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EVE Online - ACU Corporation

Harakiri Tiger

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----- About EVE


EVE Online is an MMO developed by CCP Games. EVE is a heavily player-driven persistent world set in a science-fiction space setting. The EVE economy and territorial system plays a large part in why this player-centric world can exist. Nearly all of the items that can be acquired in EVE are created by players from resources gathered in the game world, excluding a few rare items. Players pilot customizable ships of greatly varying sizes in a galaxy comprised of about 7,500 interactive planetary systems. The individual planetary systems are quite large and populated by things such as stars, planets, moons, asteroid belts, ice fields, gas clouds, wormholes, space stations, stargates, ancient wrecks, and other such things. Players and their respective corporations and alliances can fight for the sovereignty of most of these systems, thereby acquiring control of the systems resources.


EVE is a relatively open-ended sandbox game. Players are left to their own devices and must set their own goals. Because of this, EVE does not provide a true end-game experience nor does it constrict you to just one kind of activity. You do what interests you until you get bored and then you do something else, if nothing interests you in the game then it's probably time to call it quits. Luckily, EVE provides a number of ways to keep you entertained. The majority of activities fall under a few major categories: Industry, Trade, Exploration, PvE Combat, Empire War, Sovereignty War, Corporate War, Piracy, Extortion, and Fraud.


EVE is run as a single server instance. This means there aren't 20 different servers to pick from when you join the game, there's just one server and everyone plays on it together. The server population is pretty large at almost all times. At its daily peak it's around 60,000 people online and at its low it's around 25,000. Due to EVE's relatively free-form play and large simultaneous population, conflicts of interest between players is commonplace. It is very possible that what you want may be what someone else wants. This will infallibly lead to the creation of allies, enemies, and everything in-between. Player interaction is central to EVE, there is simply no feasible way to avoid it.


Finally, for those of you who dislike playing games that cost monthly subscription fees, EVE has an option to play the game for free. It is possible to purchase an item in-game known as a Pilot's License Extension (PLEX). PLEX are created in EVE by redeeming real game-time cards using an in-game interface or by using the official EVE website to buy them and directly place them in your characters cargo, after which they are sold on the in-game market. This allows a legal method for players to purchase in-game money (ISK) with real money, while simultaneously allowing other players to purchase game time with ISK. A single PLEX will extend your remaining game time by exactly 30 days. The average price of a PLEX in game currency is about 400,000,000 ISK.



----- EVE Storyline


Humanity, having used up most of Earth's resources through centuries of explosive population growth, began colonizing the rest of the Milky Way. This expansion led to competition and fighting over available resources as it did back on Earth, but everything changed with the discovery of a wormhole leading to an unexplored galaxy they dubbed New Eden.


EVE is set roughly 21,000 years in the future and takes place in New Eden, a cluster of stars far from mankind's original habitat. How far away, and whether or not that cradle of civilization still exists, is a mystery. Humans arrived through a natural wormhole and, gazing up upon an alien sky they had never seen before, were completely unable to determine where this new world was located. From the New Eden planetary system, where the gate of EVE once led to the old world, humans expanded in all directions at a furious pace, exploring and colonizing rapidly.


Then, unexpectedly and seemingly unprovoked, the EVE gate collapsed in an apocalyptic catastrophe of a scale never before witnessed by the human race, ruining the New Eden system in the process. Thousands of small colonies were left in complete isolation to fend for themselves, cut off from the old world. For millennia they endured, clinging to the brink of extinction. Only a handful managed to survive. Of those that lasted, five were to rise up and become the major empires that, between them, hold the balance of power in the world of EVE. Today, they are known as the Amarr Empire, the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State, the Minmatar Republic, and the Jovian Directorate. Additionally, the galaxy is full of several small, independent factions and states.


For more than a century, the five empires have lived together in relative peace. They've continually strived to maintain this peace, as each faction realizes only too well the grave consequences of a massive inter-stellar war. Recent technological breakthroughs in faster-than-light travel, and the ensuing increase in space travelers, have shaken, but not broken, the fragile peace... at least not yet.



----- How to Join EVE


You should read this entire section carefully if you want to steer a spaceboat across the deep black sea with your fellow ACU members. There are four different ways to start playing EVE Online. Believe it or not, there is a worst way and a best way. I'll detail the different methods so that you can choose what suits you, although we prefer that you use method #1.


