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Harakiri Tiger

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AC Game: Last Raven





Head | Core | Arms | Legs




Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator




Inside | Extension | R Back | L Back



R Arm | L Arm | R Hanger | L Hanger


Optional Parts:




This RJ has been changed to finally suit my tastes. I think I may be far enough along to call it a finished RJ staple. I'm really enjoying playing it. The thing moves very fast and has very fine control along with surprising aerial agility. Firepower and stabilty are my only really bad drawbacks. Neither is so bad that I can't manage it, though.


I'll edit the post to put it into full detail with a picture and such soon.


Comment and bash away.

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Dual Peyrton in hangers isn't really recommendable in LR... They were in NEXUS/Formula Front, but now, normal handguns can execute the job of hangers on an equal footing as those little pulse guns, and on top of that, you won't be having an annoying SPECIAL lock.


Put either the dual WRAITHS or the dual 69H handguns.


You could also change the R3 to a RS so that you may have something that hits harder.

I usually use Heavier RJs, so I can't really help you on light ones... XD


Oh yes, even if EYE is awesome, you may want to try EYE3.


As you're a RJ... I'd think GULL might fit better on here...

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I've considered Eye3, yah. It's definitely better than Eye in regular stats, but Eye has a nice radar range to it. Right now I'm looking to find a head with around 400 range on the radar, 50 or lower refresh, and some good stats too. Eye3 is definitely good on the stats, haha. Not so good on the radar.


I can't fit RS on here. I've got to change quite a bit of the designs weaponry around to fit that. Otherwise I would probably use that or 81G, BP, or Sawa. Gull overheats me a bit too much with the bot once the core breaks, so I have problems there. I was using Gull before and just switched to V2, haha. My core seems to break really often with this AC. I'm considering switching over to Helios. This would also free up space for a bigger main weapon.


The thing about the Perytons is their DPS. They're really quite accurate and low drain as well as doing a lot of damage really fast. Wraiths and 69H are good, but they just don't dish it out like Pertyon. I'm thinking of maybe changing the left Peryton to a 69H, but I'm still not sure about it. The lockbox isn't really all that bad and the energy damage just totally demolishes most online AC's, since they're typically tuned for shell defense. Still, having a backup HG in the left hand would be nice.


Idk, I'm gonna have to test it more tomorrow or the day after when I get some more free time. So much work to do everywhere. Hahaha.

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Understood for the RS.


As for the PEYRTON, i'll leave it to your choice. I usually found them not that great, but as you said, most bots you meet were made for Shell defense, so as long as it's like that, everything should be alright. (or you could get a compromise, and use WRAITH on one side, PEYTRON on the other)

The reason why I may not find PEYRTON that effective in LR is that most of the ACs I design (which are then used against me) do not have a big difference between EN and Shell defense (i've got a symmetry obsession somehow...)


Changing the core to HELIOS would kill your Hangers though, thus, you'd need weapons with more ammo. If you ever plan on doing that, maybe take the GAST/MOLD/RA2 on the right hand, and use the R3 on your left. It'd be a viable option.

Edited by Terminator98
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I don't know what extensions those are.


You could go radarless and use S4. kissyoh, SLA, histon goes for SS and golgi.


I dig the idea, especially considering that this RJ shouldn't be trying to brawl anyhow. There's the issue of the perytons though. Those weapons need to be all in your colon to do anything...which is the opposite of what I'd be trying to do with that payload. Personally, I don't like playing without a radar, but I could see the merits in it here.


In general, RJs don't like to be in-close, mainly due to a few things:


1. low stability which can be remedied somewhat but...

2. head break means you're stability is done for good...

3. and they aren't really all that agile to begin with


They can move really fast though, especially with OB, and they have low drain usually...so that all plays back to run-and-gun w/ no radar.


If you went s4 and no radar than I'd recommend losing the r arm hanger, switch the l arm hanger to wraith, and force rm3 onto this. RS would be clutch too but you don't really need it in this case...you need spamability more than anything. In fact, you might want to try out flipping the handhelds around and see how that feels.

Edited by Penguin Deus
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Idk about this low stability being remedied thing, haha. I've been trying to remedy my stability for a long time now. I think I've given up on that, though. It just doesn't seem to be happening. Agility and Stability are my biggest problems with RJ's, in general. That's part of the reason I picked Gazelle. I find it to be the legset that works best for me out of the RJ's. LCC mentioned 81M as an option or something like that? I'll just stick to Gazelle, though.


Anyway, my biggest problem is that I have to play keep away with my RJ pretty much 100% of the time. I've noticed that from playing the thing for a few hours and from previous experience with RJ's about a year or two ago. I pretty much play keep away and missile spam. I use Urchin + OB to make playing keep away a bit easier and I occasionally drop warning shots with HP to try and keep some kids off.


Peryton seems to have HP range/accuracy, btw. I really do like Peryton's performance with Histon tacked on. It makes for some very good surprise damage, locks fast, and has no clip size. Haha.


I think I'm going to switch to Helios and tack on RS. Dropping /UL and the hangars gives me a bit of free weight so I can fit on RS, which does better poking. I don't know about no radar, though. Haha. That's just something that would cause me some paranoia on some of my favorite maps, I think. Maybe. I'll probably give it a shot, but I can't test it against anyone decent until I find someone to Kai with.



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I'm fighting low-end Kai people at best for testing, though. My toughest opponent on Kai is potentially AT, who I don't ever see online anymore. If he were online I'd have someone good to test it against, but I don't, haha. Peryton hits the kiddies, tho!


Either way, I'm thinking about dropping the hangars completely and picking up Helios because I feel much more at home on Helios over /UL. I'm not sure if I should go for RS/HP or R2/Griffon, though.

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Staple RJ updated. I found my old savegame that had most of the AC built. All I could remember on it was the /UL and Gazelle before. I touched it up from some of my experience using an RJ over the last few days and some weapon recommendations from here.
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Eye3, maybe. Eye, I don't know. Eye is good for Radar, but after playing Typhoon a bit on Born and a few other maps I find that the radar range wasn't too important. Queen with R+ seems to cover more than enough range and I prefer the stats on Queen over Eye. Eye3 is still quite the contender, though. Haha.
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DRONE has got way better defenses. (Only thing that makes it inferior is low Stab)

STING as well. (Works better than QUEEN on builds other than MW bipeds, say tanks or HW, or Quads

EYE4 has got around the same defenses, and is very light. (It's just it's EN drain and low stab that suck)


QUEEN is good, I never said it's bad. But in my opinion, it's outshadowed by other heads.

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