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  • Azure Knight

    Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

    By Azure Knight

    Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.   Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.   I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.   T

How mushrooms can save the world.

We do have serious ecological issues to hash out.   Paul does sound like a bit of a liberal-hippie whack-job, but he's a pretty smart guy; the work he's done with DARPA and the DoD and bio-defense stuff is ground-breaking, along with just about everything he's into now.   Here's an interview w/ Paul Stamets, parts &   I'll repeat he does sound whacky.   So yeah, there's that.

Women, Kids, and Workers Rights in the Islamic Middle East.

So, here's the videos, there's 25-minutes in this post to watch.     Female circumcision in Islam is fairly commonplace, and a pretty gnarly practice; with even more grotesque related practices.   Women in Sanaa   Wahhabi Sunnism on the rise, spreading it's cultural standards onto the already second-class women of other regions in the Middle East.   Young and Invisible   Domestic worker abuse (a fairly global issue), but something that buds from the arising middle class in Yemen.     A 12 ye

Afghan women still risk death to learn how to read.

Alot of people want to know why Afghanistan matters, well there you have it in one good example.   Would it really be in the interest of the American people to break our promise to the Afghan people, for the second time; and let them fall back under the influence of Wahhabist suicide-murderers?   I don't think it is, granted there's alot of money being spent, but we have already committed to them, and "pulling out" now is more than just an act of saving the US from excess military expenditures.

Sam Harris - "Who Says Science has Nothing to Say About Morality?"

is a video of Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins discussing Harris's new book "The Moral Landscape". It's 1 hour and 17 minutes, so be ready for a lengthy lecture if you are looking to watch it.  Taped at The Sheldonian Theatre, University of Oxford, April 12th 2011.   I'll also link to , which is Sam Harris's TED Talk on the same subject, because it gets referred to.  I'd post a transcript of the book, The Moral Landscape, but I don't have one; here's the wiki.   I know what I think, but if someb

Chapter 3 : The Armored Core

Coming out the VR room with the light scorching his eyes with its brightness, footsteps were coming his way. Bilal shaded his eyes from the light trying to visualize the person in front of him.   "Mr. Rabah? Please fill out this form for us to deliver the Next to your hanger."   "Sure, just give me a second to actually see anything first." Bilal replied blinking rapidly till his vision cleared up. He filled up the form to the best of his knowledge as soon as he regained his sights back and hande

Moon Walker

Moon Walker

Ch3. Part 2.

-Cradle 054, 0600hrs- "Listen up, this is day 2 of your training. You'll be here for at least a week before we can send you out to the field, unless of course you prove to be capable of handling yourself with the least amount of training."   Bright and early in the morning and Captain Stone sounds like he's been up for hours, or an early bird just like Bilal, he's usually up by 5 to half past 5 AM. Bilal never got into the habit of staying up late, from childhood onwards he still maintai

Moon Walker

Moon Walker

AC3 Chapter 2

Lightweight with machinegun arms, duel vertical missiles and the turning extension.......or midweight with a blade, a radar unit, a chaingun, and a handgun? I thought to myself. My operator gave me the option of either   THREE DAYS LATER   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________   "Adiou or something," I said. "That is his name I think. He looks suckish, he can't even afford to change his AC... This should take 5 seconds." I started to



AC3 chpter 1

Hey guys ive been playing AC3 lately so I wanted to make a fanfic for it so...here we go         ."Ill go over the mission one more time," the Mission Evaluator said. "your objective is to eliminate all forces occupying the city, the targets are battle MTs....good luck." I jumped out of the FTU (Flying Transportation Unit) "Ill do my best!" said Apple Boy. What an odd name. atleast he has one "Heh." Hmmmm reverse joint type MTs with rifles eh? To easy.   I blew a hole in one of the MTs with my



Im soooooo bored.

HI!!!! I am a boring person. I suck at AC games. So... yesterday I broke the wall. That is not a metophor. I am also a horrible artist sometime i might post some of my "sketches". I need more stuff to write.......byebye.



D3@ Sinai.

Sept 13th 2010.Ever wonder what it's like to see a person constantly under body breaking pain?I have, meet sickle-cell disease (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle-cell_disease).21/F/African American.She came in because she needed some work done on her stomach region,patches kept popping off cause she was moving too much.I've yet to hear a person scream that loud and horrific in my life.They doused her up with enough painkillers and drugs to put a elephant in a coma at the start though,at least



Fun stuffs.

Been doing fun stuffs like moving, and job hunting, thats always fun. My options of as now are a waiter, a gas station clerk or a full time Hobo. I'm hoping for the waiting job. Just not looking forward to wearing a suit every damn day. Enough of that useless crap about my personal life!   I've neglected my blog here for a while, no big fuss though.   Still writing and pixeling though.   Heres two random pixel characters. Not 100% perfect and I used "pillow" Shading which is a way of saying I




D2 Aug/30th/010       As much as awesome the last visit was,this one was more or less of a joke.I finally know what it's like on a day where the hospital is a ghost town.It mostly consisted of me,pap and a few of his friends on youtube drinking lukewarm coffee and stale muffins.   It would seem it's only this ward though,the other ones were seeing work but I geuss sometimes you just strike out.Pap doesn't seem to mind it most though,say's it gives him time to relaxe and not have to go through so



Day One.

D:1   As a part of my education,I am to be a intern at a top hospital in Baltimore.(See Sinai @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LifeBridge_Health)   I had a family member in the upper branch say a kind word or two for the internships that many hospitals in Baltimore occasionally have.Mainly though one as he's a top veteran of 37 years in Sinai itself,yeah you read that right-I lucked out only because my pap's been there for so long.       I first went there last monday (23rd).For the most part,disr



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