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Armored Core 5 Discussion


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So wait, quads... snipers... Huh? Lots of TL;DR going on here.


Are there handheld sniper rifles in this game or is it all cannons and solely the domain of the quad? I think I caught a whiff in here about sniper shit being quad exclusive, might have misread. Clarification would be great. No RJ snipers = Sad Lenin.

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Where are you guys getting that sniper cannons are Quad only? I'm pretty sure the cannon shown on the first biped on the first live feed was the same cannon shown on the quads. Not to mention the screenshot of the biped kneeling on a rooftop with a sniper cannon.


Also, Sniper Rifles.





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I have no idea why you would think that just cuz the tech is superior that they wouldn't know how to repair it. I'm pretty sure that you can fix holes in your house up pretty good even if you don't know how to build a house. Same with a car. I'm pretty sure you could fix holes in your door without knowing how the engine works. The only parts you'd really have to worry about in an AC would probably be the generator, boosters, and core. Those would probably be where the blackbox tech comes in. The rest you'd probably be able to understand via the blueprints or just reverse-engineering the parts.


The US sent a few tanks over to another country (IIRC it was Britain) And they complained to us that they couldn't repair or maintain them as we refused to release that data to them for whatever reason. That wasn't even superior tech and they still didn't know how to do it.


How do you know the AC's aren't made of some foreign material that had not been created, or discovered yet? It would be like trying to explain titanium to medieval knights. Or trying to explain steel to the Aztecs. If it was made up of advanced material then no it could not be repaired or copied, as they wouldn't know where the material came from.


Do they have the AC's blueprints? If they do then I wasn't aware of that, if so then they might be able to do it.

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The US sent a few tanks over to another country (IIRC it was Britain) And they complained to us that they couldn't repair or maintain them as we refused to release that data to them for whatever reason. That wasn't even superior tech and they still didn't know how to do it.


How do you know the AC's aren't made of some foreign material that had not been created, or discovered yet? It would be like trying to explain titanium to medieval knights. Or trying to explain steel to the Aztecs. If it was made up of advanced material then no it could not be repaired or copied, as they wouldn't know where the material came from.


Do they have the AC's blueprints? If they do then I wasn't aware of that, if so then they might be able to do it.


I think it's more of a suspension of disbelief, here. Afterall, this is a video game. We don't know the full details, but I don't see why this would be such a hang-up since we've been able to do similar things in the past.


When I was designing an unmanned stealth bomber in college, I had to measure stupid angles off of photographs of planes and then extrapolate/guess what the true angles and values were. I know for a fact that Boeing, Lockheed, and everyone else does the same shit. It happens.

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When I was designing an unmanned stealth bomber in college


All they let me do was a racing motorcycle.


Yeah, there's some suspension of disbelief, though I personally am pretty stingy in giving it out. No matter though, I'm fully able to hate the story and like the game. Pretty much the same as all the old AC games.

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All they let me do was a racing motorcycle.


Oh don't worry dood once you get to Senior Design you'll get to do some absurd shit, I'm sure. Where I went the two senior projects were one the school gave us (mine was space-based) and one we come up with on our own, and form our own team for (that was the UCAV one).


Yeah, there's some suspension of disbelief, though I personally am pretty stingy in giving it out. No matter though, I'm fully able to hate the story and like the game. Pretty much the same as all the old AC games.


pretty much huh. Same.

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The US sent a few tanks over to another country (IIRC it was Britain) And they complained to us that they couldn't repair or maintain them as we refused to release that data to them for whatever reason. That wasn't even superior tech and they still didn't know how to do it.


How do you know the AC's aren't made of some foreign material that had not been created, or discovered yet? It would be like trying to explain titanium to medieval knights. Or trying to explain steel to the Aztecs. If it was made up of advanced material then no it could not be repaired or copied, as they wouldn't know where the material came from.


Do they have the AC's blueprints? If they do then I wasn't aware of that, if so then they might be able to do it.


That's actually a legit problem, but I don't think the AC armor is the high-tech blackbox part of an AC. I also don't see why the entire AC would be considered blackbox tech. As far as I see it, the generator, boosters, and core are where the confusing technology is supposed to lie. I wouldn't be surprised if the weapons were part of it, too.


