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Armored Core 5 Discussion


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I just saw the link LCC posted. Couldn't help but get excited. There's just one thing I want to point out that caught my attention. In the last few pics that look like concept art. Next to alomst every picture is something along the lines of "type1" "Type1+" "Type1++". Each time they added a "+" the part seemed to get some type of upgrade.












Edited by Boss Savage
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AC5 may end up being the first AC game in a while I really enjoy. I had not seen those pics before you put them up Boss. I really like that Type 3 head, haha. The Type3++ gets me too. Live demo goes off in Japan in about 5 days! Here's to hoping some shaky cam vids go up soon after!




EDIT: Just received an email from FROM SOFT, so I'll add the contents from it to this post.


E-Mail Updates

- AC:V official website has been reworked. (Looks great! I smiled like a retard while looking at it for about 2min, haha.)

- March 12th there will be a live demo plus a display of a team battle going on, followed by a developer discussion panel headed by Toshifumi Nabeshima.

- People who attend live get an AC:V sticker.

- AC:V and Dark Souls Promotion Videos are up on JP PSN for download.

- Official Partnership website has been updated.




AC:V screenshots on the official site are looking great!

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we have operators in the game? YES! I'm such a support whore, I'd totally get into that role!


A scan mode too? Scouting role? Hell yes!!!


I'm friggin HYPE now!!

Edited by Densuo
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I like having 1v1 matches where all that matters is your skill.


Provided they can keep 50% of the parts balanced and worth using.


Otherwise it's NX all over again, minus the nuclear reactor in each AC.


EDIT: Also minus the gimped weapon velocities.

Edited by Zephorius
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I like having 1v1 matches where all that matters is your skill.


I can't believe I didn't notice that quote earlier. How is working in a team any less skill-based than 1v1 combat? And since when was skill the only thing that mattered in 1v1? What is your definition of skill, anyway? I think we're seeing things differently.


I can't think of a single AC game where skill was the only factor in 1v1 play.

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Every operator on a team is just gonna be their worst player. Werd.


Having said weakest player as an operator may not be too bad, this will allow them to observe what is going on and learn a thing or two while they are at it. it's not actual combat experience, but they will still be able to pick some things up that will give them something they need to improve instead of just getting the crap smashed out of them and not really learning anything.


although having a fully experienced team, yeah the weakest one prolly won't pick anything up.



Penguin if I may. the mention of Skill etc kind of falls on the topic of what happened with a friend of mine talking about FPS games, and "Carrying your weight" if a team is well known an opposing team may decide to simply smash the team's star player, or their weakest link in an effort to put the playing field at their advantage. the aim there is to make skill meaningless and simply win via firepower and numbers.


granted skill is not the only thing. lag, and how the competing ACs match up against each other is also a factor that's not to be ignored.

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Penguin if I may. the mention of Skill etc kind of falls on the topic of what happened with a friend of mine talking about FPS games, and "Carrying your weight" if a team is well known an opposing team may decide to simply smash the team's star player, or their weakest link in an effort to put the playing field at their advantage. the aim there is to make skill meaningless and simply win via firepower and numbers.


But see, there's generally a way around all of that. You have a team that can support you, and an operator who can help coordinate and provide intel. This is where teamwork comes into play. If you're the best player on your team, you have to understand that there is a target on your back. It comes with the territory.


Thank you for these bolded statements, it's a perfect segue. 1v1 has this exact same problem. You can and will lose to "firepower and numbers" or more specifically, a design that just plain beats yours.


granted skill is not the only thing. lag, and how the competing ACs match up against each other is also a factor that's not to be ignored.


This can't be understated. You can (and if people are planning for you, you will) be hard-countered. Sometimes, playing ability can compensate for that, and sometimes luck will hook you up, but other times you don't have a shot.


