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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.5


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As much fun as I had with cod4 and mw2, I may be dropping cod entirely. I'm not even excited about this, let alone even thinking of buying it. The most I'll do is rent it and even then, I doubt I'll buy it. It's gonna be battlefield for me whenever i get the urge to shoot unsuspecting mofo's.


I'm still down for cod4 tho wong if you're down. We've had some good times.

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I like barebones too. The problem is that no one plays it, so if I'm not automatically in a lobby, I have to wait for a while before I can join a game. It's a problem when I go back to something like mw2 and there's only 4 people playing. I'm exaggerating of course, but it sure seems like it's not even that far from the truth.
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I'm still down for cod4 tho wong if you're down. We've had some good times.

Sure, I am free all day tomorrow and Tuesday before 8PM.


As for this game, I might buy it used, but definitely not new. I'd also run Specialist too. It has been decided. My perks will go like:

First Perk: N/A

Second Perk: Overkill Pro

Third Perk: N/A

2-Kill Perk: N/A

4-Kill Perk: N/A

6-Kill Perk: Hardline Pro


I know that most people would use Hardline as their second perk, but that is sub-optimal. This is why.


With hardline as second perk:

0 kills: 2 perks (i do not consider hardline a perk because it does not give you direct benefits)

1 kill: 3 perks

3 kills: 4 perks

5 kills: 5 perks

7 kills: all perks


With hardline as 6-kill perk:

0 kills: 3 perks

2 kills: 4 perks

4 kills: 5 perks

6 kills: 5 perks (with my hardline logic)

7 Kills: all perks


With hardline as you 6-kill perk, you get all the wanted perks earlier and still get all perks at 7 kills. Or you can run without hardline at all.

0 kills: 3 perks

2 kills: 4 perks

4 kills: 5 perks

6 kills: 6 perks

8 Kills: all perks


So for specialist, if you want a usable perk at 6-kills and don't mind getting all perks at 8 kills, don't run hardline. If you want to get all perks at 7 kills, run with hardline as the 6-kill perk.

Edited by Wong
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If you are going to run specialist, it's sensible to run it w/ Hardline.


I think each class gets it's own killstreak load out too, now. But don't hold me to that.


The way I see it, go with Hardline @ Specialist "strike chain", so you get extra perks @ 1, 3, 5 (instead of the 2, 4, 6 w/o), and all perks @ 7 kills (vs 8).


Then again, it may not be that important, it's not like Specialist wouldn't work without Hardline, it's just reducing the kills needed on a short streak is usually pretty useful.


As for the streak perks.


2 (1 w/ Hardline): Assassin (invisible to UAV, portable radar, thermal, HBS, immune to CUAV and EMP, no red name or crosshairs)

4 (3 w/ Hardline): Blast Shield (reduced explosives damage and effect from stun and flash grenades)

6 (5 w/ Hardline): Blind Eye (invisible to air support and sentry guns, launchers lock-on faster and extra bullet damage vs air support and sentries)

8 (7 w/ Hardline) = the rest of the perks

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This is all theory but look at it this way. With your load out, your perks will look like this.

0 = Sleight of Hand

0 = Hardline

0 = Dead Silence

1 = Assassin

3 = Blast Shield

5 = Blind Eye

7 = all 15 perks


With my load out, it will look like this.

0 = Sleight of Hand

0 = Assassin

0 = Dead Silence

2 = Blast Shield

4 = Blind Eye

6 = Hardline

7 = all 15 perks


With my load out, I am able to get Assassin, Blast Shield, and Blind Eye one turn earlier and still get all perks at 7 kills. I hope this makes sense. Of course, if you have Hardline Pro, every 2 assist = 1 kill, which changes the equation a little bit. But my kill to assist ratio is 9/1 anyways, and usually get the assist after I die, so that point is inconsequential imo.


But I will just wait for the game to come out to make any final judgments. As for the weapons, luckily, I do not think there will be a modern game that will not include a variant of the AK.

Edited by Wong
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AK-47 is in multiplayer.


Also, Wong, not having assassin until you get 1 kill, doesn't bug me much; it means if anything, I'm more likely to find someone.


Hardline @ 6 just seems silly to me, may as well get something else as you only need 2 kills more for all perks.


