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Help Bring Armored Core to PC

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Remember when there was a petition that was made to bring Dark Souls to the PC and how successful it was? Remember when Dark Souls ended up getting on the PC platform because of this petition?


Well, I'm here to suggest another similar idea for Armored Core. Any pc gamer out there would know that Mech games tend to be "the shit" or "the bomb" or "fantastic". If we could get enough signatures for a petition, like the one that was made for Dark Souls, Namco would have to take notice, and ask Fromsoft to port ACVD to the PC.


If ACVD made it on the PC, I would gladly re-buy it, as I am sure many of you would just to ensure this series' future on that platform. Not only that, but bringing the games to Steam (for example) will also increase the player base, thus increasing the popularity of Armored Core.


I know that to some of you, bringing Armored Core to the pc could somehow or other "taint" the experience. Let me remind you, however, that this is From Software that we are talking about. A pc version of the game would not really affect the core (pun intended) of the series in the slightest bit. It would just broaden the audience.


Anyway, there is a petition that has already been started a while ago, but in order for this to really catch Namco's eyes, I think that a new one would need to get started. State your idea on how to go about doing this, and please remember that this worked out for Dark Souls.

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If by wildly successful you mean selling 200,000 copies in 2 years (games like Dead Space 3, for example, sell about 880,000 units on their first week... then considered failures), then yes... yes it was wildly successful.


Just to let you know: Armored Core V sold 24,700 copies in its first week. Which was considered a "success" by Namco. Currently, the most recent report for ACVD's sales is 80,425 copies, which is impressive considering it was released along side GTAV, BF4, Beyond Two Souls, AC4, etc.


One thing to note is that Armored Core never got a lot of advertising in the west. If it actually got advertised, then I bet you that it would become more successful. Another thing to note is that Armored Core 4 did not sell enough copies to make SEGA happy, so Ubisoft ended up publishing 4A. When 4A failed to meet Ubisoft's expectations, Namco decided to published ACV. Of course, as I said earlier, ACV did well enough for Namco to publish ACVD.


If we want this game to get more publicity, then we, the community must try to get more people interested in the game. If that means we need to, for example, try and get Fromsoft and Namco to release a pc port, then that's what it takes. Another way to go about doing this would be to get popular youtubers to play those games, but I really don't fancy the idea of letting a guy like PewDiePie get his hands on a copy of Armored Core.


Besides, Armored Core would be MUCH more successful on pc because most pc gamers are biased towards loving Mech games.

Edited by B1gB4ddy
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If by wildly successful you mean selling 200,000 copies in 2 years (games like Dead Space 3, for example, sell about 880,000 units on their first week... then considered failures), then yes... yes it was wildly successful.






dark souls was wildly successful, he's right


it's from software's crown jewel, they know that too


demon's souls changed from software forever by being a sleeper hit and winning boat loads of awards on top of getting commercial results


dark souls had wild high expectations


and it delivered









on topic i hope your petition goes well

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I will agree with you that it did do VERY well, but its sales only sky-rocketed after its PC release. if the same happened to Armored Core, I'm certain that we would see something similar, but definitely not on the same level as Dark Souls.


There is already a petition that has been on for a while (it started shortly before ACVD came out), and it can be found here: http://www.change.org/it/petizioni/release-armored-core-verdict-day-on-pc


but what I was thinking about doing was create a new one, and get a lot of people to sign it in a short ammount of time to catch Namco's eyes, just like Dark Souls' petition did.


Essentially, I would like to get the AC community to agree on this so that Dark Souls' "conditions" are re-created to some extent for Armored Core

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From the same article:


2,367,000 people made good on their preparations to die in Dark Souls. As livedoor reports, From Software announced the latest global sales figures for the 2011 deathtrap at a recent press conference. Around half a million purchases came from Japan, the studio revealed, with the other 1.85 million or so made up from North America and Europe.


Copies which included the '[sic] Artorios of the Abyss' DLC released last year comprised just under 700,000 sales. As ShackNews reports, according to Namco Bandai VP Carlson Choi the PC version represents "over 300,000" of that figure.


that game did work long before the PC version came out


that's one of the biggest reasons they agreed to the PC version, it's one of the few times in their company's history where FROM decided to do the fans a solid


minor payback for putting us through hell twice with Demon's and Dark Souls


you can prolly search for more proof too just off of it's first week and first month sales, the game was making headlines pretty much it's entire promotion cycle


on topic i think it's a travesty that from software isn't trying to keep the NA folks up to speed with the rest, that's just plain dumb


i pray for your continued success in petitioning them

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I would gladly re-buy it, as I am sure many of you would just to ensure this series' future on that platform.

I know that to some of you, bringing Armored Core to the pc could somehow or other "taint" the experience.


Those are some weird things to be 'sure' about and 'know' here. Mostly because they're like, way off or something (for most of us anyway; stu faps to robits and hoppy is one, and then Pen is Pen). Most regulars don't even have VD on console. AC being opened up to mods actually sounds pretty cool. No taint there.


Pen is Pen.



Dragon dildos.



Good luck with that.

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In the myth.


God is force.




A PC version of VD would definitely be neat, but it's also definitely never going to happen. I know FROM too well. I doubt anyone here thinks PC would taint AC though, we have a lot of PC gamers here. PC would very likely pull in more ACU players, tbh. The problem is everyone here is an old timer and used to FROM's general behavior, so you shouldn't expect much beyond cynicism and the occasional well wishes.


Modded VD does sound neat though. I'd totally buy it. You know what I'd buy three times over though? Modable MoA, AA, or LR with multiplayer online built-in on PC. FROM take my money.

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This is the stupidest fucking idea since that guy who wanted to build a real AC. You might as well petition for a US release of Mother 3.


You know what I'd buy three times over though? Modable MoA, AA, or LR with multiplayer online built-in on PC.

Yeah, I think we all would. But I was under the impression that PS1 had been cracked like 10 years ago and you could already do whatever you wanted with MOA. Even if not, isn't PSP cracked to hell, making the portable versions modable? Maybe I just don't know anything about what it takes to mod things.

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