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Modern Warfare 2

Bakuhatsu Pengin

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we need taht topic back where everyone is retarded and spews bullshit about game mechanics to sound smart/better than everyone else.


starting with special grenades.


i like them all, really.


smokes can obstruct the entire team's view, creating eitehr a chokepoint for idiots who run through or making everyone else wait it out while you set up or run for a flank


flashes blind fools enough to do pretty much whatever you want to them for a few seconds (including tbagging) and are great for infiltrating rooms


stuns are more for pursuing people than anything. fast throwing and slowing down the opponent are great if you cant catch that person going for the flag or if they pull a corner before you can shoot.

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I started using concussions again, I've been using flashbangs for as long as I can remember. I also need to make a thermal scope, scavenger and smoke grenade class. I tried it once before and it wasn't as effective as I wanted it to be, but maybe I gave up on it too easily. I should try it on HQ.
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I'm a huge fan of the M16. Just unhappy that I had to work to get it. T_T


I think some of the pre-determined weapons also encouraged the game styles we see players using today. I hope a map update will correct that but since we can't select what maps we play on, it's all up in the air even if they DO make some better one's T_T.

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Haha everyone takes the troll bait because everyone on the most-current-popular-FPS is a testosterone loaded, internet tough guy. They're fucking everywhere; it's so easy. And then trash talking and whatnot assures.


But yeah, anyways. What's up with that DLC for MW2? Or did they release it without me knowing or something?

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maps are fine. the only one that has real issues is skidrow


I'd really disagree. All the maps are almost designed for camping. Nothing like what we had in MW1.


Haha everyone takes the troll bait because everyone on the most-current-popular-FPS is a testosterone loaded, internet tough guy. They're fucking everywhere; it's so easy. And then trash talking and whatnot assures.


But yeah, anyways. What's up with that DLC for MW2? Or did they release it without me knowing or something?


Select -> mute... it's what I do.


Also, DLC is slated for "Spring" and it'll be on the 360 for like a month before it comes to PS3. Lol, the excuse being that 360 users get first dibs but in real life it's because coding things like that take longer for the PS3.

Edited by EX33396948
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I'd really disagree. All the maps are almost designed for camping. Nothing like what we had in MW1.


its not the maps that are designed for camping, its the players and game mechanics taht increase camping. what do you really want, a flat area with absolutely no cover or even corners? that would be the most non-camping friendly map and even then someone would jsut prone at the edge of the map and camp.

and speaking of the game mechanics, lets say you are playing domination. you are losing by 40 points but you have flags A and B. should you stick around the flag and defend it from cover, or should oyu run around like an idiot leaving hte flag undefended and lose it? other examples would be HQ, SnD, CTF, etc. there is always going to be camping. even if you stay in one area for 5 seconds, its considered camping. of course, it would be absolutely hypocritical to say you dont camp then, unless you run around with marathon and lightweight and never EVER stop to take cover the entire game. if youre doing htat, you should be killing campers no prob


also, there was tons of camping in MW2. and in every other FPS you will play.


if you have problems with camping either suck it up and actually, you know, KILL the campers, or stop whining because the big meanine killed you

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^The above post is Truth


Camping isnt really a great strategy in anythign other than Hardcore mode. Its best to find a spot, get your kill, then move on. Staying mobile is paramount.


However, it will still be done, it will always be done in any tactical shooter. Chokepoints, and the like will bring that about.

