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Call of Duty: Black Ops


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Yeah socom, and Warhawk from time to time on the scea servers. Ninebreaker through Last Raven on kai has ping element, but it just results in a very slight input delay and small framerate drop when the pings get really blown out of proportion. Bad Company series with its dedicated servers has its good moments too, but you're usually pit on the European servers and experience extremely bad lag.
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Primary/Secondary: Crossbow/Dual Mag FAMAS

Lethal/Tactical: Frag/Flashbang

Equipment: Jammer

Perks: Ghost Pro/Hardened Pro/Hacker Pro

Killstreaks: Spy Plane, Counter Spy Plane, Blackbird


Teabag everything you kill and this setup wins so hard.

Edited by Lenin
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Sounds like a troll. It's not legit. If it is, and they do close down the BOPS server, then whatever. I'll just stop buying any Activision games (it is pretty easy). Just don't close the CoD4 server. Actually, I still have CoD4 on Steam ... Edited by Wong
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Demon's Souls servers were "supposed" to be shut down last april or whatever, because everybody takes too literally what the publishers say. I think it's all just a disclaimer more than anything else.


Btw what are some good headsets for cod. My current cheapo headset is starting to tear apart on the padding.

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Nobody on PS3 gets to bitch about netplay ever. Yeah, your shit is hacked and laggy. It's also free. You get what you don't pay for.


Btw what are some good headsets for cod. My current cheapo headset is starting to tear apart on the padding.


I like my Turtle Beach DX11s a lot...

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Nah I'm not about to spend 130 for synthesized amplified surround sound. If I get anything from turtle beach it will probably be their upcoming p11. I heard the px21s have some hissing problems, ad I won't be spending an additional 20 more for universal functioning.
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The DX11s are awesome, though. They make every game sound like the first ten minutes of Saving Private Ryan, only loud.


Srsly, for the first three days I had these things, I'd hear a grenade fall across the map and flinch like a bitch .5 seconds later. Was even worse if the guy actually cooked it.


Being able to hear the enemy's silenced weapon is a pretty beastly ability, though.


But they're like if the definition of "unnecessary" could fit around your ears.

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Nobody ever complained about my mic really, and I have a 20 dollar usb headset. The only thing is that for some reason I can't listen to ingame audio with it, so I'd like to be able to soundwhore a bit more, but 130 for virtual surround sound doesn't tickle my pickle. The P11 is just like the high end ones in that it's still an amplified headset with 2 drivers, but just no synthesizer. There has to be headsets besides turtle beach though.


I prolly won't get bluetooth headsets like the jawbone, as I want cups and wired. Any of the people I know online who've had bluetooth headsets always shitted out from time to time as well over their voicechat.

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If you want to soundwhore at all, anything Turtle Beach will do, really. Their lower line stuff, not so much... You'll have to turn your in-game volume waaaaay up for it, but they should still work in the end.


Of course this only applies to CoD4. BOps is a big fat no on soundwhoring, obviously. Treyarch tried desperately to kill everything good about the Infinity Ward CoD games. I haven't really tried it with Ninja Pro, though... But it doesn't seem that awesome.


But I know the only thing a headset will really let you do without it is hear suppressed enemy weapons.

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You must be spoiled then, because I can hear enemies reloading their gun and cooking frags anywhere in the vicinity of me, and by vicinity I mean from one end to another end of one of the buildings in grid. I have ninja pro, but it doesn't seem like it made their footseps louder-- only their other actions (such as reloading etc)

And all of that is just with the TV on a low volume.

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Reloading and grenade noises also happen to be obnoxiously louder than footsteps. It's like treyarch purposefully wanted those actions to be punished. And then they design maps where you could be attacked from just about anywhere in your vicinity, but not give you the ability to legitimately hear footsteps. By the time I do hear something they are right there. I've never looked like so much of a crack addict in a game before. In this game it just seems like it's best to just pick a direction and go without bothering what the other angles are because you tend to get punished for stalling your movement even a little bit.


Honestly, this game doesn't even feel like call of duty to me. It's something else and I don't like it. I don't like hacks more though so I'm kinda stuck.

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My DX11s actually let me hear footsteps really well in BOps. Like REALLY fucking well, but I have to crank the things up so damn loud the sound of anything else feels like getting stabbed in the eardrum with a gutternail, so as far as I'm concerned it's "no audible footsteps in BOps".


Anyway, the entire game fucking sucks plain and simple. I'm just alternating between FAMAS and L96 trolling from now on. It's impossible to have fun in this game, so I might as well piss as many people off as I can. At least it's better than what Modern Warfare 3 will be after that's brought to us by the same worthless bastard sadsacks that made Quake 4 and Wolfenstein.

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Map pack came out. So far I've only played Stadium and Berlin Wall.


Stadium is actually really good, but I'm disappointed with it since the actual stadium part of the map is off limits. I had visions of popping quick shots and taking people out both on and from the bleachers, but nope.


Berlin Wall is the single worst map in Call of Duty history. Think Launch is bad when the rocket takes off? Wait until you meet Berlin Wall's tunnel of death machines. Thanks to this genius idea by the veritable Stephen Hawkings at Treyarch, 40% of this map absolutely cannot be used. And since it IS Treyarch, they took what would have been a good sightline and thrown a bunch of obstacles in the way to completely prevent any chance of you getting your l33t sniper on... Or displaying any real form of marksmanship.


When I heard about the "no-man's land" in the middle of the map, I thought "neat. I can for see myself possibly stealthing my through that shit to take somebody by surprise because they wouldn't be expecting someone to pop out from there. That has to be how it is, because absolutely no company producing an FPS would be so stupid as to render the middle of a map they're asking people to motherfucking pay for totally useless by creating it as an area where if you step into it, sirens fucking blare and two rows of death machines pump rounds into your face like wartime bukkake and you have no hope of survival if you do not immediately run away."


I was really, really, really wrong. Treyarch is that stupid.


Kowloon and Discovery look pretty sweet too. I'd be on that shit now just waiting for those things to pop up in rotation, but because Black Ops sucks, I'm either red or yellow barred which is just another thing to increase the size of the list of reasons why this game is unplayable.

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And that's the only thing that's ever made sniping in this game bearable to me. I'll give that guy credit for not ragequitting, though. I would have sold my Xbox.


I do wish in a way, I could have seen that from his perspective in real time. That is, looking on as this man watches me end his failed abortion of an existence twice... in one killcam.


I'm a pretty cool sniper, I spawnrape n00bz and doesn't afraid of anything.

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