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Kneeling to use cannons?


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I don't like how you have to stabilize in ACV in order to shoot cannons. This is in an era of AC where team play rules over anything else and if there is an AC on his knees in a 4 vs 4 wide open (there isn't a cover system in AC like there is in FPS's) I know they'll probably be 2 or more AC's swarming him and blasting him into oblivion.


Also remember they will be Overed Weapons in ACV, which will mean kneeling in a team game will be nothing short of suicide.


I never liked kneeling in the old games, but now we're in an era of AC where I don't think it will be possible to do this anymore.

Edited by Duronix
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AC's have no radar

Snipers have long range

AC5 is apparently cover happy

Stealth extensions?

Use a tank (the classic solution)

Use a quad?

There will be more than just AC's to worry about possibly


I don't see how kneeling is going to be pointless. It may be, it may not be.

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Besides, if the unfolding leg-shield is any indication, it's safe to assume that an ACs def points may very well go up while in that state, leaving the player less vulnerable.


If you don't want to kneel, don't use cannons. Or use a tank, maybe a quad, we have to wait and see what happened to them.

Edited by Griffon
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AC:V will become a thinking game instead of a button mashing game. Yeah if you kneel in the middle of the street, prepare for an expensive repair bill. Use cover, stay ontop of building, find tanks to run with...strategize. Use your team. Just remember, if you cannot do it, neither can they.
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Heh, I'm pretty sure some of us here vvill try to be an expert kneeler to some extent until someone better comes along.


on the bright side, the sniper's kneeling position is optional as far as the demo shovved. And I'm guessing everyone vvill have a good amount of time to search for a good hiding/sniping spot before they have to engage face to face.


Heh, I just vvish kneeling cancellation vvas like back in AC1 era, sit on the edge of a building and let the cannon recoil bounce you off so you don't have to stay helpless for more than you need to.

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Man up and use Quads/Tanks. or request distraction penis from the likes of me while you get on your knees to bust out your man cannon


I'll have you know quads and tanks are all I use, and that will probably continue through ACV as well. I just dont like the concept of kneeling, whether it effects me or not. I use quads and tanks as they are the most defensive legs imo, not because I dislike kneeling.

Edited by Duronix
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I don't like how you have to stabilize in ACV in order to shoot cannons. This is in an era of AC where team play rules over anything else and if there is an AC on his knees in a 4 vs 4 wide open (there isn't a cover system in AC like there is in FPS's) I know they'll probably be 2 or more AC's swarming him and blasting him into oblivion.


Also remember they will be Overed Weapons in ACV, which will mean kneeling in a team game will be nothing short of suicide.


I never liked kneeling in the old games, but now we're in an era of AC where I don't think it will be possible to do this anymore.

Well the stabilizing gives you more of a realistic aspect to the game. Also if there is an AC kneeling in the middle of the battle grounds I would bet you his team is waiting for others to attack so they can get a drop on the droppers. Trust me if this is team based there is gonna be a lot of ambushes, and lots of traps.

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I've been thinking. Since firing cannons is now done in the first person, does that mean you can't fire your other weapons in this mode? I hope that's not the case. Edited by Duronix
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Well the stabilizing gives you more of a realistic aspect to the game.



I don't really think it's more realistic by default, especially given what the boosters/"flight control computer" would need to do just to keep an AC moving. They would easily handle a cannon.

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  • 4 months later...
I've been thinking. Since firing cannons is now done in the first person, does that mean you can't fire your other weapons in this mode? I hope that's not the case.


This is a good point, I would really miss that ability but like others have said it's probably ok with tanks/quads so I dont mind too much.


It looks like they wanted a bit more of the rock, paper, scissors thing going on. In acfa there is a bit of a loss of individualism with the legs, you can equip pretty much anything on pretty much anything if you know what I mean.

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And here I thought this thread was about stabilizers(AC4-FA). I'm liking the kneeling coming back in ACV plus with leg shield that should've been introduced a long time ago. Now with the team play concept kneeling will indeed be well and alive. On that note, will we be seeing more variation in the sniper cannons? I believe I've seen at least two different versions of the sniper cannon. May we also see different kinds of sniper cannons?


Maybe a sniper cannon that fires explosive rounds perhaps hmmm? HMMM?!!


I wanna take "make my day" to a whole other level hahaha.


You know what would be nice though? Override feature similar to AC2-AC2AA limit release system. Accept it would also force your regular kneeling AC into firing the cannon while moving. Now this would not be something anyone could spam, this would be a full on last resort technic that would actually cause some structural damage to the frame and also seriously knock you off balance.


How many people would like to pull off a baddass maneuver like that?


Of course me, I would figure out someway to rush up to someone, skid while bringing the cannon out and blast them away at point blank range because using a long range weapon to bust open an opponent who prides themselves on close range like that is so satisfying.

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Kneeling? excuse me while I come up behind with a solid blade. |3


I do like the whole kneeling aspect tbh, I missed sorely it in AC4 (though you could brace if you weren't moving)


Oh great their goes my limbs and any way I could possibly fight.... I want self destruct switch.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking accept reverse, kneeling is now required but it would be nice to break free and risk taking damage from firing the hulking thing.


"Don't do it your arm is going to get blown off you fire one more shot!"


"Then I guess I loose an arm," BLAM!

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