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Armored Core 5 Discussion


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Kojima Fairy from ACO translated some stuff from updates on the AC5 website.


  • -Story Mission
    -During your missions, missions objectives as well as developments will change continuously in the large scale maps. One mission can take as long as 1 hour to complete.
    -Example of 1 story mission.
    -In the map called Lower Mainland (hard to read the kanji, so taking a guess), destroy all enemy forces
    -Mission accomplished, but new enemy reinforcements are being air dropped. Mission objective is to take out enemy reinforcements. They are a highly accurate sniper squad. Use the buildings to your advantage and take them out. Take out the reinforcements. and move to the tunnel entrance. Exiting the tunnel to the mainland, mission objective will change. Fighting strategy will change in this narrow tunnel-way.
    -An enemy AC suddenly appears. Mission objective changes to its destruction.
    -Assemble during Missions
    -In special areas, there are special areas known as garage points. Their, you can pay a fee to call in a supply helicopter and do a full unit assembly. Long missions, and changing mission objectives, assembly, repairs and ammunition reloading is possible.
    -Order Mission
    -Play short missions that take up to 5-10min. Numerous mission objectives, 1vs1 AC fights at the start of missions. Arena installment from the previous games will be implemented, with over 70 types of missions to choose from.

Edited by Griffon
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I'll probably wait for the US release as well. It would just take away from the whole experience and ruin it for me if I was to play the game in Japanese. I mean you can't really enjoy it if you can't understand it, and when you finally get the US copy and can understand the objectives and stuff you already know what's going to happen.
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That's only the case if you actually care about the story. Most of us just want the multiplayer, it seems. I know I didn't buy Black Ops for the story (as I haven't played a single minute of the campaign. I imagine a lot of us are only going to play story to unlock parts and in that case it doesn't really matter if it's in japo or 'murrikan.
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I was interested in the AC vs. Real Life topic, and understand completely what the argument is about. Problem is, the enemies besides MTs almost never use missiles, and we're not sure what kind of missiles they do use. Point in short, the missiles could be just generic all-target missiles, not armor-busting hellfire missiles. Same thing with the Bofors and 145mm guns on the Spooky-totally agree, but there are issues.


Also agree on the Raptor Vs. Predator topic. Predators are good against small to medium threats, but would have to be launched en masse in order to avoid being wiped out against a large scale enemy such as the SHORAD. F-22 would be better suited to that sort of warefare.


How this is relevant to Armored Core-Armored Cores are similar to F-22s. Perhaps their armor is a type of reactive armor that can easily stop large amounts of gunfire and some missiles, but because it releases heat it causes the generator and radiator to overheat in order to prevent the wash from burning up the entire unit. Purely speculative of course, as it takes over three antitank mines stacked one on top of the other to blow the turret off an Abrams, and just the turret. The Armored Core is ideal for large-scale warfare, and while MTs and Helos are good, they can't withstand the threat of another AC without en-masse support. Depending on the MT, however, they can deal massive amounts of damage to an Armored Core, AND withstand a mass amount of damage. I HATED those laser-blasting MTs in the hydroelectric plant where you have to prevent the assault on it, I believe. Drove me nuts, because the damn things could fry an AC with around 5-6 shots of their plasma guns.


AS for the migrants, that seems like an interesting proposition. Not too sure about how From will go about it.


For the AC garage in MISSIONS...oh fuck yes. YES. YEEEEES! I hated not being able to change my loadout! I HATED not being able to go back to base and reassign weapons on the field, and then having to deal with shit where I couldn't use my weapons to the fullest advantage! No game does that justice. In real life, planes and tanks and etc. have the ability to RTB to a supply depot or train and refuel/rearm according to what their mission is. This is PERFECT. No more will I be stuck with missiles when I have a huge amount of MTs to shred! I will be able to exchange weapons, and LAY WASTE TO THE FODDER! WASTE, WASTE, WASTE, HA HAH HA HAH A-ahem, excuse me.


New development is new and fantastic. Let's hope it keeps up.


And Penguin Deus, chalk me up for some coffee drops. I'm going on ambush.

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I don't see why not, although I'd never deal with a merchant I didn't think could keep secrets.


Unless there's literally nothing to share because we can't be arms merchants or whatever, or the ones in-game are just regular stores like in other games. Which is probably gonna happen huh!


AC sucks.

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That's only the case if you actually care about the story. Most of us just want the multiplayer, it seems. I know I didn't buy Black Ops for the story (as I haven't played a single minute of the campaign. I imagine a lot of us are only going to play story to unlock parts and in that case it doesn't really matter if it's in japo or 'murrikan.


Well IDK about the story so much, but I sure care about being able to read the stats.

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