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Sheesh I knew you guys were PS fanboys, but come on. Magnus is really going out of his way to make the Xbox One look bad. I mean saying stuff like if the Kinect broke, the Xbox will stop working. What are you going to do? Chuck the Kinect out the window? And saying the Kinect will spy on you? News flash: EVERYTHING you buy nowadays has RFID chips attached to the product. We don't have privacy anymore. Besides any data that would be gathered would be strictly business related. They won't have people ACTUALLY looking into your living room, (that's imposible to get data on a grand scale that way) they would get the Kinect to send them the data in print, not in pictures. Edited by Duronix
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Sheesh I knew you guys were PS fanboys, but come on. Magnus is really going out of his way to make the Xbox One look bad.




Mangus loves XBOX though. He's not going out of his way to do anything. He's furious because they made something he wanted to like sound like absolute shit.




I've seen the light. XBOX One day one purchase. It makes too much sense not to be right.



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It's not just magnus either-- who was an xbox guy iirc. Micorosoft's stock dropped right after the xbox one press conference, and ign's poll notes that 75% of its readers were disappointed in the same press conference. Edited by The OB Express
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Haha companies spying on their customers has been going on for decades. It's nothing new. I don't like it, but that's the world we live in. Research RFID chips if you don't know what they are. Oh and to OB Express: people are overeacting. The Xbox reveal was targeted at the casual market for the most part. People need to wait for E3 to judge the Xbox One ( sorry about my writing. I can't make paragraphs on the Xbox 360 browser lol.) Edited by Duronix
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People have adjusted to companies going through their purchase activity and what have you. Bringing a camera like this into your home, though, is kind of like having someone watch you play (or etc.) through the window. Except the camera can tell things they couldn't. And the impression given is that its settings aren't entirely controllable. That alone is enough to make people uncomfortable. Add to it the possibility of things ending up more public, or being used as "marketing research," and things go further south.


It's also a little naive to say that the data would be impossible to get outside of print (that is what you implied, right? Correct me otherwise), and that it would only ever be used for business purposes. Also, "business purposes" has been used to mean a lot of things by companies over the years.

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Not imposible to get the data outside of print, just impractical. It would be so much faster to get the info you need if you let the computer do it for you and give you the result in print than having to invidually look at a thousand photos. But yeah I just don't see what they would use the data for outside of business purposes. Maybe I am a bit naive.
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The problem isn't even "them" as a business, it's the individuals within it, and the possibility of onlookers (things get hacked). People within companies have, in the past, been known to use information acquired in the workplace for personal gain. It's not supposed to happen, and there's screening processes involved to try to prevent it, but sometimes someone just looks at something, sees a way to get an edge on someone else, and rolls with it.
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Also I don't know why microsoft decided that DDR3 vram was the way to go over the GDDR5 vram the ps4 has. Anyone in computer gaming knows just how paramount it is to have GDDR5. It literally doubles your viable memory bandwidth, meaning 2x the amount of texture information, anti aliasing etc, can be on the screen at once. That's not next gen at all, hell it's not even current gen-- nor last year gen. It's like 2 years ago gen. Edited by The OB Express
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Kind of lost optimism with newer consoles sometime now. I just won't buy one, unless game companies change the perspective on convenience, instead of focusing too much on graphics. "Life" is repetition enough. I thought that the Vita for the psp games wasn't a regretful buy over the ps3, that gotten no activity most of time when I had it. Edited by Lygophilia
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