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MTG (Magic: The Gathering)


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mtg has taught me many life lessons; be patient and strike when the time is right. it's more fun to enjoy something than to win at it. hobbies are expensive.


anyway its been years since i've seriously played. i stopped collecting cards at mirrodin, and basically only booster drafted mirrodin and odyssey block. i didnt really like either of those sets. between a playerbase of mouth-breathers and card design that was crumpling under the pressure of it's company's greed i gave up, disgusted, even though i loved the game. i still do.


i've always been interested in crazy shit. for instance:




http://gatherer.wiza...35246&type=card +http://gatherer.wiza...=4496&type=card


those two deck out your opponent and keep your hand full every turn. basically play control with white splashed. in case you don't understand how the two interact as a combo, its based on the rule you can choose which effect goes first when its your upkeep. so every turn the dreamborn muse is first and only hits your opponent.. because psychic vortex empties your hand the turn before.










haha. yeah.




and also





http://gatherer.wiza...02472&type=card +http://gatherer.wiza...59775&type=card


the stasis lock. the stasis lock is playing the enchantment stasis on your turn, then at the end of the opponents turn, return it to your hand with time elemental. the effect is that the opponent will never be able to untap their lands, whereas you can untap indefinitely (if you can bounce stasis back to your hand). you can also use




instead/with time elemental. the time elemental is easier to play, being only 2u as opposed to 1uu, but the bounce is more mana. temporal adept can achieve the stasis lock for only 5 mana as opposed to the requisite 6 of the time elemental.





i used to play a lot and have had a craving recently.


if anyone wants to play on apprentice let me know.

if you dont know what apprentice is,

"Apprentice is a program that assists in playing Magic: The Gathering over the Internet and maintains a searchable database of Magic cards." - wikipedia


download link:


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Download and install Cockatrice: http://www.woogerworks.com/

Unlike Apprentice and MWS, it is not an outdated POS. Hasbro actually took down the official Cockatrice but this still works.


I have been playing this game for 10+ years and I play Legacy almost exclusively. I play Goblins, MUD Stompy, Forgemaster, Death and Taxes, Soldier Stompy. I also play EDH, with my main man Norin the Wary. I am getting into Modern also. I refuse to play Standard because I hate having my cards rotated out.




To be honest, I still prefer playing paper MtG. My play group tends to be older people with kids, so I don't have an issue with playing against "mouth-breathers", not that I have anything against them.


We should all play sometime next week.

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I'll have to check into this cockatrice business, I've been wanting something like that for awhile. The Urza block was fantastic, good times.


Yo Zoa! I'm back in MN, Fargo ND is pretty junk, MN get's some points back.

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are you in/around the cities?


i think im gonna build an EDH first. my candidates for generals are


http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=136194 - jhoira of the ghitu

http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=247361 - intet, the dreamer



off the top of my head. intet is definetly my favorite dragon legend.


ill have cockatrice probably monday next week.


ive had a ridiculous deck idea for a while i want to try. basically it would be monoblue and probably run some heavy control, using cards such as:



vesuvan doppelganger






reflecting pool

exotic orchard


control magic

copy enchantment

copt artifact




stuff like that.


the basic idea is to mimic exactly what the opponent does, but .. do it better. it's more of an expirement than anything. it seems extremely interesting and i cant wait to work on it


i *love* the idea of a blue deck that essentially mirrors any deck it goes up against.


i know that hivemind can be combo'd as well- theres that set of really cheap spells that you can play for free but you lose if you dont pay for them next turn. hivemind + the blue one = your opponent is forced to play it too, and loses their next upkeep. something to keep in mind.

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Hey Zoa,

What type of playstyle do you want for EDH? From what I have seen you posted so far, Zedruu may be up your alley.


Here is a good rundown of a sample deck to give you ideas: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=329861


And yeah, Hive Mind is a popular deck in Legacy.



The idea is to cast Have Mind and instantly play one of the Pact cards. Never commit to Hive Mind without one of the Pact cards. It uses Show and Tell so you can combo off as fast as turn 2 with Island + Ancient Tomb. If you can't find Hive Mind, Emrakul is another good Show and Tell target, because it kills everything.


As for your mimic-your-opponent idea, I can see that being decent against another control deck, decent against combo if you pack enough counter magic (though, you lack a win condition), and terrible against a fast aggro because they can out clock you before you get to set up. I can probably work out something with you. Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Force of Will are auto-includes for mono-blue.

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are you in/around the cities?


Nah, I'm pretty much on the border of ND right by Fargo.


Yeah, maybe I'll get this cockatrice going soon and upload my two decks and see how they fare. Ones white/black and the other is blue/black.

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Great start to the Cockatrice Zoa, definitely a lot of fun. I'm going to upload my second deck tonight and I'll hopefully be on tomorrow night, hopefully the Honest Frank can join us. Yeah, the free control over the board is very cool, that way I can actually get engaged and pay attention rather than having some auto commands do everything.


Your enchantment control was killing me man, more than you might know. I'm excited to see what plenty more games will bring out.

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Oh hey. I didn't get on last night because I thought you guys were uninterested. I didn't see Zoa's message from last night until now. I'll see if I can get on tonight.


By the way, what formats were you guys playing? I assume Legacy.


I am on! I will probably stay on for the next hour.


My user name is: L10

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I can't play tonight or tomorrow night. I will be visiting family.


You should learn:

Elder Dragon Highlander: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php

Legacy: https://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrlegacy

Modern: https://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/resources.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrmodern


EDH is the only one you need to "learn". Legacy and Modern is regular MtG with different set and card restrictions. For Legacy, you can use all sets but Unhinged and Unglued. For Modern, you can use sets after and including Eighth Edition. Modern is basically Legacy for people who do not have the old powerful cards. To learn EDH, use the link I provided. It has a ton of info.

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