Hardline helps Specialist the most, with the assists and what not, so any assists I pick up also get added into the killstreak, hence why I think having a Hardline/Specialist class is worth while. (My Hardline/Specialist class would probably be Extreme Condo/Dead Silence w/ SMG)


I'd probably also have a class that had Specialist w/o considering Hardline.


Not sure how I'd go about that.


One class I'm pretty sure I'm going to abuse is this.


Shotgun (Spas-12 w/ Grip + range proficiency)

Glock 18 (I'm guessing)


Sleigh of Hand




Also, Wong, I get alot of assists for some reason; it's my luck perhaps. Not sure what my ratio is.

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Yeah, it is all theory fighter for now. You may be right. I was actually thinking about a Shotgun/LMG class with Overkill, or SMG/Sniper class for S&D. It worked well in CoD4 when Stopping Power existed, it should work even better in MW3 without Stopping Power. Hopefully, they kept the speed hax. Overkill is also the only perk you'd miss out with Specialist. Edited by Wong
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Overkill's big question to me is what will be the mobility base.


Like if you have an SMG w/ speed proficiency and an LMG or AR w/ penetration, what will be the base movement speed. Seeing as Overkill makes you miss out on the 2nd tier perk awesomeness, I hope it gives you the movement base of the lighter of your two weapons; or atleast your first primary, like in CoD4.


Something like


Striker 12 w/ Grip + Range Proficiency

PKM w/ Grip + Penetration Proficiency


Sleight of Hand (mostly for the switch speed, but reload speed being useful too)


Steady Aim/Stalker


Btw, I'm still annoyed with the USAS-12 being in game along with the AA-12, when it should be the Saiga 12, and there's also no M1014.


I read on the CoD wiki that Overkill's mobility is based on your first weapon.


So I'll definitely be doing something like that and probably an SMG/Shotgun + Riot Shield.




Best source for info on MW3 I am aware of.

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If MW3 plays anything like MW2 then I will be hoping that shotguns have smg speed as well. They were BUFF, but assault rifles are king so it wouldn't hurt to give the shorter range classes a useable advantage somewhere. Not to mention it will be more fun anyways. Edited by Rachis
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I don't think anyone suggested that MW2 had a speed for shotguns.


Anywho, I really don't like this video right off the bat. I mean last time I checked it typically makes sense that you work for your rewards and Infinity Ward is working a system where every kind of player, not only those that actually kill people, get rewarded as well.




However, I really enjoyed Homefront for the week or so that I played it online and MW3 is shaping up to play similarly.

Edited by Rachis
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Everything seemed fine except for every perk @ 8 and getting credit for assists. I'd rather games just give both (or all) people involved in damage a fool a kill credit rather than punishing random people or giving unfair credit to only one person.


I mean, one of the most retarded things about this series as a whole was that no one (generalizing), even the shit-at-killing-people players, gave a fuck about the match objective. Every single fucking mode was just deathmatch with flashing lights. One of the many reasons I don't even play my Call of Duty games anymore.



EDIT: Much better idea. All fps should give the "kill" credit to whoever caused the highest % of damage to the killed enemy in question.

Edited by Vincent210
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I understand what you mean about the deathmatch in an objective game mode. However, you have to keep in mind that killing is still the number one thing you gotta do. Being a long time halo player, you have to run the objectives when you have a numbers advantage. Call of duty, just like halo, requires setups to run objectives properly. So playing objective games on your own is going to guarantee that you don't get the full experience of that objective gametype. I will play objectives on my own, but my main goal is to kill people in the vicinity of the objective whereas with normal tdm I would just play the map.


Sure call of duty people are stupid. I just heard a guy bitch at me all last night in cod4 about how I was cheating and that cod4 on xbox had dedicated servers. Dumb I know. But the primary objective, regardless of gametype, is killing people. That's actually why you get a lot of people playing objective games in the first place. Killing people who are distracted by an objective are a lot easier to kill than those who are focused on killing.


It's important to understand both approaches to be successful online with objectives.


[edit] As far as kills and assists go I really like how gears of war does it. I mean if you put the final shots in someone then it's your kill. Period. Legitimate kill stealing is gay yes, but so many people get butthurt when they get their kills stolen when they lollygag about putting their people down. In fps your targets need to go down in a timely fashion. So I'm not going to get upset when I'm choking and some guy on my team cleans up what I started. I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with team shooting people and not getting kills for it. I like that MW2 and gears gives you points for assists based on the damage you've done. It's important to shoot at everything that you think you can kill. In call of duty that amounts to you should take shots at everyone because you never know if that one bullet that hits is the only one you needed.

