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Everything posted by LS

  1. The most miserable of all bitches is Serena, who, in addition to having the buggy quest follower pathing that has no concept of personal space and so constantly bumps you off cliffs, complains about the weather regardless of what it is and then wants to go back outside as soon as you go inside. She'll literally ask to go in a cave, then immediately upon entering the cave, say she doesn't like caves and ask to go back outside. She's like a fucking dog. The only follower more annoying is the actual fucking dog, the immortal one from that Daedric quest, who has the same BOOP HERE I AM OH DID YOU FALL OFF A CLIFF pathing and plays the same exact bark sound effect every time you stop moving for a few seconds. Give me a housecarl any day. The best follower in the game is actually Ralis, that guy digging a hole on Solsthiem who you can get at the end of that quest, after throwing like eleven thousand dollars at him. He dual wields, has dual wielding perks, dual casts Ignite with Impact if you give him that ring, and has no HEY LOOK A CAVE dialogue, unlike almost every other retard you can enslave. I really dislike most followers. Apart from Ralis, the only two I enjoy having around are Farkas and that Dunmer girl from the college, and that's more because I like their characters than because they're actually worth having around.
  2. Yeah, I was speaking hypothetically in the context of my previous post. Let me try to explain it a bit more clearly. In my mind, a ban has to increase part variety in order to be justified. There are two ways a ban can do this. The first is by weakening a dominant archetype, increasing the frequency of other archetypes. An example of this could be the solid shields ban in SL decreasing the dominance of def stacking heavies. The second is by giving an archetype several viable options where before it had one. MG800 in SL is the perfect example of this, since it split MG users into MG1000 and MG500. I guess what I meant was that banning R220 does not increase part variety in the second way, since there is only one other good rifle in the game. Given that, in the context of HUESO being banned, I would rather ban HZL50 than R220, because that weakens the same critical archetype that banning R220 does, while also giving people a choice between one of several blades, a shield, and using the weight elsewhere, on multiple AC archetypes that would otherwise always use HZL50. On another note, I don't really see a distinction between what you're calling exploitative builds and what I'd call good designs in the context of the metagame, especially since the ACs you listed are all at least somewhat different, and certainly are not all the same archetype. Why would more of this sort of thing have been a nightmare?
  3. With HUESO banned I don't really see the point of banning R220, since iirc there were only three rifles in AC3, one of which was the garbage starter rifle. You just force ACs that would use R220 to use R160 or whatever it's called instead, which is just a straight nerf of rifles. I never felt like R220 was ending up on ACs that wouldn't otherwise be using rifles, with the exception of ACs that were trying to minimize weapon weight to stack def or speed, like HUESO lights, and I think banning HUESO and HZL50 takes care of most of that. Rifles as a whole never seemed broken to me, especially since the def stacking hurts them more than it does a lot of weapons. A lot of ACs would rather have a laser rifle anyway, especially since without HZL50 it's significantly harder to burn through defense with R220's heat.
  4. Watcher ran EDGE in a tourney? That guy is the truest of heroes. It's been a long time since I looked at the numbers, but I remember there being literally no reason to ever use EDGE over underweighted 066. AC3 has Wasteland and whatever-it-is city, where that girl gets mad if you shoot her. Those and Structure aren't bad maps. HUESO and HZL50 should definitely be banned in AC3. Probably CROW too, since iirc it drains less in AC3 than it does in SL, in addition to lasting like twice as long. I can't really think of much else, other than OP-I. I remember thirteen37 on RH saying something about how he considered AC3 without HZL50 to be the real golden age of blading, even more so than AC2 era. I can't blade, so I don't remember why, but yeah, they really destroyed tracking in SL for some reason. AC3 is definitely my favorite single player experience in the series. If I'd had to put up with client lag in SL, it would probably be my favorite multiplayer experience too.
  5. LS