  1. Receive a 3-Week Trial Account Buddy Invite - This is the best method to join EVE with simply because of the extended trial period. If for any reason your account ever gets upgraded to a full account, the person who invited you gets 30 days added to their account time for free as well. Also, if you immediately upgrade to a full account after receiving one of these invites you'll essentially get three free weeks of full account time for a grand total of seven weeks. No matter which way you look at it, it's an amazing deal. This is the best method.
  2. Sign Up for a 2-Week Trial Account - Go to this website and click on the button that says >>TRY EVE NOW
  3. Purchase EVE through a Retailer - This is the same as the last method, which is purchasing a full account immediately through the official EVE website, except that they occasionally release a collectors edition that has some special gift with it like a real life lighter, shirt, or some interesting in-game item. Avoid buying EVE through any retailer, including Steam and other online retailers, unless they explicitly state that there is some special gift provided with the purchase. You can not upgrade a trial account with a retail key.
  4. Purchase a Full Account Immediately - Do not do this if at all possible. Purchasing an account directly is the worst move you can make. You skip the free trial weeks if you do this. If you're sure you're going to upgrade to a full account immediately, instead start on a trial so you can get those free weeks added on anyway. You get to keep whatever trial time you have remaining when you upgrade and it's treated as full account time.


Please remember that trial accounts are limited in what they can do in EVE. Access to some skills, ships, modules, and other features are disabled for trial accounts. This means you may not be able to do everything you want unless you upgrade to a full account. You likely won't run into these limits until the last week of your trial, though. It is possible to upgrade your trial account to a full account by subscribing, using a game time card, or using a PLEX.


We highly recommend that you ask in this topic for a buddy invite, even if you only plan to try the game out.


We try not to use PLEX until we need to, so it's possible that you might be PLEX'd upon joining EVE with a buddy invite since it grants both the inviter and the invitee a free month. In other words, it costs us nothing to upgrade your account to a full account and give you a free extra month of play if we happen to have an unused PLEX lying around. This all revolves around you joining via a buddy invite and us having an unused PLEX available, but since we don't use them till we need to, it's not an unlikely scenario. We're not sitting on top of a gold mine of these things either, though.



----- Videos


The Butterfly Effect & Causality


EVE: A Furture Vision & I Was There



EVE Storyline Intro & No Other Destiny & Revelations: Man's True Nature


Empyrean Age Video Set


Dominion & Tyrannis & Incursion Video Set


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----- ACU Corporation


ACU's EVE corporation is known as ACU Nerves Concord. Yes, someone already used Nerves Concord and a few other names from Armored Core for their corporation titles. I was stuck having to tack ACU on the title or using something even less thematic, even more tacky, and sillier sounding. Our corporation ticker is ACUNC. Someone took ACU as a corporation ticker already, too. Who would have thought? Haha.


Anyway, our corporation doesn't actually specialize in anything and has no major goals. It's just here for ACU site members to join so they can chat with their friends from ACU in EVE and do things together if they so choose. I'm sure that later on down the road we'll establish clearer goals if we maintain a decent level of activity. Most of our players are currently focused around PvE, though. However, we do have members who have some experience in the major fields of Industry, Trade, Exploration, and PvE Combat.


If you're new to EVE or want to try EVE out, we can very likely help you get started. Don't get me wrong, though. There are better corporations you can join in EVE as a new player, but none of them will be likely to have fellow ACU site members in them. We only have a decent learning experience alongside people you already know to offer. I think some people will like that, though.


You must be a registered and known member of ACU to be accepted into the corporation.


ACU Corporation Information

Corporation Name: ACU Nerves Concord

Corporation Ticker: ACUNC

CEO: Niji Tenshiken

Shares: 1,000 (0 Available)

Tax Rate: 2.5%

Member Count: 11


Available PLEX: 0

Currently At War: No


In-Game Public Chat Channel: Nerves Concord

Corporation Killboard: ACU Nerves Concord



----- Major Activities in EVE




----- Mini-Guides




----- Character Creation




----- Starting Out in EVE




----- HUD / Overview




----- Races & Ships




----- Ship Fitting




----- Tech Level / Meta Level





----- Useful Programs & Links


EVE Fitting Tool (EFT) - A very helpful program that allows you to load up ships, fit them with any modules you want, and then get a full stat readout of that ship. You can see what you can and cannot fit onto a ship, how much HP or damage it might do, and even graphs for damage per second (DPS) over various ranges. Most importantly, you can import your character's current skills into EFT and find out whether you can even fly the ship, the ships stats for your character as they are right now, and what skills you'd need to be able to fly the ship if you can't fly it yet.