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I understand what you mean about the deathmatch in an objective game mode. However, you have to keep in mind that killing is still the number one thing you gotta do. Being a long time halo player, you have to run the objectives when you have a numbers advantage. Call of duty, just like halo, requires setups to run objectives properly. So playing objective games on your own is going to guarantee that you don't get the full experience of that objective gametype. I will play objectives on my own, but my main goal is to kill people in the vicinity of the objective whereas with normal tdm I would just play the map.


Sure call of duty people are stupid. I just heard a guy bitch at me all last night in cod4 about how I was cheating and that cod4 on xbox had dedicated servers. Dumb I know. But the primary objective, regardless of gametype, is killing people. That's actually why you get a lot of people playing objective games in the first place. Killing people who are distracted by an objective are a lot easier to kill than those who are focused on killing.


It's important to understand both approaches to be successful online with objectives.


[edit] As far as kills and assists go I really like how gears of war does it. I mean if you put the final shots in someone then it's your kill. Period. Legitimate kill stealing is gay yes, but so many people get butthurt when they get their kills stolen when they lollygag about putting their people down. In fps your targets need to go down in a timely fashion. So I'm not going to get upset when I'm choking and some guy on my team cleans up what I started. I'm fine with that. I'm also fine with team shooting people and not getting kills for it. I like that MW2 and gears gives you points for assists based on the damage you've done. It's important to shoot at everything that you think you can kill. In call of duty that amounts to you should take shots at everyone because you never know if that one bullet that hits is the only one you needed.


What I mean is that the style of COD hardwires players so firmly to focus on kills and nothing else that people won't even acknowledge they have a secondary objective to killing.


A simple example is that, if I'm playing Battlefield, my usual squad will fan out, hook into both points (assume we are defending), assess what our team is doing, and go from there. If we're doing really well at keeping shit supressed, MAYBE 1-2 people will shoot out and set-up a spawn-camping scene somewhere in the front lines.


On the other hand, a match starts in COD, within the first twenty seconds all but 1 other person on the team will be running circles in the enemy spawn shooting everthing that moves. They will completely ignore the first bomb that goes off, and only pay attention to the second one either if they lost a match before getting a good killstreak previously, or if they happen to be in the area and the timer is getting low. They really couldn't give a fuck. And if they end their game with a high K/D, they're still being rewarded for that so fuckin much that it's embarrassing that MW as a series even bothers putting resources into any modes besides S&D, FFA, and Team Deathmatch.


I'm not saying that its a problem that killing comes first, I'm saying its a problem that 90% of the community will completely obliterate any thoughts pertaining to the fucking goal unless it directly conflicts with their killstreak, and sometimes won't care even then. It's so bad to the point that those modes are pointless, because even when you have your own chosen team of players, what's the point when your going to win by default?


Kill credit going to someone for putting in that last bullet and stealing a kill is one of the things that reinforces this pernicious mindset. It makes people prioritize chasing down the first thing they manage to damage, rather than making sure to standby the objective they're defending, or know when to cut their losses and just turn tail and get help. If people know that putting the majority of work in is going to net them the credit they needed anyway (or even my first idea of all people involved getting a full credit), people will be willing to work together a bit more, since they don't perceive each other as thieves instead of teammates. It also will prevent a fool from abandoning an important post because they know, chances are either the target will return, or they'll get credit when their buddy tags the bastard, meaning common sense should tell them it'll be more worth it to just do what's best for the team.


So yeah, its kinda obvious I think the assist vs kill system is broke. It just makes a lot of players into 5-legs on a team.

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The whole Prestige Tokens thing they're doing seems pretty interesting. I like how they'll give you tokens for prestiging in older games too.

I'm really debating on if I want to use one of my tokens on unlocking the MSR right off the bat, 'cause most of the other weapons I want (MP5, L118A, M16) I think are unlocked right away or really early. The MSR looks gorgeous, and seems like it may be my sniper rifle of choice. But I don't want to spend a token and end up not caring for it.

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I wonder what the bonuses for old prestiges are.

Token(s) right off the bat. When you prestige in MW3 instead of just getting a bonus/bonuses, you get a token to put toward one of several bonuses. You get a token right away (I think) for each previous CoD game you've prestiged in, so I guess that makes 4 possible.

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