    Dark Souls II

    What the eternal unholy shitting dicks. EpicNameBro and GermanSpy wrote the strategy guide for Dark Souls II. I guess I'm buying that.
  6. Oh hey, these topics exist. AC3 is the sixth game in the series, and the first reboot. It features the third engine, and also the third mech design reset. The mech designs introduced in AC3 have featured in more AC games than any other part set. As noted above, AC3 is the first reboot of the AC storyline; that is to say, the first AC game not connected to AC1, either directly or through a link to another previous AC game. The story is, as is typical for AC games in general and English translations of AC games in particular, somewhat vague, but in an interesting thematic departure from earlier AC games is absolutely loaded with Judeo-Christian allegory. The most straightforward example of this is the Controller's "DOVE" emblem, which in the context of the player being a Raven is an obvious reference to the story of Noah's Flood, in which both a raven and a dove are both sent out to search for land. In the biblical story, of course, the dove is successful, while in AC3 the player takes the role of the raven, searching for a new order after a long time in the dark, brought on by a world-destroying cataclysm. AC3 is the first AC game to feature a raven-rank-gated Arena. Rather than simply being numbered, arena opponents are grouped in tiers E-A, analogous to mission rankings. The player starts at rank E, and can progress to the highest E rank from the start of the game, but must increase their raven ranking through successful missions in order to progress to challenging rank D opponents. Other AC3 firsts include the Extra Arena, a 2v2 arena in which players are partnered with an AI of their choice, Exceed Orbit cores as an alternative to overboost, mission consorts whose hiring is left to the player, projectile left arm units, NPCs progressing from MT pilots to Ravens depending on the player's actions, and OP-INTENSIFY, an optional part which emulates the human plus of earlier games.
  7. LS

    Chat Is Borked

    [#CSTART-0] There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator.
  8. This is the stupidest fucking idea since that guy who wanted to build a real AC. You might as well petition for a US release of Mother 3. Yeah, I think we all would. But I was under the impression that PS1 had been cracked like 10 years ago and you could already do whatever you wanted with MOA. Even if not, isn't PSP cracked to hell, making the portable versions modable? Maybe I just don't know anything about what it takes to mod things.
  9. LS