As for those tanks, I'm fairly certain that they could repair them if they needed the tanks and put some work into it. It's more likely that bothering to research the tanks to repair them was more costly than simply having the designer repair it. It's not like fixing cars is rocket science and it's not like learning how to fix them is hard either, but it does cost time. If it costs more time to learn about it than it does to work for the money to have the repairman fix it, most people will just pay the repairman. It doesn't suddenly make the technology out of their reach. It just makes it cost inefficient to bother learning about it.


People would rather work a few hours and pay for someone else to fix it than spend the hours to learn about it, because of cost/time balance. I'd imagine it's the same with general military weapons. If you had an unknown super weapon in your grasp, though, I think donating some man power to researching it wouldn't be too out of the norm. Figuring out what stuff is made of isn't exactly something that takes years nowadays either, especially when you don't have to look at pictures and guess but instead have the thing right in front of you to poke away at. I just can't imagine FROM trying to push that a majority of the AC is blackbox tech.


I mean, come on. Why would you send something you can't even repair the armor on into every playground brawl that starts up? It wouldn't make any sense. It's like if a grade school teacher dug up a one of a kind combat-ready Asimo model robot that's only as strong as a 16 year old male and used it to keep the peace at recess for her class of 3rd graders. What happens when one of those kids knocks it over and they all start hopping up and down on the thing? Think about how much money you could get selling that thing or how much work had to go into making it using today's technology as a reference. It would be absurd to use such a machine in that fashion.


Maybe if Armored Cores had anime armor that can deflect nuclear missiles, kamehamehas, chainsaw swords, and other junk like that with only a few scratches on it I'd buy it. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to send something like that into conflicts that aren't ULTRA important. It just wouldn't be anywhere near cost-efficient.




pretty much huh. Same.


Yah, same with me too.

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I agree, noob. Storyline is just the same crap recycled over the past few games... some random apocalyptic event happens, forcing humanity underground to recover, thus paving the way for the corporations to make some serious bank. Then along comes a raven and fucks society up, even though that's generally not his/her intention at the beginning.


Now I'm not saying that that isn't interesting, at least in some ways, but they could at least come up with something original this time around.

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It all sounds good and makes sense, but these are the same people who are still using Apaches, and decide to fly helicopters into the battlefield only to get shotdown instead of letting the AC's do a little walking. Things never made sense in the first place so I'm not holding my breath on lost tech making sense.


You did clear up the official stance on the story though, I thought you meant earlier that the whole AC was basically black box and that was From's word. If it's only a few pieces, I guess it makes sense. Those gens had better be reliable if they're pumping out terawatt power all day and no one knows how to make them haha.

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Oh yah, it's not the whole AC. And yah, consistency in this series storyline always flies out the window. Kinda annoying, but w/e.


I still have no idea why they fly ACs in if they can infinite boost hover or w/e. Just drop them from a high altitude and let them float it? I figure that would make more sense. That or they could just walk in or w/e. OH WELL. MULTIPLAYER IS ALL THE MATTERS.

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It all sounds good and makes sense, but these are the same people who are still using Apaches, and decide to fly helicopters into the battlefield only to get shotdown instead of letting the AC's do a little walking. Things never made sense in the first place so I'm not holding my breath on lost tech making sense.


Sending an Apache at an AC is stupid, but remember AC's are not the main fighters in Armored Core, it's MT's that are the main units in warfare, and an Apache vs a MT makes much more sense. We control AC's and that is why it's easy to forget that AC's are only for serious missions the companies can't afford to fail. Though I admit the power gap between AC's and MT's is ridiculous, and should be smaller.

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Since we're pulling parts out of the dirt rather than corporations selling them and this is an MMO... is that possibly how parts are going to be unlocked? Playing Archaeology Core with your friends in the downtime between territory conflicts?


Because that'd be pretty gay.

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>An apache at an AC is stupid


if only the hellfire missiles could damage the armour. (you have any idea how effective those are?)


Granted hellfire missiles chew tanks and other things apart pretty good, it's arguable they could.. actually down an AC in a story, just not in gameplay because that would be no fun.

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