EVEMon - A special and highly useful program for managing your character. It allows you to view much of your important character data while you're not online, can tell you whether the main EVE server is online or not, and will remind you with a small pop-up if your character has free space in their skill queue or no skill training. This program also allows you to plan out your skill queue and will tell you what the best stat layout for training that skill plan would be.


EVE-Survival - Highly important for mission runners of all ages and experience levels. This site has very detailed information on nearly every mission in the game that you can currently do, though it is missing some. You can find out exactly what type of damage you may encounter in a mission, what kind of special surprises you may have waiting for you, and whether you can blitz the mission and skip doing lots of nitty gritty work. A nearly invaluable resource.


DOTLAN - An extremely detailed EVE map database. Contains very detailed and up-to-date information on every system in EVE and its contents. Very useful for when you need to know about what kind of things are in a system (asteroid belts, planets, moons, etc) as well as showing the activity of the system (kills/jumps). Very useful for those who like to do exploration.


EVE Server Status - You can check the status of every EVE server with this page, including test servers. Current user count and general activity on the server as well as which patch/version it's currently on can also be found here. Its homepage is also filled with lots of useful info.


EVE Sovereignty Map - This map shows the entire EVE galaxy colored to represent corporation (player) owned territory. Each dot is a solar system. The center area belongs to the NPC empires, so it will never be colored in. Recent sovereignty changes are listed in the top left of the map. This site updates daily.


EVE Agents - A more detailed agent finder than is available in-game. This is useful for finding a specific type of research and development agent or for finding specific epic arc (storyline) agents as well as locator agents.



----- EVE Players List (ACU Site Members Only) [Non-ACUNC Members Included]




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90 and i were missioning in 0.4sec when some guys showed up and blew up our ships


90 had a 55mil hurricane and i had a 100mil dominix

they had a drake, a rapier, and a tengu


neither of us got podded, but 90 ejected instaed of letting his ship blow up and voided his 100% insurance coverage

Edited by noob
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90 and i were missioning in 0.4sec when some guys showed up and blew up our ships


90 had a 55mil hurricane and i had a 100mil dominix

they had a drake, a rapier, and a tengu


neither of us got podded, but 90 ejected instaed of letting his ship blow up and voided his 100% insurance coverage


You can't prove I was ever there.



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I'm still laughing so hard about that. I LOVE the fact that he ejected. That response just cracks me up so good. Idk. I nearly cried cuz I laughed so hard.


Srsly, though. Missioning in lowsec when you don't know too much about how lowsec works (outside of "people can shoot me") isn't too great an idea! 90, Noob, Adonael, and DMX have all lost a ship each that way. All in the exact same system, too. The biggest thing to learn for some simple defense in lowsec missions is how to use your DScan effectively, I think I tried to show nob once but I never got to really get into it since we got sidetracked, and to stay pre-aligned in most scenarios. Also, you need to avoid those systems that are guaranteed to be camped. Egghelende is a deathtrap, just check the killboards and you'll see people blowing up in that system all the time.


Oh well, at least it was an entertaining adventure.


Delve is a pretty exciting place, huh?

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Here are some useful links.


EVE Sovereignty map

Just refresh to see it change daily.


EVE Fitting Tool (EFT)

A helpful tool to see what you can and cannot fit onto a ship. Also has graphs for DPS and other fun stuff.



A character training tool. Can help you plan and tell you what remapped attributes would be best for your plan, as well as monitor your characters skills, isk, trades, and industry projects.


Server Status

Can tell you if one of the test-servers is running if you want to take a look at it. Its homepage is also filled with useful info, including a solar system info page.



Important if it's your first time going through level 4 missions, and want to make it out with your ship intact.


EVE Agents

Useful for finding a decent agent so you can make them Isks to blow stuff up with.

Edited by Artdeux
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We're doing pretty good, yah. Hopefully we start to get a bit more active, though. It would be great if more people got interested in the game from the site, too, since that would add more players to the pool and all. Haha.
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