    Chat Is Borked

  10. I strongly support the two-entries-per-person format. It encourages more funny entries, because you can also make a serious entry.
  11. 1st place: 5. 2nd place: 9. 3rd place: 10. I don't play this game lol.
  12. 1st place: 4. I GET IT IT’S LIKE A KNIGHT OR SOMETHING RIGHT. This is really the only decent-looking AC in the contest. Nice paint, cool part combinations. 2nd place: 5. This is what you see when you watch Beast Wars on LSD. The legs randomly don’t match though. 3rd place: 3. I think this is probably a reference I don’t get. Whatever, it still looks cool, even with the crazy lego paint. Honorable mention: 1. Vanilla. Not even french vanilla, just fucking milk-in-a-bag-with-ice-and-salt-and-shit vanilla. Last place: 2. Are you serious. Is this even an AC. I could hit random and get a better-looking AC than this. Champion Emeritus: 8
  13. 1st place: 12. I bet stu made this one. Only stu could concoct a robot so sexy. 2nd place: 14 Objectively the best thing to come out of an AC game since Artificial Sky. Not giving it first though because fuck objectivity, lolololol. 3rd place: 2. Mythic Dawn Robes the AC. Sleek as fuck. Honorable mention: 10. Cool, but kind of bland, and the head doesn’t match. Last place: 8. There is absolutely nothing interesting or appealing about this AC. Champion Emeritus: 11.
  14. 1st place: 9. Looks like an MT, or a wanzer. It looks like a thing is the point. Nice paint. 2nd place: 7. Fuck yeah tank. 3rd place: 6. lol Honorable mention: 2. I like how you are better at painting things to look like KARASAWA than FROM is. Last place: 3. Get the fuck out of here with this shit. This looks like something out of the arena. Champion emeritus: 5.
  15. I do enjoy Skyrim. A lot. And now I will bitch about various things in it. I hate how there are only three races in the game from a pragmatic perspective; there's literally no reason to be anything other than a High Elf, a Breton, or an Orc. You can't even go Redgaurd for the stamina regain power, because the game doesn't know about stamina debt so vegetable soup is already infinite power attacks. I hate how all the faction quests are supposed to be about improving that faction, but all they really do is kill half the faction's characters and put your guy in charge. There is never a net population gain, unless you count rebuilding the Blades, and that's just stealing people from other places and putting them in the middle of nowhere. The Companions lose, as Raor put it when I talked about this with him, Anders Werewolf and Oldguy McGee, the College loses the Archmage and that girl who does his job while he wanders around, and also that other guy if you do his quests and, the Dark Brotherhood gets fucking decimated of course. The Thieves Guild comes out okay I guess, but I hate how the first thing they do is lock up that Argonian-in-a-Dark-Elf's-Body for the rest of the game. That actually ties in with a larger problem I have with the game that is kind of in the same vein. With a few notable exceptions (Dawnguard comes to mind), quests do not introduce new permanent NPCs to the game. They just keep taking away the ones that are already there. I mean, if you do every quest in the game, I'm pretty sure there's a net population loss of named NPCs, and I'm pretty sure its enormous. It makes me feel like I'm just fucking everything up for everyone all the time, killing people and despawning them and shit. It starts making parts of the game feel empty. That's probably why my favorite characters I've played in Skyrim are supposed to be evil. I feel like the game kind of forces you to be, if not a dick, at least a klutz, to really get anything done. Speaking of the Blades, fuck their recruitment options. As mentioned, the Companions questline leaves only three members of the Circle alive, not counting your guy; it's hardly a circle at all at that point. They should rename it the fucking triangle. And then all three of those people can be recruited into the Blades, so you can just completely gut the Companions. I hate a lot of things about Dawnguard, even though I also really like some parts of it. My biggest problem with it is removing the hostility at stage 4 of vampirism; I liked actually being forced to keep track of time, waiting for night to feed, and not just blundering in if I was stage 4. I really don't understand why they took that away when they also made it so much easier to feed, letting you hypnotize people and eat them while they're awake, and just drink blood out of a bottle. I actually like both of those additions, and with them I almost never hit stage 4 anyway, but still, I miss real stage 4. The other big problem I have with DG is a really nitpicky one, but it just grinds my teeth every time I hear it; there's this one fucking guard voice actor who couldn't remember how to do his guardvoice, so when they brought him back in to do DG dialogue he did it all in this weirdly-accented gravelly voice that doesn't match the old voice at all, resulting in all the DG-specific dialogue from one species of guard being in a completely different voice, with the guard switching back and forth between voices from line to line. All the other voice actors were able to get their shit together and reprise their roles. How did the director not notice that this guy was completely fucking up guardvoice? My single-biggest problem with the game is the scaling. A few years ago I was reading about some mod that purports to fix it (I am a PS3, so I don't know if it actually does) , and the author described the problem as including a "plague of bears upon the land" after hitting level 20 or so. Well, fuck a plague of bears, fuck random bandits spawning with full ebony armor, and fuck every merchant selling daedric weapons and enchanted items better than any unique. When I first found out about the scaling a few years ago, I stopped playing for a few months. Since then I've capped all of my characters at low levels; I have one at 1, to see what the actual fucking game is like before the scaling starts fucking everything up, a few at 5, one at 11, and one at 19. I've enjoyed the game much, much more since I started doing specific character builds, and placing restrictions upon what each character does. I also usually don't start the main quest, because I like being able to fast travel for days without dragons spawning in and depopulating the cities even more than the quests already do. I really like the game, though.
  16. LS