The truth is, for AC games, skill is almost never even the biggest component behind who's going to win a match. Especially when you consider how broad a meaning "skill" has in the context of the game. We're talking about a game where there's multiple types of parts that all fundamentally alter the robot's fundamental characteristics. AC has (generally) been a game where you can play to your own strengths and/or preferences, build a machine to fit that concept, and then go against other robots who don't necessarily conform to your view of how to play/design.


Design means almost as much as skill, sometimes more. It changes from game to game, metagame to metagame, and sometimes even from time period to time period. To say that skill is all that matters, and then imply that skill doesn't matter in a team battle, just doesn't make sense to me.

Edited by Penguin Deus
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What PD is saying is your design strengths and weaknesses play a large role in your ability to win a match. Your designs strengths and weaknesses are going to be exploited differently depending on the design your are facing. I have seen all too often people talking about skill, but never assuming that the playing field is the same. If the skill field is the same then all that matters is your design and history so far has shown that stronger designs tend to win games as opposed to stronger pilots. If this wasn't the case then players like PD would just win everything, but he doesn't.


Skill and design play a large role in this game. If the skill gap is large enough then the design role is weakened and if the designs counter each other then the skill role is weakened. That's how this game has always been.

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I wasn't really saying skill wasn't involved in team play. And the Design+Skill thing is true.


My point was basically you don't have to worry about teammates and AI getting in the way all you have to rely on is your design and skill. I prefer it like that.


Not saying I wouldn't play the awesome team game that they came up with here.

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I don't want the weakest player as my operator. That's suicide. Especially if he's a slow witted numbnut.


That's like having the weakest EVE Online player in the group be your Fleet Commander on a roam because he's not gonna be fighting much. Haha, wtf? The guy has no idea how engagements pan out and you're gonna make him general cuz that lets him sit back and not fight? The operator needs to have a significant bit of experience so he can co-ordinate the match on your side properly. He has access to information you do not have access to, especially when you're on the offensive and trying to claim territory you don't know. He has to know your strengths and weaknesses, a good bit of your potential, and how to utilize that as well as understanding what the enemy AC's/Stationary Weaponry can do, otherwise you might get sent to your wasteful death. You might even walk into it accidentally. Most importantly, he has to know how to co-ordinate all of this efficiently. It's really no different from Fleet Commanding in EVE. You want someone experienced. The more experience, the better. They don't need mechanical proficiency at using an AC, no, but they do need to be very good at the game outside of that.


Companies don't make the dumbest and most socially inept person at their business the manager because it keeps him safely away from the normal everyday operations. They do it because he seems to be the most capable at making a bunch of mentally challenged dummies that have functional motor skills much more efficient. To do that, he has to have a good bit of experience doing what the dummies do otherwise he's likely to fuck it up.


(Yes, I know not every employee is mentally challenged or a dummy and not every manager is smart and socially competent. I don't expect every Operator to be, either.)



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Well it all depends on how much influence the operator has in the matches, and how much influence the actual ACs themselves have on the gameplay. Just from pics and interviews alone, we can't tell much.


Any given good team's gonna be sharing experience around equally with each other, and with shared experiences, the most motor intensive skill the operator actually would have to use would be his speech and be coherent enough to get his battle reports out to his team. If From Software makes ACV just like the previous ACs, then it'll be moreso about skill at piloting the AC than actually having a very tactical operator helping you win a game. If From Software designed the game to be very, very tactfully oriented where motor skill at piloting an AC means very little in the grand scheme of a battle, then of course I much rather have the smartest guy on my team in the operator seat.


I just think that if it's still an Armored Core game, there'd be a slim chance at an all-out tactical gameplay like that. If me, LCC, Batoanubis and The Strategist were all part of Twisted Rushers, and bato was hypothetically the smartest and most skillful guy (those two usually correlate with each other), I'd much rather have him as an AC pilot than the operator of the team as the way I currently see AC.


Again it goes back to how much influence the operator has vs AC pilots. Even the dumbest of people I think would want the best guys on their team to have the greatest influence.

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