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its not the maps that are designed for camping, its the players and game mechanics taht increase camping. what do you really want, a flat area with absolutely no cover or even corners? that would be the most non-camping friendly map and even then someone would jsut prone at the edge of the map and camp.

and speaking of the game mechanics, lets say you are playing domination. you are losing by 40 points but you have flags A and B. should you stick around the flag and defend it from cover, or should oyu run around like an idiot leaving hte flag undefended and lose it? other examples would be HQ, SnD, CTF, etc. there is always going to be camping. even if you stay in one area for 5 seconds, its considered camping. of course, it would be absolutely hypocritical to say you dont camp then, unless you run around with marathon and lightweight and never EVER stop to take cover the entire game. if youre doing htat, you should be killing campers no prob


also, there was tons of camping in MW2. and in every other FPS you will play.


if you have problems with camping either suck it up and actually, you know, KILL the campers, or stop whining because the big meanine killed you


The difference between this game and the prior are the amount of places you can hide behind. Before you could hit a spot, take someone out and then you knew you needed to move. Before, you moved in the matter of "yards" while in MW2 a new hiding spot is withing feet of the last. Someone comes checking where you last killed them and they have to take into account the 5 other places within a small area you could be watching them for the next kill.


Another unmentioned flaw with this game: customizable kill streaks.

It's my personal opinion that the variety could have been retained by setting standard levels like in the previous game (3, 5, 7) while offering a choice for what occurs with each. It's a little unbalanced when someone gets a nuke off 10 physical kills. I understand it's modern warfare, but a nuke?

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The difference between this game and the prior are the amount of places you can hide behind. Before you could hit a spot, take someone out and then you knew you needed to move. Before, you moved in the matter of "yards" while in MW2 a new hiding spot is withing feet of the last. Someone comes checking where you last killed them and they have to take into account the 5 other places within a small area you could be watching them for the next kill.


Another unmentioned flaw with this game: customizable kill streaks.

It's my personal opinion that the variety could have been retained by setting standard levels like in the previous game (3, 5, 7) while offering a choice for what occurs with each. It's a little unbalanced when someone gets a nuke off 10 physical kills. I understand it's modern warfare, but a nuke?


the amount of hiding spots in one area are just about teh same too. if its really a problem, use a UAV. if htey have cold blooded, then countercamp or use explosives. its really not a problem at all, and if you keep getting killed by the same guy in one area, stop being stupid and feeding him kills.



and for killstreaks, if its air support, shoot it down. launchers lock-on now and an LMG + SP will kill a chopper/harrier relatively fast. or you could use cold blooded. if the person gets a CG then you and your team suck since you arent able to kill one person once.

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I haven't even been seeing too many campers lately. I've mostly seen people using Marathon, Lightweight, Commando and UMP classes. Or anything with Marathon and Commando. That's OK, though. They're free kills when I have a shotgun out.


I haven't experimented with shot guns much but I haven't had much luck with them in MW2 (besides the 1887 or ranger). Are those the only two worth using or are there any others and I just don't know something?

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The SPAS 12 is the best of them, If you miss with a shotgun, you deserve to die


I don't think I deserve to "die" for missing a shot with a gun I don't know well in a video game. I mean, Hitler had to invade a country and kill thousands of people and even then not everyone was like "kill him" until his friends fucked with us.


Honestly there have been some shotgun shots where I'm not sure exactly what ranges "kill" and where I might have "nicked" them in game but whatever reason it didn't register. Regardless of the two I've mentioned, it seems like with a shotgun it's either a "kill" hit or nothing.

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SPAS is statistically the best, but it still has it's low rate of fire problem which will probably get you killed if you run into more than one person at once who is at all competent. It's also very possible to get hit markers with it. It's really not that strong and it really sucks when it happens.


Anyway, if you can do OK with the Ranger then you would probably like the AA-12. Use Scavenger to counter it's low ammo and you should be good to go.

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shotgun is close range. albiet in real life that would be within 100 yards



Safe sex hell yeah!.

Back ontopic; I think that shotguns should be better than what they are giving us in game. How the hell does a guy not even flop over when I shoot the dude with a riot shield in the feet? Now you know that would make the bitch cringe and twitch and do all kinds of funny stuff.




Even though nobody was refuting your claims, successfully and effectively portrays you as some kind of freak that has imagined up an army of opposition ready to jump on him for everything he says about things nobody cares about.


Dear god please don't shoot us because you said something.

Edited by BlooDaNyukka
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