting it soon and representing Aiur.


I'll probably still be utter garbage at it, and I should probably save my money and self esteem, but I'm thinking "fuck that" and just go for it.


Anyway, figure I'd ask to see if I'll have friends to play with so I can get better. Otherwise, it's just me doing ranked and getting whooped by bronze league.

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3k on cannons is crazy lol. Yeah though, sc is fun to watch, don't blame you.


I personally wanna see how the metagame is gonna turn out like. All 3 races got sick buffs, with Zerg getting the arguably short end of the stick. Funny enough, at the beginning of beta, it seemed like it was Protoss that got shitted on.


Overall, I like the additions to the game, though I don't think that it's crazy unbalanced. It's just that everything is so strong now. That's just from watching videos though, I haven't played the game myself.


So it looks like its just me getting it then? Lol ok. I guess I'll just try my luck w randoms then and get served.

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But...but...but multiplayer is the best part of starcraft.


Story line is pretty good though, so can't go wrong with that.


It's more that I can't compete with the APM heavy aspect of it, having marginally limited use of my hands, due to wrist injuries. Hell I can barely even draw anymore, shitsux.

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I think I'll be skipping this installment. I saw a playthrough of it, and the story was borderline retarded. I was actually driven to rage because it was so badly written. I NEVER GAVE UP ON YU KERRIGAN


Gameplay didn't really redeem it much either, since you can just gather a large deathball and roll over everything. Swarmlings and roach spawnlings just don't even give you a challenge, not even on brutal.


Finally, multiplayer is screwed, since Terran got shafted. Warhounds were the unit I was looking forward to, despite looking slightly stupid. They weren't morbidly obese like the Thor. Hellbats just arent good in straight on engagements, since lings and zealots can actually kite them now, and it requires an upgrade to switch between them. And considering Blizzard looks like they want to nerf the widow mine, I really don't feel confident that it'll be useful.


I just pity the mapmaking community that'll suffer for it.

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I highly doubt a widow mine nerf will make it useless considering right now it absolutely destroys. If anything, it will encourage more openings because all I see coming out of terran that's really good early on is rushing to widow mines. It's really stupid though to not like something just because you know it's going to change later. It's Blizzard for fucks sake. You should know already that the game is going to be changing for years to come. Edited by Rachis
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I don't know where you got that info that they're gonna nerf them. I remember reading that they weren't nerfing anything yet, considering everything is new right now. Once people figure out a way to deal with them, they'll see that it doesn't need a nerf.


I think the new units are crazy good. Even the viper is pretty sick. Those two abilities are so good.


I don't see how needing research for hellbats is a bad thing. It was done to balance them a bit, they're a pretty good unit. iirc, they can be healed by medivacs, and will completely destroy a mineral line. hellbat drops are pretty good. While the research is completed, you could make the hellions anyway. You need hellions for hellbats, so why not?


Warhound needed to go, I'm sorry haha. Those things were too good. Even after their nerf, they were just destroying.

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I personally wanna see how the metagame is gonna turn out like. All 3 races got sick buffs, with Zerg getting the arguably short end of the stick. Funny enough, at the beginning of beta, it seemed like it was Protoss that got shitted on.


Protoss (IMO got the best buffs)

-Mothership Core (can recall armies from pushes without losing them, can also turn buildings into super-photon cannons for energy)

-Void Rays (got a massive buff as they now rape Corruptors and Thors, their ability wrecks massive units)

-Oracle (perfect for scouting and eco harass, and mixes well with Void Rays as they'll melt marines)


Terran (next best)

-Thors (no longer get wrecked by HT's feedback)

-Hellbats (these things are just rape)

-Reapers (not useful all the time, but great for TvZ harassing, especially if you get somewhere with it and move right into hellions)

-Ravens (back on the scene with reduced costs for seekers, although they have a longer delay)

-Widow Mines (can really make things painful for a pretty cheap cost)


Zerg (gettin shafted)

-Infestors (fungal is now a projectile meaning it's no longer instant)

-Hydras (do now get a speed upgrade)

-Vipers (can if played right, turn ling/roach/hydra forces into a really problematic deathball, by dropping blinding cloud or abducting colossi/siege tanks)

-Swarm Hosts (high risk unit, but you can lock down an enemy force with some, provided they have backup)

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I'm seeing the drops as the most beneficial upgrade for Terran. The widow mines are annoying, but nobody has had the time to change their playstyles enough to accommodate for the widowmines. The mines in brood war are much more devastating and forgiving to the terran. The super fast drops are wrecking over everybody at mlg though.
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