    Man of Steel

    The only part of this movie I liked was Zod's rant about losing his purpose. I felt like that retroactively fleshed out his character to a really surprising degree, to the point where I identified with him more than just about anyone else in the movie. It almost made the stupid fight scene worthwhile. I dunno, one strong line of dialogue was more than I expected from a Superman movie. At risk of summoning forth exogen, my perception of Superman has always been as modern Aristotelian philosophy; at least, that was the angle from which I found it interesting. The idea that your planet is holding you back - that all the separates normal people from gods is the matter surrounding them, and that if you remove that matter you're perfect - has always been an interesting one to me. Superman's twist on this is that for every race of people, it's a different thing. One man's poison is another man's nectar; the planet that holds us back sets him free. His poison has (almost) entirely been removed from existence, so he is a god, not just transiently, but actually. They went into this more than I expected them to, but not as much as I'd hoped. Again, the only part where I felt it really came out was the last fight scene with Zod, which was so stupid on a superficial level I couldn't really appreciate it. Whatever else it was, it was so blatantly there to be there that I couldn't get passed that. It felt slapped on, obligatory. I think the real issue I have with Superman is that it seems much more an idea than a story, if you get what I mean. I understand all superheroes are to some extent concept driven, except maybe like the Ninja Turtles or something, but Superman seems especially so. If someone pitched me the idea, I'd either find it boring, or, if they did so in a way invoking the one way in which I find it interesting, I'd tell them it was definitely a short story idea, not a novel idea. I mean, what can you really do with this? Obviously a lot, since they comic has gone on for like 80 fucking years, but they've already addressed the one aspect I find sort of interesting, and not very well, so I'm not really sure where they can go from here that would work for me. Bring in Batman, I guess? That would probably at least be funny.
  17. LS


    Obviously he pirated it, and thus did not go back on his word.
  18. LS

    Chat Is Borked

    Where is chat? Why my website no werk? Wat am the sky? How does eat food? How to add buddy? Where to find buddy manager?
  19. Oh wow, this is a real thing. I haven't listened to the backlog yet, but I'm already offput by the vibe you guys are putting out in this episode. You act as if you didn't abandon the community for somewhere around 8 years. If you're wondering why everyone here is so hostile to you, it's because nobody has ever fucking heard of you, except in occasional legends, and you manifestly know nothing about the current, or even near-past, community. I appreciate your attempt to return things to the golden age, to the community I loved, but that is not your audience anymore; no one knows who you are or why they should care. And I, for one, don't appreciate your glossing over the dark ages. You can't just post things in audio format and make up for a decade of absence.
  20. LS

    Dark Souls

    http://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=125378191372778421 Probably nothing special, but that's what I'm working for currently. I wanted something with max cast speed to make barebones use of Dark Bead. Ironically it's probably not worthwhile since black flame does a similar job, but the build has extra points and so only hurts from it insofar as it could reallocate points to end, use FAP instead of wolf and hit some lower poise breakpoint with more HP and stamina. But honestly, fuck that, I like 53 poise even on 1.7, and this armor setup looks cool, while everything I can find for 31/36 poise that fits even with reallocated points looks like garbage (though I will probably change my mind and do that at some point). Also, I have the excuse of the buff going away if I switch to the pyro stuff. Can also run Iato or however it spells itself, and I'm actually kind of leaning towards that because the 1h moveset is better. Might actually make a Washing Pole version one day.
  21. http://armoredcoreuniverse.net/forum/index.php?/topic/1616-ac4-tournament-ladder/page__view__findpost__p__27652 You are a fucking idiot and should be banned from the tourney. If I am matched with Pendragon I will not play.
  22. orly September 25, 2011 [Niji] 8:38 pm: King Lear is great. [LS] 8:38 pm: Warning: printf() [function.printf]: Too few arguments in /home/armored/public_html/forum/chat/save.php on line 129 [LS] 8:38 pm: The remix is also great. [KORTOKtheSTRONG] 8:39 pm: what does the middle C stand for [LS] 8:39 pm: Cream. [KORTOKtheSTRONG] 8:39 pm: yes thx [TMRaven] 8:39 pm: wtf is this shit [TMRaven] 8:39 pm: fuck this remix [LS] 8:40 pm: no u [TMRaven] 8:40 pm: it totally ruined the mood of the song The glitched line was, somewhat obviously, a link to Death to the King. This was back when % signs caused there to be too few arguments. I did not realize that this was a topic. I liked this album, although it had too many tracks from Nexus. I did not listen to the ones from Nexus. Death to the King and Goodbye Thinker were my favorites.
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