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Oh yes, Terrans are "overpowered" because two top level players make them seem that way.


And you guys are calling ME the retard. That's funny. At least I don't go around crying how the other races are so OP.


I thought the point of those examples was to show you Terran was not, "underpowered," not to show you that they are, "overpowered," no?


Wait a second. You've continuously cried about a race being underpowered. How is that any different?

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Zerg has always sucked.


There's literally nothing it counters. Mutalisks are SUPPOSED to counter light units with good micro, but everything they counter is tougher than them, and everything they don't counter is basically 90% of the game units. They're useless. Unless you have JD micro your mutas will get torn apart.


Ultralisks sucked before, and they suck now. They take so long to run, they only have 1 range, any decent moron can simply split their forces and avoid all the splash damage, you can just run away from them and make them useless, and they're money sinks just to add insult to injury. They can't do jack against air units. It's no different, whether in SC1 or Sc2.


Roaches and hydras suck no matter what you're fighting against. You're better off making air units, since neither of them is worth their cost. The only thing roaches counter is zerglings, and they can run away. Otherwise you're better off making mutas, since they have more DPS for their cost. Hydras can't counter anything, and if you say "air targets" I'm gonna laugh at you like a retarded child. When a protoss has carriers, 200/200 food worth of hydras won't even save you, because he can kite you all day while you try and aim for the main ship.

you faggots thought I didn't focus fire, did you?


Corrupters are pathetic as well, because they do zero ground damage and pitiful air damage. Cost for cost they get beaten by every other race's air units. They can't counter anything either. They're paper thin and can't hold themselves in a fight, and they aren't even fast enough to run away. Corrupters can't even counter battlecruisers, because he'll have yamato cannons and vikings protecting them.


The one bastion of hope was the brood lord. That thing was truly a beast and in theory it could tangle with the likes of the other race's massive units. A pity it had more counters than any unit in the game, thus making it hard to use. (vikings, hydralisks, mutalisks, phoenixes, carriers, marines, basically any unit that could shoot up). And just to add insult to injury, they can't even attack air. They don't even have a speed upgrade so it's still not worth using over well micro'd mutas.


People cry that Zerg are overpowered because of the zerglings and banelings that people use everygame, while ignoring the VAST underpowered traits of the zerg air. And that's sad. Worse, since the expansions are gonna make zergs even weaker, ONCE AGAIN zergs will be the only race that takes any skill to play. They're the only race that requires micro instead of "HUR DUR ATTACK+MOVE TO VICTORY".


It's tough to play zerg.

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Protoss air has always sucked.


There's literally nothing it counters. Corsairs/phoenixes are SUPPOSED to counter light units with good micro, but everything they counter is tougher than them, and everything they don't counter is basically 90% of the game units. They're useless. They can't even stack so at best, one or two phoenixes are shooting a mutalisk ball without getting utterly splashed to death. It takes so much APM to stay outside of the range of the mutalisks when all zerg has to do is 1a.


Carriers sucked before, and they suck now. They take so long to build, you have to spend minerals in order to make interceptors, any decent moron can simply focus down the carrier, you can just run up to them and make them useless, and they're money sinks just to add insult to injury. They do abysmal damage to all units, and they can't do jack once all their interceptors are dead because every unit that can shoot up can just wipe out an entire gaggle of interceptors. It's no different, whether in SC1 or Sc2.


Voidrays and Scouts suck no matter what you're fighting against. You're better off making ground units, since neither of them is worth their cost. The only things Voidrays counter are things that can't shoot up, and they can just waltz through them. Otherwise you're better off making stalkers, since they have more DPS for their cost. Scouts can't counter anything, and if you say "armored air targets" I'm gonna laugh at you like a retarded child. When a protoss has carriers, 200/200 food worth of Scouts won't even save you, because he can kite you all day while you try and aim for the main ship.

you faggots thought I didn't focus fire, did you?


Motherships are pathetic as well, because they do terrible ground damage and equally terrible air damage. Cost for cost they get beaten by every other race's air units. They can't counter anything either. Motherships are paper thin, despite their size, and can't hold themselves in a fight, and they aren't even fast enough to run away. Motherhsips can't even counter broodlords, because he'll have corruptors and mutas protecting them.


The one bastion of hope was the Protoss Arbiter from Starcraft 1. That thing was truly a beast and in theory it could tangle with the likes of the other race's massive units. A pity it had more counters than any unit in the game, thus making it hard to use. (vessels, hydralisks, mutalisks, scourge, carriers, marines, goliaths, turrets basically any unit that could shoot up). And just to add insult to injury, they buried it under the mothership. In fact, they keep nerfing the mothership to the point where it's not worth using over well micro'd voidrays or stalkers.


People cry that Protoss is overpowered because of the colossi and sentries that people use everygame, while ignoring the VAST underpowered traits of the Protoss air. And that's sad. Worse, since the expansions are gonna make Protoss even weaker, ONCE AGAIN Protoss will be the only race that takes any skill to play. They're the only race that requires micro instead of "HUR DUR ATTACK+MOVE TO VICTORY".


It's tough to play Protoss.

Edited by NlJl
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I am convinced pendragON has never seen high lvl starcraft once in his life. It's especially aggravating when he lumps thors/gols and vuls/hellions together as if they operate similarly.


I've been trolled.





Hallucinations are decent in SC2 for scouting and soaking damage, unlike in SC1 where they were basically only for guaranteed recalls and the ever elusive "i have 16 carriers so you should leave" scare tactic that i can recollect working like once ever. I've also seen them used for clearing minefields ala bisu vs iris.


What does ala even mean?

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1.3.3 PTR Patch


    • Archons are now a massive unit.
    • Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.
    • Cybernetics Core
    • Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180.
    • Gateway
    • Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.
    • Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37.
    • Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33.
    • Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.


    • Ghost
    • Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.
    • Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.


    • Spore Crawler
    • Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.
  • Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.

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Hey! Those build times are good enough that you can roll regular gateways for defense better than you can use warpgates for defense in the early game. Warpgates will still be better once mid-game hits though, since you can warp shit in wherever you want. I hope they keep that change. I'm really fucking tired of seeing nothing but Warpgates. There honestly was no reason for the regular Gateway to really even exist.
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