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Head:soldner-sorry i dont know the exact part names but i mean the head with massive def

Core:Argyros-chose for def alone

Arms:The HW GA arms-more def YAY!!

Legs:GA tank legs with highest def-MORE DEF???!! YUP

Genorator: Hector

FCS: Judith

Side booster: Argyros

OB:KB judith



Right back:POPLAR01

Left back:Sniper Cannon-Your choice on wich sniper cannon

Shoulder:Vert relatation missiles-forgot the name


Tuning:Your choice

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so confuse posting :/ nvm, I'll try to get closer about this,


Head:soldner-sorry i dont know the exact part names but i mean the head with massive def<---you're right, SOLDNER-G8

Core:Argyros-chose for def alone

Arms:The HW GA arms-more def YAY!! <---it is GAN01-SS-A

Legs:GA tank legs with highest def-MORE DEF???!! YUP<---it is RAIDEN legs if I was right

Genorator: Hector

FCS: Judith

Side booster: Argyros

OB:KB judith



Right back:POPLAR01

Left back:Sniper Cannon-Your choice on wich sniper cannon

Shoulder:Vert relatation missiles-forgot the name<---it is NEMAHA01


Tuning:Your choice


didn't test this bot yet, btw, I'll test it soon.

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I would use Argyros head over the Soldner head if you're stressing defense. Also, start with the Judith generator, then if you need more EN you can move up to Aaliyah. I also recommend the booster set Judith (MB) / Aaliyah (BB) / Holofernes (SB) / Linstant (OB). Don't disregard PA defenses just because you're using a tank. PA being up and active makes a drastic difference in damage no matter the AC, that's how AC:fA was designed.


Also, be sure to cover different ranges with your tanks weaponry. It's a giant mobile weapons platform, after all. Though not mobile enough to dictate ranges, so your weapons have to make up for that. Since you have the MG/Shotty combo in your hands, I suggest switching out the missiles for some other weapon. Preferably an energy cannon and then equip PA rechargers on your tanks shoulder slots if you can support the drain.


GoMAP's can be fun, but they're not the easiest thing to use. Haha.

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You should have flares on tanks, especially since you seem to like the concept of being hard to damage. Try Yasmin or 051ANAM, those are my favorite for tanks. Choose Yasmin if you want something that will last longer if you don't have a problem with having to dodge some missiles it doesn't get rid of due to lower effectiveness. Choose 051ANAM if you want the highest potential to neutralize large barrages of missiles, at the cost of number of usages. (Yasmin has 14 usages, 051ANAM has 10)


Also, be sure that you're making use of the hangars if you're using tank legs. I believe that's the only reason to use tanks, because heavyweight bipeds with a focus on a powerful PA shield will end up being much more effective at decreasing damage done from most weapons in the game, while being much faster and maneuverable if designed correctly. The only notable thing tanks have over them are the hangars, really. Tanks will almost always end up with more AP, but the amount of defense a biped's strong PA shield can provide will more than make up for those few thousand AP.


If you need ideas on how to use the hangars, try things like putting a PITONE as your initial hand-held for the sole purpose of shooting it empty as soon as you can and dropping it for the weapon you have hangared that you would like to use for the longer part of the match. Another popular thing to try is putting dual MARVE assault rifles into your hangars and pulling them out when you end up getting into a bad situation against a quick CQC bot.


This advice is based on PvP, so if you're just doing single player and don't care about online, you can disregard this.

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change out poplar for either one of the wheelings. they make great cq/mid-range deterrents

you should change the FCS for hogire to give more range for your SC (and wheelings if you decide to change to them). as a tank youll want that range control on your opponent. (as niji stated)


i would probably change out motorcobra for either a kapteyn, 63ABSR, or something similar. you already have a shotty and missiles for close range, so you can invest in something that will support your SC.

although if you want to keep your cq weapons on your arms, you should just change out the motorcobra for any of the zooks or a marve, something with more firepower or DPS. you can try using niobraha or allegheny and then putting an ogoto in place of your back missiles. SG+missiles, SC+GL, SG+GL, SC+missiles. youll get a lot of mid-close range diversity as well as firepower.


also (like chode said) take advantage of your hangars. id recommend changing the shotgun to SG0700, especially since is got a nice tight spread and a high ROF. and because tanks can hangar anything, you can spam away and drop it for an AST rifle or something else.

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  • 2 months later...
Sorry this took so long but here is the new version: Head: Argyros Core: Argyros Arms: The GANO1SSA or something Legs: Raiden MB: Comes with tank so I don't know BB: Same thing SB: Holofrrnes OB: Linstant RAW: I kept the MOTOCOBRA LAW: I changed shotgun to the Omer one RBW: Wheeling01 LBW: SC Shoulder: Flares of your choice RHW:Nothing--Just because MGs never run out when I use them O.o LHW: PT0NE1
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I know I said to someone once that I prefer horizontal layouts to vertical ones, but this is ridiculous.


Regardless, I dislike the weapon set-up highly--specifically that you would have CQC weapons as your main, with a sniper weapon in the hangar. If anything you should start with snipers or mid range weapons and drop into closer range weapons. Being part-specific, Wheeling01 missiles blow big time; switch it out with anything better.


Also you didn't list the generator or FCS.

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Sorry this took so long but here is the new version: Head: Argyros Core: Argyros Arms: The GANO1SSA or something Legs: Raiden MB: Comes with tank so I don't know BB: Same thing SB: Holofrrnes OB: Linstant RAW: I kept the MOTOCOBRA LAW: I changed shotgun to the Omer one RBW: Wheeling01 LBW: SC Shoulder: Flares of your choice RHW:Nothing--Just because MGs never run out when I use them O.o LHW: PT0NE1

any design(s) should be always come together with DESIGN TEMPLATE!!!(it was nice & easy than like this)


btw, I'll show you about this. (just for AC frame, no tuning, no stabilizer setting)

frame : (head | core | arms | legs)



internal : (FCS | generator)



boosters : (main | back | side | OB)



armaments : (R arms | L arms | R back | L back | shoulder)



hanger : (R | L)



hope you'll learn to using template (no need to do the same thing like me, just choose template whatever you like) for next time.....


EDIT : cut the big red "GODDAMNIT!!!" out.

Edited by Tarstrudelvick
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Okay yeah, you're going to need something with more range than Judith for a tank and also I'm pretty sure there are gens much better than Hector in this reg set.


And still, Wheeling01's are only potentially useful as 061ANRM relation-missile dumps on quicker AC's that can't afford the weight or drain of Wheeling03 (and even at that there are always wiser choices).

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