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BC's are one of those units you don't hear about because they take too long to work into standard games.


They're actually really powerful vs any type of zerg air/ground army. The only thing decent at fighting them is the corrupter, which ends up costing quite a bit to kill a BC with and takes quite a while to build and such. Not the easiest tech switch in the world if you get surprise BC'd by a T player. It takes roughly 7 Hydra to beat a single BC. BC's are not 14 food, though, and do not carry the same mineral/gas cost of 7 Hydra. Hence, BC's are a wacky issue.

I think the only time I've actually faced BCs is as a reaction to my corrupter force so that's probably the reason I've never had a terrible time with them. If I have corrupters I usually have hydras as well.


The Tank nerf is horrendous and an example of one of the most idiotic things I think I've ever seen by Blizzard. While I don't believe it breaks the balance of the game, it does force TvZ strategy to start over from step one again. It's a huge change to have happen outside of beta. That single change is going to cause a mess when it hits and people are actually forced to start working with it. Right now a bunch of people (griefers) are praising Blizz's nerfing of the "OP" Terran race, so they can't see how this'll affect the game yet.

I agree wholeheartedly. Tanks are scary for a zerg player that hasn't already invested in air (and they're still potent even if he has) so this nerf doesn't really force the zerg player to deviate from their plan much if they see him going tanks while they have a large ground army. Instead of switching their unit comp, they might just as easily pump out more units to compensate.


The Ultralisk change is fine and I can agree with it. Griefers are the reason the Ultra went silly in the first place. No one wants to take the time to learn how to play a race/unit better or to improve their strategy, they just want nerfs and buffs so they can be lazy players, which is what led to this Ultra dillemma. I don't mind the Zealot build/cooldown time being changed. It doesn't make a big difference, sans cheese all-ins.

I don't have a problem with the ultra nerf since I still haven't found a niche for ultras other than humiliation. It always seems like resources that could be devoted to ultra tech can be better spent elsewhere. Sentry force fields are one thing but that just feels like a weird circumvention.


I do not like the lack of vision after death, that's just silly. Also, adding more rocks and other bullshit attempts like it to "fix" maps is worthless. The standard Blizz maps are wacky and do not cater to any serious attempt at balance. They're just an idiotic attempt to force cliffs and "strategic" positions into the game.

I don't understand why they would change something like that at all. That's something that was around in BW for fuck's sake. I don't see what kind of balance that taking out that functionality is going to provide.


On a side note, we finally get Chat Channels. At least something is going in the right direction.


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Yah, I still 100% don't understand the lack of vision after death thing.


But yah, the BC problem is pretty weird. Corrupters are good at countering them, but they're still not highly cost effective. It takes about as much money in Corrupters as they spend in BC's to actually counter them. If they have Yamato Cannons it's much harder and will take an extra Corrupter per BC, pushing the cost up even higher. One problem with this is that Corrupters, if they win the fight, are useless versus just about any ground army since all they can do is cast that crappy debuff. It's only useful against larger high priority targets. BC's, on the other hand, can still do quite a bit of damage to ground units after their air battle is over. Especially Zerg ground units. A smaller problem is just the food cost comparison. Having enough Corrupters to stop BC's costs more food than the BC's, which is just silly. Muta, Hydra, and Queens are all highly inefficient units to attempt to stop a BC push with.


The biggest problem is being ready for it. If you have the Greater Spire up and ready, that's fine. You can probably make enough Corrupters in time to stop him, and then potentially switch into Brood Lords if it's safe to do so. More often than not, though, you'll be blindsided by the BC's. This isn't because BC's are sneaky, it's because Zerg lacks any proper scouting options. It becomes increasily difficult to scout with Zerg besides using Changelings as time passes by and Changelings aren't exactly the best at their job! It means you're likely playing blind a lot. If BC's hit you blind, there's nearly no way at all to stop them as Z. P and T have some relatively decent and strong options, but Z has only a slim chance of survival.


I'm pretty sure there are ways to incorporate more Mutalisk play and more Changeling play into my game so that I can get scouting information easier, but it's definitely difficult right now. More importantly, it seems to be escaping even the highest tier players. I barely ever see IdrA scout in mid-game, which is idiotic of him. That's also standard IdrA style play, though. Never expect that your opponent might play mind games with you! No not IdrA. Tbh, though, I don't see very many other high Zerg players making an attempt at it either.


That's mostly why I don't mind the BC nerf. BC's were never that serious a piece of SC1, though they made some highly entertaining matches a few times. They don't really need to be in SC2. Especially when you consider the versatility of the Terran race in general in SC2. Now with Siege Tanks dead, though. Idk what to expect anymore. Blizz just likes trolling, I think.

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The BC nerf, reaper nerf and bunker nerf I'm fine with. Minor changes to still usable structures and units if you ask me. But the tank nerf just doesn't make sense.


Like I've said before in XFIRE, it would make much more sense if they were 40+10 vs armored. Because who here thinks that it's silly a MASSIVE SIEGE WEAPON can't single shot a pissass little zergling with +1 armor?


Also, I gotta agree the zealot nerf was crap. I'm a noob at the game and yet even I've always been able to fend off the earliest zealot rushes.


I guess Blizzard is caving in to the complainers. This is gonna turn out bad.

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I've never played against a 2 gate enough, but from what I've read, the idea is that in PvZ, 2 gate openings leave Z behind in the economy in the mid-game because P can keep pressure while pumping probes while Z is forced to use all the larva for defensive lings/roaches and to use existing drones as spine crawlers. Easy fix to that is just longer attack distances, imo. Not as much worry about early pool as P and time to defend as Z.


On another note, I'm upset that they didn't mention about the lack of variety in zerg early game, which, to me, is way more important than "durrrrr mech is OP."

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The comments are glorious.



Only thing I want to see is the ability for overlords to burrow. They are so useless now and a huge downside to zerg. As terran you can protect your depots by putting units on them or turrets around them. Protoss have pylons spread out pretty well so that it's less of a threat when one or two get destroyed. Overlords usually congregate in a certain area or map corner and are the slowest things in the world unless you upgrade their speed and then they're still almost useless. Doubling as dropships is cool but give speed boost by default or allow for burrow capability. When we play 2v2 we just look in the corners and the zerg player usually stashes them there or we pump out air and kill them quick and zerg player is out. Thanks for letting me rant :angry:
Edited by Gary the Tennis Coach
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It's quite simple really. The protoss must keep their mother buildings connected to the electrical root system in the ground that transmits electro-neurological memories and feelings from one building to another. In doing this, the Protoss defend their title for gayest tree-hugging colon maxable race in Starcraft.
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Hearing that makes me wish the zerg assimilated dinosaurs into their breeds.


An Ultralisk is cool and all, but you just can't strike terror into someone's face like charging a Zergasaurus Rex at them, or being in a typical city when all of a sudden Zergzilla unburrows from the ground and levels all of Redneck Tokyo.


Balance issue is solved, zerg stop bitching, and the game gets 100% more awesome. Though to spite me, they'd probably label him as a "light unit" so my siege tanks wouldn't do jack to him. Stupid Blizzard. :angry:

Edited by Pendragon
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